Gisella Burinato

Gisella Burinato

Рождение : 1946-03-07, Desio, Lombardy, Italy


Gisella Burinato


The Crypt Monster
Vamont Madre
In the '80s, a teenage nerd notices sinister parallels between the story of his favorite comic book and the real life horrors befalling the small town where he lives. He and a few friends seek to investigate.
Non è una bufala
Renzo, 40, lives alone in an apartment that has turned into a kind of bunker. It's been a long time since he leaves home and the only source of livelihood are pizzas and supplì that come home. Convinced that jihadist terrorism is on the verge of attacking Italy, he decides to take justice on his own by sending a bombshell to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia, a nation guilty, in his opinion, of financing terrorists. Not everything will run smoothly as he had expected.
Once I Will Be A Child
Imagine clocks stop in time, happily amazed at that time when we were kids, that time of our lives where every second, every decision, every meeting becomes an experience capable of making us change. Imagine, like children, to travel through time, from the 1960s to the present, and experience small adventures that will remain etched in memory, like the smell of an object, the taste of a sweet, the color of a memory. Imagine being children and have the possibility to still be one. 'Once I Will Be Child' is an episodic film told through the eyes of protagonists between 7 and 14 years. The film goes through six decades (1958, 1960, 1978, 1984, 2007, today) and, inspired by the 'children's movies' that marked the fantasy and the cinema of the ' 80 (from 'E.T.' in 'the Goonies' up to 'Honey, I shrunk the kids!'), outlines an amused tribute to various film genres (ranging from science fiction, to yellow, to the tale of training).
Венецианский детектив
Adele Toniut
Детектив Стукки расследует серию убийств, произошедших в небольшом городке на севере Италии, недалеко от Венеции. Чем дальше он продвигается в расследовании, тем больше начинает понимать, что за тайну скрывают жители города.
È nata una star?
Marco, a shy teenager, learns that he has... what it takes to be a great porn star, but he doesn't know how to tell his parents. Hell breaks loose when a neighbor finds a porn video of him and leaves it in his parents' mailbox.
Двадцать сигарет
Berta Ficuciello
Помощник режиссёра, работающего в Ираке, оказывается в центре событий, при нападении Нассирийской армии.
Кого хочу я больше
Aunt Ines
У Анны есть все для счастья: красивый дом, успешная работа и любимый человек. Но неожиданно у нее начинается роман с официантом Домиником. Оказывается, между ее рассуждениями о любви и настоящей страстью не было ничего общего! Ее невозможно планировать, ею нельзя управлять… Но Доминик женат, он отец двоих детей, и выясняется, что настоящая любовь возможна только два часа в неделю.
Chi nasce tondo...
Don't Think About It
Mrs. Nardini
Having faced the reality of his failed career as a punk rock musician, 36-year-old Stefano Nardini returns home to his family in the small-town North.
An irrepressible passion blossoms between 27 year-old aspiring writer Stefania, and Stefano, a 15 year-old high school student. Their unusual relationship obviously baffles friends and relatives of both components of the unusual couple. Can their feelings withstand their own fears and the pressure of society ? ...
Maddalena, la madre
Главный герой, архитектор Марио, в замешательстве: только он собрался открыть с друзьями бар, как вдруг муниципалитет предлагает ему фактически пожизненную должность. Это, конечно, здорово — но ведь Марио ещё не успел вдохнуть воздуха свободы!
This ensemble drama details the friendships that grow between survivors of the 1997 Umbria earthquake. The townsfolk—adults, children and foreigners alike—deal with various issues as they try to resume normal lives in a homeless situation.
Torino Boys
Slice-of-life stories of young Nigerian immigrants living in Turin, Italy at the turn of the millennium.
Упасть в любовь
Prof. di Filosofia
Маттэо и Питероне - друзья-второгодники, заканчивающие колледж. Они мечтают не об учебе, а о девушках и вечеринках, поэтому на уроках попадают в нелепые ситуации. Маттэо знакомится с Маргаритой. Она старше его, у неё много друзей, в том числе бывших партнеров по сексу. Маттэо захлестнула любовь. Но даже самые хорошие отношения может испортить любая мелочь, например пропавший презерватив. Его воображение рисует мучительные картины измены, да и дела в колледже - хуже некуда.
Frankie HI-NRG MC: Quelli che benpensano
Passenger #5 (uncredited)
Под вечер
Madre di Stella
Профессор Людовико Бруски - пожилой коммунист, желающий жить в аккуратном и социально справедливом государстве. Но беспорядок вот-вот нарушит размеренное течение его жизни, прежде всего из-за его внучки Папери, а потом и из-за матери Папери Стеллы, подруги его сына. Отношения между Оливьеро, сыном Бруски, и Стеллой закончились, вероятно, из-за того, что возлюбленные были очень молоды. Теперь Профессор Бруски обязан достигнуть соглашения с мрачной, необразованной, обиженной Стеллой, голова которой полна ложных и разрушительных идей, и которая мешает его повседневной жизни. Профессор теряет терпение, и Стелла уезжает. Он ищет ее и находит в больнице со сломанной ногой. Они становятся ближе, а затем беззаветно влюбляются друг в друга. Нога Стеллы заживает, и она уходит искать новые отношения, новые эмоции, а профессор начинает ждать её возвращения: и всё это происходит в присутствии Папери, слишком молодой, чтобы понять.
Da grande
Marco, a nine year old boy, is in love with his elementary teacher, and feels neglected by his workaholic parents. When they forget about his birthday he wishes he could grow up at once. This really happens and Marco begins a new life as an adult. He rents a room in his teacher's flat and she falls in love with him. He even fakes a kidnapping when he runs out of money but he is mistaken for the kidnapper.
Neapolitan Boy in New York
Madre di Anna
The story of Nino, a street boy from Naples, and his friend Matumba, a boy from New York who wants to emigrate to Naples.
I ragazzi della periferia sud
Angela's mother
The existence of which is condemned almost all young people born and brought up to the edges of large cities, in a corrupt because of despair and misery that leads to drugs, murder, and prostitution.
Leap Into the Void
Mauro, a judge, is worried about his older sister Marta, who took care of him since he was a boy, and now suffers from mental illness and suicidal thoughts. She seems to recover from her depression when Mauro acquaints her with Giovanni, a brilliant actor at the edge of legality. However, Mauro becomes unconsciously jealous of their relationship and tries to get Giovanni arrested.
In the Highest of Skies
A group of pilgrims in the Vatican is trapped in an enclosed elevator. Then chaos erupts, and repressed urges come to the surface.
The Seagull
A young writer is trapped between his awful actress mother and the knowledge that he has only a mediocre talent as a playwright and almost no force of character.
Stream Line
Signora Leuwen
Rome, October 16, 1943. The Germans deport the relatives and friends of the little Giacomo Treves who fortunately escapes capture. The child is entrusted by a priest, Don Luigi.
In the Name of the Father
In 1958 Angelo, a rich and spoiled boy, enters a religious school, where students are tired of its vice-rector, and the strict rules and old-fashioned teaching methods of priests. Soon, Angelo exerts strong leadership among his peers and incites turmoil among them, helped by intellectual Franco and shy Camma. They expel the prefect from the school, organize a Grand Guignol show, and disappear the corpse of an old professor.