Liron Ben-Shlush

Liron Ben-Shlush


Liron Ben-Shlush


Работающая женщина
Orna Haviv
Орна сталкивается с проблемами на работе: начальник ценит ее и всячески помогает продвигаться вверх по карьерной лестнице, но при этом оказывает ей неуместные знаки внимания. Женщина становится перед тяжелым моральным выбором. Она вынуждена кормить всю семью с тремя детьми и не может лишиться работы, но чтобы сохранить ее, героине придется изменить мужу, который тоже пребывает в тяжелой жизненной ситуации.
Noam, a young gay man, discovers that his father, who just died, had a secret affair with a married man. He follows and meets that man. He now holds his father’s secret.
Next to Her
Rachel, 27, is raising her mentally retarded sister Gabby, 24, all by herself. When the social worker finds out she leaves her sister alone in the house while at work, she is forced to place her in a day-care center. For the first time in her life she shares the upbringing of her dear sister with someone else, her daily routine collapses and the huge void, left by her sister's absence, makes room for a man in Rachel's life. That man, Zohar, tears another crack in the symbiotic relationship of the two sisters. Rachel hangs on to his love as if it was a life belt. But her inability to lead a normal, intimate and emotional relationship with anyone but her sister, forces them into a twisted threesome, where boundaries between love, sacrifice, nurturing and torturing – are broken.
Next to Her
Rachel, 27, is raising her mentally retarded sister Gabby, 24, all by herself. When the social worker finds out she leaves her sister alone in the house while at work, she is forced to place her in a day-care center. For the first time in her life she shares the upbringing of her dear sister with someone else, her daily routine collapses and the huge void, left by her sister's absence, makes room for a man in Rachel's life. That man, Zohar, tears another crack in the symbiotic relationship of the two sisters. Rachel hangs on to his love as if it was a life belt. But her inability to lead a normal, intimate and emotional relationship with anyone but her sister, forces them into a twisted threesome, where boundaries between love, sacrifice, nurturing and torturing – are broken.
Romantic drama about a young woman discovering herself through the art of acting.
Death of Shula
The film depicts the day where Yosi (73), the father of the Korman family, redeems the family dog Shula from agonized dying of numerous diseases by putting her to sleep. Yosi decides to take Shula's inanimate body with him and bury it in the sands, nearby home. The participants in the film (the director himself, and the members of his family) play themselves in a cinematic story based on true event.