Elia Suleiman

Elia Suleiman

Рождение : 1960-07-28, Nazareth, Israel


Elia Suleiman - (Arabic: إيليا سليمان‎); born July 28, 1960 in Nazareth, Israel; is a Palestinian film director.


Elia Suleiman


Должно быть, это рай
Режиссер Элиа Сулейман путешествует по разным городам и находит неожиданные параллели с его родной Палестиной.
Должно быть, это рай
Режиссер Элиа Сулейман путешествует по разным городам и находит неожиданные параллели с его родной Палестиной.
Должно быть, это рай
Режиссер Элиа Сулейман путешествует по разным городам и находит неожиданные параллели с его родной Палестиной.
Должно быть, это рай
Режиссер Элиа Сулейман путешествует по разным городам и находит неожиданные параллели с его родной Палестиной.
Nelson Mandela: The Myth and Me
Khalo Matabane spent two years making the film, interviewing those who knew and loved Mandela, and also those who criticised him. Global thinkers, politicians and artists including the Dalai Lama, Henry Kissinger and Ariel Dorfman talk about the effect of his policies and his decision making. Their thoughts are weighed equally with ordinary South Africans like Charity Kondile, who refuses to forgive her son's apartheid operative murderer. Through these interviews, completed in the last months of Mandela's life, Matabane interrogates for himself the meaning of freedom, reconciliation and forgiveness. By doing so he challenges Mandela's enduring impact in today's world of conflict and inequality. Thought-provoking and reflective, Mandela, the Myth and Me is a moving film which frames Mandela from a fresh, deeply personal perspective. (Storyville)
A Special Day
At the 60th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival, 34 famous directors are followed by camera.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
E.S. (segment "Diary of a Beginner")
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Kusturica - Balkan's Bad Boy
A film director, an actor, a musician, an organizer of festivals, a husband, a father, a grand-father, a friend, a professor... This film is an unexpected meeting with one of the most fascinating European film directors: Emir Kusturica. This is a journey to memory and forgetfulness. Beyond success, money, dependencies and pride. A deeper look into the world of Kusturica and his Wooden city at Mokra Gora. A tale about the won battles, as well as the lost ones. About the everlasting curiosity in filmmaking.
The Time That Remains
An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.
The Time That Remains
An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.
The Time That Remains
An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.
The Time That Remains
An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.
Seventy critics and filmmakers discuss cinema around the conflict between the artist and the observer, the creator and the critic. Between 1998 and 2007, Kléber Mendonça Filho recorded testimonies about this relationship in Brazil, the United States and Europe, based on his experience as a critic.
У каждого свое кино
The filmmaker (segment "Irtebak")
В него вошли 34 киноновеллы всемирно известных режиссеров из 25 стран и 5 континентов. Каждый попытался создать свое неповторимое кино. Все эти мини-фильмы, продолжительностью 3—4 минуты, в той или иной степени связаны общей темой: кино в современном мире
У каждого свое кино
В него вошли 34 киноновеллы всемирно известных режиссеров из 25 стран и 5 континентов. Каждый попытался создать свое неповторимое кино. Все эти мини-фильмы, продолжительностью 3—4 минуты, в той или иной степени связаны общей темой: кино в современном мире
A Palestinian director is uncomfortable at a film festival.
A Palestinian director is uncomfortable at a film festival.
Caught in the stranglehold of debt and structural adjustment, Africa is fighting for its survival. In the face of disaster, representatives of African society bring an action against international financial institutions. The trial takes place in Bamako, in the yard of a house, among its inhabitants.
Божественное вмешательство
Любовная история палестинца из Иерусалима и палестинки из Рамаллы. Герой фильма мечется между больным отцом и любимой женщиной, пытаясь сохранить их жизнь. Из-за политической ситуации два города разделены контрольно-пропускным пунктом израильской армии. Простые и естественные чувства приходится таить. Влюбленные обязаны подчиняться правилам военного времени. Они обречены скрываться, сидя в автомобиле у пограничного пункта...
Божественное вмешательство
Любовная история палестинца из Иерусалима и палестинки из Рамаллы. Герой фильма мечется между больным отцом и любимой женщиной, пытаясь сохранить их жизнь. Из-за политической ситуации два города разделены контрольно-пропускным пунктом израильской армии. Простые и естественные чувства приходится таить. Влюбленные обязаны подчиняться правилам военного времени. Они обречены скрываться, сидя в автомобиле у пограничного пункта...
Божественное вмешательство
Любовная история палестинца из Иерусалима и палестинки из Рамаллы. Герой фильма мечется между больным отцом и любимой женщиной, пытаясь сохранить их жизнь. Из-за политической ситуации два города разделены контрольно-пропускным пунктом израильской армии. Простые и естественные чувства приходится таить. Влюбленные обязаны подчиняться правилам военного времени. Они обречены скрываться, сидя в автомобиле у пограничного пункта...
Божественное вмешательство
Любовная история палестинца из Иерусалима и палестинки из Рамаллы. Герой фильма мечется между больным отцом и любимой женщиной, пытаясь сохранить их жизнь. Из-за политической ситуации два города разделены контрольно-пропускным пунктом израильской армии. Простые и естественные чувства приходится таить. Влюбленные обязаны подчиняться правилам военного времени. Они обречены скрываться, сидя в автомобиле у пограничного пункта...
Cyber Palestine
Cyber ​​Palestine is a parable about a modern-day Mary and Joseph, two Palestinian returnees living in Gaza, and their tribulations with the Israeli occupation. Cyber ​​Palestine was commissioned by the Palestinian National Authority's Bethlehem 2000 Project as part of the millennium commemorations in Bethlehem.
Cyber Palestine
Cyber ​​Palestine is a parable about a modern-day Mary and Joseph, two Palestinian returnees living in Gaza, and their tribulations with the Israeli occupation. Cyber ​​Palestine was commissioned by the Palestinian National Authority's Bethlehem 2000 Project as part of the millennium commemorations in Bethlehem.
The Arab Dream
In this autobiographical film the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman goes in search of his past and possible future in occupied Palestine. Wherever he looks, he feels surrounded by images and places that have a political significance. Can a landscape be free of meaning, is there any point in striving for an approach that transcends all ideology? Commissioned by the ARTE network as part of a series of films for the end of the millennium, this film is a travelogue through Jerusalem, Nazareth and Ramallah. The film is a meditation on quotidian injustices, and a formulation of an aesthetic and creative response to them.
The Arab Dream
In this autobiographical film the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman goes in search of his past and possible future in occupied Palestine. Wherever he looks, he feels surrounded by images and places that have a political significance. Can a landscape be free of meaning, is there any point in striving for an approach that transcends all ideology? Commissioned by the ARTE network as part of a series of films for the end of the millennium, this film is a travelogue through Jerusalem, Nazareth and Ramallah. The film is a meditation on quotidian injustices, and a formulation of an aesthetic and creative response to them.
The Arab Dream
In this autobiographical film the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman goes in search of his past and possible future in occupied Palestine. Wherever he looks, he feels surrounded by images and places that have a political significance. Can a landscape be free of meaning, is there any point in striving for an approach that transcends all ideology? Commissioned by the ARTE network as part of a series of films for the end of the millennium, this film is a travelogue through Jerusalem, Nazareth and Ramallah. The film is a meditation on quotidian injustices, and a formulation of an aesthetic and creative response to them.
The Arab Dream
In this autobiographical film the Palestinian filmmaker Elia Suleiman goes in search of his past and possible future in occupied Palestine. Wherever he looks, he feels surrounded by images and places that have a political significance. Can a landscape be free of meaning, is there any point in striving for an approach that transcends all ideology? Commissioned by the ARTE network as part of a series of films for the end of the millennium, this film is a travelogue through Jerusalem, Nazareth and Ramallah. The film is a meditation on quotidian injustices, and a formulation of an aesthetic and creative response to them.
War and Peace in Vesoul
In the train on the way to the Festival in Vesoul, filmmakers Amos Gitai and Elia Suleiman talk about the subjects that preoccupy them: war and peace in the Middle East, their film projects, their cities, their private lives… In Vesoul, the French welcome is rather comical and the questions of war and peace in the Middle East create misunderstandings: through a kind of inverted exoticism, we end up wondering who is really the “stranger” in this story.
Хроника исчезновения
Анекдотичные сценки из их повседневной жизни Назарета, маленькие абсурдные моменты будней и создают основную часть сюжета фильма. Неизбежны столкновения палестинцев с еврейской частью населения, в особенности с вездесущей израильской полицией. Но сквозь абсурд, как нам известно из пьес Ионеско и Беккета, проглядывает особенная, выкристаллизованная правда, очищенная от шелухи общепринятых норм и установок.
Хроника исчезновения
Анекдотичные сценки из их повседневной жизни Назарета, маленькие абсурдные моменты будней и создают основную часть сюжета фильма. Неизбежны столкновения палестинцев с еврейской частью населения, в особенности с вездесущей израильской полицией. Но сквозь абсурд, как нам известно из пьес Ионеско и Беккета, проглядывает особенная, выкристаллизованная правда, очищенная от шелухи общепринятых норм и установок.
Хроника исчезновения
Анекдотичные сценки из их повседневной жизни Назарета, маленькие абсурдные моменты будней и создают основную часть сюжета фильма. Неизбежны столкновения палестинцев с еврейской частью населения, в особенности с вездесущей израильской полицией. Но сквозь абсурд, как нам известно из пьес Ионеско и Беккета, проглядывает особенная, выкристаллизованная правда, очищенная от шелухи общепринятых норм и установок.
Хроника исчезновения
Анекдотичные сценки из их повседневной жизни Назарета, маленькие абсурдные моменты будней и создают основную часть сюжета фильма. Неизбежны столкновения палестинцев с еврейской частью населения, в особенности с вездесущей израильской полицией. Но сквозь абсурд, как нам известно из пьес Ионеско и Беккета, проглядывает особенная, выкристаллизованная правда, очищенная от шелухи общепринятых норм и установок.
The Gulf War... What Next?
The second Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 represents in the collective Arab memory a turning point in regards to the Arab nationalism’s self-perception as well as a moment of deep historical and existential insecurity. Five Arab directors discuss the events from their personal perspective.
The Gulf War... What Next?
The second Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 represents in the collective Arab memory a turning point in regards to the Arab nationalism’s self-perception as well as a moment of deep historical and existential insecurity. Five Arab directors discuss the events from their personal perspective.
The Gulf War... What Next?
The second Gulf War from 1990 to 1991 represents in the collective Arab memory a turning point in regards to the Arab nationalism’s self-perception as well as a moment of deep historical and existential insecurity. Five Arab directors discuss the events from their personal perspective.
Homage by Assassination
A Palestinian filmmaker is writing a script in his New York apartment during the first Gulf war. As much as he tries to shut himself off from the exterior world, images of past wars in the Middle East come back to haunt him.
Homage by Assassination
A Palestinian filmmaker is writing a script in his New York apartment during the first Gulf war. As much as he tries to shut himself off from the exterior world, images of past wars in the Middle East come back to haunt him.
Homage by Assassination
A Palestinian filmmaker is writing a script in his New York apartment during the first Gulf war. As much as he tries to shut himself off from the exterior world, images of past wars in the Middle East come back to haunt him.
Homage by Assassination
A Palestinian filmmaker is writing a script in his New York apartment during the first Gulf war. As much as he tries to shut himself off from the exterior world, images of past wars in the Middle East come back to haunt him.
Introduction to the End of an Argument
This highly kinetic tableaux of uprooted sights and sounds works most earnestly to expose the racial biases concealed in familiar images. Relying on valuable snippets from feature films such as "Exodus", "Lawrence of Arabia", "Black Sunday", "Little Drummer Girl", and network news shows, the filmmakers have constructed an oddly wry narrative, mimicking the history of Mid East politics.