Kelly Ko

Рождение : 1961-12-03,


Lady CaCa
Lo's mother
There is a another soul living in CaCa's body. Just as she decides to come clean with her biological gender, her boyfriend proposes to her. Should she confess, at the risk of losing all the happiness she ever had, or should she keep things the way they are? A phone call then takes her back to her hometown which she had long left behind, where her sister needs her to take care of their mother who is mentally ill.
Cексуальная привлекательность
Хуэйхуа, первокурсница музыкальной школы, изнасилована профессором Ли. Она подает на него иск с помощью другого профессора, в котором участвует его друг-адвокат Фан Анью. Поскольку фильм фокусируется на вторичном насилии над Хуэйхуа, он сужается до внутренней жизни персонажей. Почему Фан Аньюй защищает Хуэйхуа, когда его брак рушится? Почему адвокат Лин так активно защищает своего мужа? Прежде всего, сложная психика Хуэйхуа проявляется в словах «Возможно, я любил профессора Ли», превращающих фильм в нечто большее, чем простая драма в зале суда.
Great Wall, My Love
Tsai Yu-chien
Chun, 28, Taiwanese, goes on a conflict-packed search journey with her Chinese guide, Ming, to find her father's long-lost first love, XiuQian, in China. Chun's father had promised XiuQian 60 years ago that he'd definitely come back to marry her. But not until recently, Taiwan and China were hostile to each other, he was never able to fulfill his promise. Chun and Ming grew up on two sides of the Taiwan Strait and were brought up with different values. They don't hesitate to cut each other down to size. Their turbulent romance unfolds in tears, laughter and a clash of values. The love story of two generations, across the Taiwan Strait, told with touching drama and biting comedy, is a poignant and entertaining road movie.
The Trigger
A professional hit-man is hired to take out a target -- however, his girlfriend’s pregnancy gives him second thoughts. He decides that after this job, he will renounce his profession and turn himself in. This is the first feature film from Taiwanese director Alex Yang, who participated in script-writing and production on Edward Yang's early films. "The Trigger" has echoes of Yang's "Mahjong." The actors in the film, except for veteran Ngai Man-Yin, are all new faces -- unfortunately, Ngai's death in 2005 also made "The Trigger" his last appearance on screen.
Один и два
ЭнДжею уже за сорок, и он встревожен. Вдобавок к проблемам на работе его семья превратилась в клубок проблем — теща в коме, жена переживает душевный кризис, дочь впервые влюбилась, а сын слишком мудр для своих восьми лет. Внезапная встреча с давней возлюбленной Шерри, которую ЭнДжей бросил много лет назад, дает ему шанс начать новую жизнь. Вновь став романтиком, ЭнДжей тайком отправляется с Шерри в Японию, чтобы попытаться исправить свои ошибки.
Ming Ghost
A story of a girl haunted by the ghost of her mother, after witnessing her murder.
Город скорби
Тайвань, 1945-1949 гг. История четырех братьев семейства Линь, которых судьба развела в эти бурные годы.
After her six year old son is kidnapped, a successful fashion designer must work with a detective to clear up the terrifying mystery and get her son back.
Portrait of a Fanatic
In 1949 when the Communist regime was established in China, the world-famed painter Ling Chen-kuang, believing his conviction for a new-born society had come true on his motherland, returned anxiously from the U.S., whither he had fled apprehension by lawmen when cracking down on rebellious activities he had actively engaged in out of cynicism and hostility – the feelings evolved from constant haunting by the memories of his childhood miserableness – to the then existing institutions in China. Alas, to his disillusion, the land he had so deeply loved, the society of which he had expected so much, should have turned out to be the hell on earth. Why? The enigma kept obsessing and puzzling him even to his dying moment.