Richard Yuen Tak

Richard Yuen Tak

Рождение : 1956-02-06, Hongkong, China


Was a member of the"Seven Little Fortunes" performance troupe in Yu Jim-Yuen's China Drama Academy's Peking Opera School.


Richard Yuen Tak


Kung Fu Stuntmen
A new documentary film revisits the golden age of kung fu stuntmen and action directors in Hong Kong during the 1960s-'80s, exploring their pain and struggles. The documentary is a tribute to kung fu stuntmen. “They risked their lives for stunts,” said kung fu choreographer Yuen Bin. In their heyday, these stuntmen and choreographers presented the best, most creative and most complicated kung fu fight sequences anywhere in the world, creating stunts that looked seemingly impossible.
Обнаженный солдат
Martial Arts Choreographer
Пятнадцать лет назад Агент Интерпола Лонг сорвал сделку по продаже наркотиков стоимостью 1 миллиард долларов. Спустя некоторое время организация нанимает убийц, чтобы убить всю семью Лонга, чтобы отомстить за сорванную сделку. Лонг выживает, и считает, что его юная дочь до сих пор жива….
Treasure Inn
Jin Buer, King of Jokers
Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A robbery happened at he city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. Coincidentally, Master Kung and Lo Pa arrest a pair of twin sisters, Water Dragon Girl and Fire Dragon Girl, who always pretend to catch wanted criminals to get monetary rewards. The twin sisters know that the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" would be brought to the "Treasure Inn" for an auction. Wanting to hit big, Master Kung and Lo Pa go to the "Treasure Inn" with the twin sisters to investigate the truth. During that time, Master Kung and Water Dragon Girl become lovers from a kiss.
Action Director
Шаолинь… Вряд ли найдется человек, который не слышал этого легендарного имени и не восхищался безупречной техникой его мастеров боевых искусств. Древняя обитель зачастую оказывалась в гуще сражений, меняя ход истории великой империи. Вражда между китайскими военачальниками достигла своего предела. В безудержном стремлении завоевать соседние территории они погружают страну в пучину раздора. Молодой воин Сяо Че, одержав победу в поединке над одним из шаолиньских мастеров, начинает этим бахвалиться. Но самонадеянность к добру не ведет. В междоусобных распрях гибнет семья Сяо. Ему самому удается чудом спастись. Сяо укрывают шаолиньские монахи. Известия о бесчинствах местного «царька» достигают стен монастыря. Сяо Че и его новые друзья решают вмешаться и защитить простых людей от произвола жестокого завоевателя. Осуществится ли их дерзкий план? Или в финале битвы им придется спасаться бегством?
Martial Arts Choreographer
Шаолинь… Вряд ли найдется человек, который не слышал этого легендарного имени и не восхищался безупречной техникой его мастеров боевых искусств. Древняя обитель зачастую оказывалась в гуще сражений, меняя ход истории великой империи. Вражда между китайскими военачальниками достигла своего предела. В безудержном стремлении завоевать соседние территории они погружают страну в пучину раздора. Молодой воин Сяо Че, одержав победу в поединке над одним из шаолиньских мастеров, начинает этим бахвалиться. Но самонадеянность к добру не ведет. В междоусобных распрях гибнет семья Сяо. Ему самому удается чудом спастись. Сяо укрывают шаолиньские монахи. Известия о бесчинствах местного «царька» достигают стен монастыря. Сяо Че и его новые друзья решают вмешаться и защитить простых людей от произвола жестокого завоевателя. Осуществится ли их дерзкий план? Или в финале битвы им придется спасаться бегством?
Stunt Coordinator
Шаолинь… Вряд ли найдется человек, который не слышал этого легендарного имени и не восхищался безупречной техникой его мастеров боевых искусств. Древняя обитель зачастую оказывалась в гуще сражений, меняя ход истории великой империи. Вражда между китайскими военачальниками достигла своего предела. В безудержном стремлении завоевать соседние территории они погружают страну в пучину раздора. Молодой воин Сяо Че, одержав победу в поединке над одним из шаолиньских мастеров, начинает этим бахвалиться. Но самонадеянность к добру не ведет. В междоусобных распрях гибнет семья Сяо. Ему самому удается чудом спастись. Сяо укрывают шаолиньские монахи. Известия о бесчинствах местного «царька» достигают стен монастыря. Сяо Че и его новые друзья решают вмешаться и защитить простых людей от произвола жестокого завоевателя. Осуществится ли их дерзкий план? Или в финале битвы им придется спасаться бегством?
Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg
The film takes place in 2046. The Chinese government has created the first cybernetic organism, K1, programmed with sophisticated social conscience, ideal for police applications. Initially deployed in a remote village for testing, K1, is loved by the villagers, and performs all duties and expectations flawlessly, except one. Su Mei, a fellow police officer falls in love with K1, creating a problem as cyborgs are not programmed to feel such feelings. Meanwhile, another cyborg, K88, disappears after suffering a neural meltdown, and K1 is called in to hunt down the renegade robot....
Martial Arts Choreographer
Минг известен как лучший стрелок в полиции. Но за легендой скрыт скелет в шкафу: его бывшего коллегу и суперметкого Чина, который был заключен в тюрьму за случайное убийство заложника, освобождают. И только месть по его мнению, способна наказать Минга и полицию, полагая, что они являются подлинными виновниками всех его проблем.
Dasar Monk
Главный герой — археолог, ведущий раскопки в местах древних городов и захоронений. Снимая слой за слоем, пробираясь через толщу веков, пытливый исследователь погружается в древность и мистическим образом перевоплощается в воина, от которого много веков назад зависела судьба целого народа. Миф становится реальностью…
Рождённый диким
Action Director
Молодой человек расследует смерть своего брата-близнеца и открывает темный мир подпольного бокса.
Рождённый диким
Martial Arts Choreographer
Молодой человек расследует смерть своего брата-близнеца и открывает темный мир подпольного бокса.
Рождённый диким
Stunt Coordinator
Молодой человек расследует смерть своего брата-близнеца и открывает темный мир подпольного бокса.
Yang Shuang
Ma Wing Jing and his older brother Ma Tai Chueng arrive in Shanghai to make their fortune at the end of the Qin Dynasty. Be-friending a powerful mobster Wing Jing is given his nightclub in return for saving Tam Sei's life. Unfortunately, another Gangster wants the territory a well. Corruption and violence rule the streets as Wing Jing and Tam Sei must battle not only the rival gangs but the corrupt police officials as well.
Черная роза 2
Martial Arts Choreographer
Разносчик еды Мо (Ян Лам) влюбляется в девушку, которую видит в окне танцевальной студии и однажды он знакомится с ней – правда, при неприятных обстоятельствах. Его и девушку приперли какие-то бандиты, но красавица справилась с ними одной левой – и скрылась. А в следующий раз, когда Мо встретил ее, сделала вид, что видит его в первый раз в жизни. Как ни удивлялся Мо, а она оказалась права – оказывается, в первый раз с ним под видом его тайной любви была знаменитая Черная Роза (Нэнси Сит), и теперь, когда ее обман раскрылся, она сажает Мо в свою темницу, где уже томится ее давний возлюбленный (Спенсер Лам), сидящий в плену у Черной Розы вот уже как 30 лет.
Mahjong Dragon
Martial Arts Choreographer
North Quick Hands, a gambler, killed a gang in revenge for his friend, for which he was sentenced to prison. South Tin-lone waited for Quick Hand's release, so that he might be recruited into the gang. But Quick Hands refused. Meanwhile, Sau Tin, a Hong Kong policewoman addicted to gambling, went to Dongguan to seek a husband. She helped Quick Hands to leave China by arranging a fake marriage, as he promised to teach her some gambling tricks. South Tin-lone and his gang followed Quick Hands to Hong Kong and a series of fights ensued...
Степень риска
Security Guard Gets His Arm Chopped Off
Бывший военный офицер Кит Ли, чья жена и ребенок погибли при попытке разминирования школьного автобуса, оставляет службу и становится телохранителем и дублером капризного киноактера с манией преследования Фрэнки Лейна .Однажды Кит и Фрэнки отправляются на выставку драгоценных украшений. Туда же нагрянула банда «Доктора» - террориста, который стал причиной смерти семьи Кита Ли. «Доктор» хочет похитить ценные экспонаты, и Кит понимает, что только он может спасти драгоценности и отомстить за свою семью. А Фрэнки ничего не остается, как помогать Киту...
Легенда о Красном драконе
Martial Arts Choreographer
Войска жестокого властелина сжигают деревню, истребляют жителей, убивают жену благородного воина Квуна. Ему удается спасти сына, и они отправляются в далекое странствие, чтобы отомстить безжалостным обидчикам. Устроившись телохранителем к богатому господину, Квун вместе с сыном становятся героями необычайных приключений, сногсшибательных, парящих над землей поединков. Попадают в город призраков. К ним присоединяется королева боевых искусств, завоевавшая сердце Квуна. Теперь они должны защитить от хищных боевиков великолепную пятерку мальчиков, на спинах которых вытатуирована карта местонахождения сокровищ…
Women on the Run
Action Director
The plot includes the plight of two women who both find themselves betrayed by the men they love. It's a violent female 'buddy' movie, with two mismatched heroines, a policewoman and a drug addicted prostitute joining forces to seek revenge.
Women on the Run
Martial Arts Choreographer
The plot includes the plight of two women who both find themselves betrayed by the men they love. It's a violent female 'buddy' movie, with two mismatched heroines, a policewoman and a drug addicted prostitute joining forces to seek revenge.
Women on the Run
The plot includes the plight of two women who both find themselves betrayed by the men they love. It's a violent female 'buddy' movie, with two mismatched heroines, a policewoman and a drug addicted prostitute joining forces to seek revenge.
Women on the Run
Stunt Coordinator
The plot includes the plight of two women who both find themselves betrayed by the men they love. It's a violent female 'buddy' movie, with two mismatched heroines, a policewoman and a drug addicted prostitute joining forces to seek revenge.
Легенда 2
Возвращение легендарного мастера Востока на поле битвы. На этот раз ему предстоит сражение не на турнире, а на просторах своей страны. Фонг Сай-Юк вступает в тайное общество «Красного Лотоса», которое борется за свержение правителя династии Манчу. Но на пути к достижению цели он должен пройти не только через трупы врагов, но и через испытание своих чувств. Бой продолжается, и за каждым темным углом может таиться враг.
Фонг Сай-Юк был лучшим мастером кунг-фу из Кантона времен династии Манчжу. Волею судеб Фонг оказывается перед необходимостью вступить в боевой турнир, победитель которого получит руку красавицы Тинь Тинь. Идея женитьбы таким путем кажется ему сомнительной, тем более, что драться придется с матушкой невесты, свирепой Шью Хуань! А тем временем над семьей Фонга нависает беда: над его отцом, членом враждебного императору общества Красного Лотоса, нависает смертельная опасность.
First Shot
Action Director
During a period of widespread police corruption, Ti Lung is a stubborn cop who takes on both the mob and the political establishment.
Millionaire Cop
Martial Arts Choreographer
A police detective (Aaron Kwok) must pose as the son of a millionaire to catch a kidnapping ring. Trouble starts when the policeman's girlfriend starts working for the businessman.
Operation Scorpio
Wong's Bodyguard
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Operation Scorpio
Action Director
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Operation Scorpio
Martial Arts Choreographer
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Operation Scorpio
Stunt Coordinator
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Operation Scorpio
Budding comic book artist Yu Shu finds himself living out the fantasies of his alternate world when he saves a young girl from an illegal prostitution racket. With the aid of his fecund imagination and the help of an aging kung fu expert Yu Shu becomes something even he had never dared dream -- a hero in real life.
Saviour Of The Soul II
Action Director
Ching-yan lives with his young protege Tim and an inventor referred to only as The Doctor. One day they decide to embark on a quest to the Snowy Mountain in hopes of finding a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality. The evil Devil King also wants the ice, but Ching-yan thinks that it contains the secret to meeting a woman who appears in his dreams and attempts to keep it for himself.
Saviour Of The Soul II
Martial Arts Choreographer
Ching-yan lives with his young protege Tim and an inventor referred to only as The Doctor. One day they decide to embark on a quest to the Snowy Mountain in hopes of finding a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality. The evil Devil King also wants the ice, but Ching-yan thinks that it contains the secret to meeting a woman who appears in his dreams and attempts to keep it for himself.
Saviour Of The Soul II
Stunt Coordinator
Ching-yan lives with his young protege Tim and an inventor referred to only as The Doctor. One day they decide to embark on a quest to the Snowy Mountain in hopes of finding a special block of ice that is said to contain the life essence of immortality. The evil Devil King also wants the ice, but Ching-yan thinks that it contains the secret to meeting a woman who appears in his dreams and attempts to keep it for himself.
Gameboy Kids
Martial Arts Choreographer
Andy act a successor to a criminal society. While knowing their boss is coming down from an airplane. They got the wrong guy. A taller but absolutely low IQ level guy. He went to the criminal society and give candy bars to people who done 'nice jobs'. He made the criminal society like a utopia. Aaron just happen to be Andy's bodyguard.
Powerful Four
Action Director
Powerful Four boasts an all-star cast and chronicles the rise of four semi-corrupt Hong Kong police detectives during the late 1960s.
Fist of Fury 1991 II
Ngou Feng
A sequel to Fist of Fury 1991 that continues right where the last one leaves off. Chow is a wacky but lovable mainlander duking it out with wacky bad guy Yuen Wah. Meanwhile, he learns kung-fu from the legendary Josephine Siao, and assorted hijinks involving Cheung Man and Nat Chan Bak-Cheung go on forever.
The Tigers
Martial Arts Choreographer
Cops find their careers and their lives in jeopardy when they spend a gangster's bribe money after releasing him from custody during a drug bust.
The Dragon from Russia
Teddy Wong / Master Of Death
A former member of a band of criminals known as the 'Eight-Hundred Dragons' is living in fear in Manchuria as the clan does not allow people to leave alive. However, he is eventually tracked down, and kidnapped along with a young Manchurian, Yao - whose memory is erased so that he can be trained in martial arts. Yao's work as an assassin becomes more complicated, however, when he sees his old lover again and his real memories come flooding back.
The Dragon from Russia
Martial Arts Choreographer
A former member of a band of criminals known as the 'Eight-Hundred Dragons' is living in fear in Manchuria as the clan does not allow people to leave alive. However, he is eventually tracked down, and kidnapped along with a young Manchurian, Yao - whose memory is erased so that he can be trained in martial arts. Yao's work as an assassin becomes more complicated, however, when he sees his old lover again and his real memories come flooding back.
Chicken a La Queen
Action Director
A cop and gangster melodrama revolving the lives of two cops and the two teenage girls they try to save.
Шанхай, Шанхай
Action Director
Little Tiger (Yuen Biao) ventures from the sticks to the big city in search of his cop brother Big Tiger (Chi-cheung Lam), an honest cop working in a corrupt system. Surmising that life in the police force was not his cup of tea, Little Tiger joins the Swallow Acrobatic Troop, which he excels in because of his kung-fu prowess. When a band of thugs from Chin Hung-yun's (Sammo Hung) group attacks the troop, Little Tiger not only handily fights them back but also infiltrates their organization to destroy them from the inside. Meanwhile, Big Tiger's old flame Mary (Anita Mui) returns from America to join the revolutionaries. Big Tiger soon finds himself torn between his love of this girl and his orders to arrest all revolutionaries.
Шанхай, Шанхай
Troupe member
Little Tiger (Yuen Biao) ventures from the sticks to the big city in search of his cop brother Big Tiger (Chi-cheung Lam), an honest cop working in a corrupt system. Surmising that life in the police force was not his cup of tea, Little Tiger joins the Swallow Acrobatic Troop, which he excels in because of his kung-fu prowess. When a band of thugs from Chin Hung-yun's (Sammo Hung) group attacks the troop, Little Tiger not only handily fights them back but also infiltrates their organization to destroy them from the inside. Meanwhile, Big Tiger's old flame Mary (Anita Mui) returns from America to join the revolutionaries. Big Tiger soon finds himself torn between his love of this girl and his orders to arrest all revolutionaries.
Burning Sensation
Opera actor
A firefighter salvages a spiritual shrine from an old burning building, which releases the gentle ghost of a Chinese opera singer, killed in a stage fire 30 years before. Grateful for saving her, the ghost falls for the firefighter and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety from the evils that lurk ahead. At the same time, the firefighter doesn't realize he is dating a ghost.
Iron Angels II
Mona, Billy and Elaine are a tough trio known as the "Angels." While they are on vacation in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), they find out that one of Billy's school-chums is now a gun-runner plotting a revolution in Malaysia with his private army. The Angels decide it is up to them to stop him.
One Husband Too Many
Villager throwing tomatoes at theatre
After the box office success of Happy Bigamist in 1987, Anthony Chan follows up with more 80s rom-com shenanigans in One Husband Too Many. Theater enthusiast Sun (Anthony Chan) is so passionate about drama he sells his home to stage Romeo and Juliet. The plays turns out to be a complete failure, however, and the last straw in the hat for his wife (Anita Mui) who silently leaves him. Marriage isn't working out too well for his friend Wa (Kenny Bee) either. Fed up with a husband who he spends too much time at work and not enough time at home, Wa's wife (Pat Ha) suddenly ups and leaves. Things finally look up for Sun when he produces a popular play starring rich girl Hung (Cherie Chung), and the two begin dating. But it turns out Wa also has his eyes on Hung...
The Eighth Happiness
Opera actor
Three oddball brothers go looking for love but unfortunately, their out-there personalities get in the way!
Sworn Brothers
Superstar Andy Lau and Cheung Kwok Keung are heroic bloodshed brothers in the riveting triad saga Sworn Brothers! Lau (Andy Lau) is a fast-rising enforcer with the triads, but beneath his "bad" exterior is the sworn brother of Cheung (Cheung Kwok Keung), a Royal Hong Kong Police officer just returned from Scotland Yard. The two men are on opposite sides of the law, but both share a bond that cannot be tarnished, either by years or differing ideologies. Can the brotherhood of these two righteous men set things right in the underworld? Co-starring Tung Piu (Jackie Chan's Police Story films) in a compelling role as a corrupt cop, and loaded with many exciting actions sequences, Sworn Brothers is a standout triad action-drama in a genre already loaded with many similar films. With potent melodrama, and the type of heightened emotions that typify many popular eighties Hong Kong films, Sworn Brothers hits the action-drama bulls-eye in entertaining and bloody style!
Экспресс миллионеров
Mountain Bandit
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Сердце Дракона
Kim's Thug
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
I Will Finally Knock You Down, Dad!
There is an underlying story about a lazy son who knows some kung fu but mostly fakes it to show off. After being exposed he does good by improving his skills to the point where he can finally knock down his kung fu master father.
Return of Bastard Swordsman
Just when audiences thought the director couldn't get more spectacular and outrageous, he unleashed this eye-filling, mind-bending "Martial Arts World" sequel of clan rivalries, ninja atrocities, wizard sorceries, and the mythical Silkworm style that changes our hero into a veritable Spider-swordsman. The screen practically explodes with colorful characters and kung-fu -- all directed, co-written, and co-choreographed by Lu Chun-ku, and showcasing some of the best Shaw Brothers action stars. The original Bastard Swordsman was just the beginning, this superlative cult classic that out-phantasmagoricals the original.
Боец с шестом
Yang loyalist with Golden Blade
Шестеро братьев Янг и их отец — уважаемые генералы, но их подставляет мстительный генерал Пан Мей и в суровой битве погибают все мужчины семьи, кроме двоих. Один из них возвращается домой и сходит с ума, второй обривается в монахи, однако не оставляет надежды когда-нибудь отомстить за погибших братьев и отца.
Bastard Swordsman
Yun Fei Yang is the viciously bullied orphan who takes on the unpleasant tasks at a formidable kung-fu school. Constantly mocked by the other students of the school, Yen counts as his only friend the daughter of the resident master. Any internal wrangling between the various members is put to one side when a swordsman from a rival clan reminds the master of the duel he must take part in once a decade. Unfortunately the defending clan chief is well aware that his rival is more powerful than himself. The expected defeat is further complicated when a wandering swordsman arrives on the scene and joins himself to the injured party, immediately adding to Yen's woes.
Holy Flame of the Martial World
Martial Arts Choreographer
This internationally popular tale of a brother and sister seeking vengeance for the death of their parents through the mythical yin/yang Holy Flame technique is an eye-filling epic. Kuo Chue (a.k.a. Philip Kwok), famous as the star of Chang Cheh's internationally famous "Venom" film series, both co-stars and choreographs this impressive tale - leading to a vaunted "action director" career with both the 007 thriller Tomorrow Never Dies and the cult classic Brotherhood of the Wolf to his credit.
Pak Tai Koon
Во времена империи Цин за право стать следующим правителем Китая борются двое сыновей императора, четвёртый наследник Юнчжэн и четырнадцатый — Иньти. Чтобы склонить чашу весов в свою сторону, Юнчжэн получает помощь повстанца Люй Люляна, чья племянница Люй Сынян помогает найти завещание императора с целью исправить его.
Lovers Blades
Lum Ji Cheung
Meng Yuen Man and Hui Ying Hung (My Young Auntie) team up in a mixture of comedy and great sword play. Wang lung Wai plays the natorious White Haired Fox vilian as usual.
Perils of the Sentimental Swordsman
Chou Pai Lung
Chu Liu-hsiang, the charming, capable, and, yes, sentimental, swordsman is back in action for this extremely well-named third in the hit box-office series. The titanic team of director Chu Yuan and novelist Ku Lung wisely choose to give their hero a whole new, non-stop, cliffhanger-fraught adventure featuring a mystery swordsman, a sensual swordswoman, an imperial assassin, a Ghost Mansion, the Bat Island, a booby-trapped tunnel, double crosses, and secret missions. And there are no fewer than three martial arts choreographers on hand to guide the amazing mayhem.
Kid from Kwangtung
Novice director Hsu Hsia and three other kung-fu designers created this fight-filled tale of young rascal Wang Yu, caught between master martial arts actor Jen Shih-kuan and the incredible Huang Cheng-li.
Ambitious Kung Fu Girl
Yang Fan
Spoiled Yuen Si Si, the naive daughter of an affluent merchant, lives her cosseted life dreaming of meeting her idol, the heroic Qin Ge. When her father decides to marry her off, she runs away in search of Qin Ge, with her fiancee in pursuit. What she doesn't realise though is that her kung-fu skills are not what she thinks they are and that the outside world is far less chivalrous that she expected.
My Young Auntie
Ah Tak
Cheng, a beautiful martial arts ace, battles to keep her inheritance from the ruthless Yun Wei, but her efforts are sabotaged by Yu Tao, her wayward and irrepressible great-nephew. Following a frenzy of spectacular comic mishaps, the hapless duo are setup and imprisoned and the deeds to Cheng's estate are stolen. She is held hostage after a doomed attempt to reclaim the papers back from Yu Wei's place, and the stage is set for a savage fight to the death.
The Master
Kao Chien
Although injured, a martial-arts expert teaches an orphan his methods.
Coward Bastard
Martial Arts Choreographer
The plot is a trifle about an obnoxious restaurant delivery boy causing trouble with some local bad guys for the cook who secretly knows kung fu, eventually learning some techniques and finally, with the cook, confronting the bad guys.
Молодой мастер
За провинность зазнавшегося юного мастера исключают из школы кунг-фу. Он попадает в сети злодеев, которые вовсю используют его умение махать руками и ногами в преступных целях. По следам молодого бесшабашного мастера идет и полиция и его лучший друг. Успеет ли приятель вырвать его из кольца криминального окружения и направить талант лучшего ученика в мирное русло?!
Rivals of the Dragon
Master Chen's son
Master Chan (Jeffrey Chan) is a widely respected martial arts teacher who has several skilled understudies in the Los Angeles area. When one of his students takes part in some shady dealings, Chan becomes unknowingly involved in the situation after a group of gangsters mistakenly point the finger at him for the crime. As Chan works to clear his name with the hoodlums, he also manages to reunite with his estranged son (Yeun Tak).
Gets Beaten Up in Casino
After being cheated out of some money, two small time crooks convince a martial arts expert to take them on as students.
The Magnificent
A General hopes to restore the Ching Dynasty after China has become a republic. Carter Wong stars as Commissioner Yao Tien Shan who learns of a plot by General Na Lan Tien Hsiung (Chen Sing) to restore the Chings to power with the help of Lord Lo, whose daughter Wan Ying (Doris Chen/Lung Chun Erh) is sympathetic to the new government. Fu Fung (Casanova Wong) assists Yao whose efforts enlist the support of Wan Ying. Meanwhile, the general takes his ally Lord Lo prisoner and amasses an army of skilled fighters to help his cause.