Baby John Choi

Baby John Choi

Рождение : 1986-12-08, Hong Kong


Baby John Choi
Baby John Choi


Death Notice
In Hong Kong, a vigilante serial killer leaves death notices, stating when and how he will murder a victim. Even if the victim reports it to the police and receives protection, the killer can easily break through and execute them. In response, the police set up a special task force and reveals a major conspiracy hidden behind.
With the mystical power to delve into people’s subconscious, Ching, a psychiatrist, discovers that a social worker is compelled by an inner voice to kill his family and commit suicide. Suspecting his former psychiatrist, Ching collaborates with a cop to investigate, which leads to a revelation from her own traumatized past, and casts a doubt over her motivation. In his first bigscreen adventure, Glenn Chan delivers an exceptional psychological crime thriller that explores the dichotomy of good and evil lurking in our shadows.
Шторм G
Следователь пытается предотвратить теракт во время симпозиума, проводимого Гонконгской независимой комиссией по борьбе с коррупцией. Позже он обнаруживает, что это связано с торговлей людьми в Таиланде.
The Way We Keep Dancing
The Kowloon Industrial District is home to many of Hong Kong’s artists, including rapper Heyo, YouTuber Alan, rising star Hana, and dancer. However, the government is preparing the area for gentrification. The group from ‘The Way We Dance’ were invited to participate in a publicity stunt to transform the district into a ‘Dance Street’. Alan points out that this is an opportunity to garner support from the public. Meanwhile, Heyo’s master Afuc is planning a revolution.
Ударная волна: Битва за Гонконг
Cheung Chi-man
Главный сапер особого подразделения SWAT в Гонконге при очередном разминировании бомбы допускает роковую ошибку, вследствие чего по всему городу происходит серия крупных взрывов. Выйдя из комы, он должен во всем разобраться и узнать правду в этой запутанной ситуации...
One Second Champion
How much difference does one second make? Can it be the difference between life and death? A loser single father learns that lesson the hard way when he becomes gifted with the power of seeing one second into the future. When his ability is exposed, a boxing buff persuades him to use his power in the boxing ring. After reviving Hong Kong’s vampire genre as the co-director of Vampire Cleanup Department, Chiu Sin-hang (also the lead vocalist of local band ToNick) combines the boxing genre with a refreshing dash of fantasia in his thrilling solo directorial effort.
Вина по умыслу
Chan Wing Hei
Фильм рассказывает о присяжном по громкому делу, которого шантажом заставляют вынести вердикт после похищения его дочери.
Passionate Girls Group
The film tells the story of five urban women with different personalities who support each other through various social problems such as the emotional confusion of contemporary men and women, the internal embarrassment of the girlfriends group and the plight of working women.
Шторм P
Уильям Лук отправляется в исправительное учреждение в качестве заключенного, чтобы провести внутреннее расследование для выявления фактов коррупции и криминала среди сотрудников тюрьмы.
Шторм L
Chan Chun-fai
Начальник специального отдела налоговой службы Уильям Люк расследует очередное дело о коррупции и отмывании денег, но процесс заходит в тупик. В это время в отдел внутренних расследований поступает информация, что Люк сам замешан во взяточничестве в особо крупных размерах. Теперь инспектору придется очень сильно постараться, чтобы отмыть свое честное имя и разоблачить продажных членов государственных структур.
The Sinking City: Capsule Odyssey
Hong Kong is just a ridiculous place full of lies. In this prosperous city, there are a group of people that have to live in the ‘space capsule’, which is a large seminar room subdivided into small living rooms. In such a small living space, this group of people all struggle to fight for their ideal lifestyle which reflects the spirit of Hong Kong.
Cheung Hon-Ming
A story of two women, Christy Lam and Wong Tin-lok, who are both turning 30.
Ударная волна
Wong Tin Lok
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
Отдел зачистки вампиров
Tim Cheung
Неуклюжий очкарик Тим рос без родителей, его воспитывала бабуля, которая сейчас уже слегка не в себе. Но парень вырос добрым и отзывчивым, поэтому однажды на свою голову решил помочь старику, на которого напали в тёмном переулке. На следующий день выяснилось, что нападавший был вампиром, а у Тима врождённый иммунитет к укусам этих тварей, поэтому парня приглашают в гонконгский Отдел зачистки вампиров.
The Yuppie Fantasia 3
Leung Foon, 52 years old, his life experienced three waves: 1.when Ann made him by the boy into a man that day, 2.he married Ann and become a wife slave, 3.Ann take away their 8-years-old daughter and leave him alone. After these three storms, Leung Foon become Male chauvinism. Now, he is the fair-haired boy of the chairman in a listed company. He will do anything to make money without guilty. The property he had, it’s enough for him to live without worries. One thing that Leung Foon regret is Ann cannot see his “growth”. After Leung Foon become rich, he is afraid to face himself in the mirror. The 4th storm for Leung Foon is his daughter He He suddenly comes back, he doesn’t know how to be a father with a plump figure’s daughter. In Leung Foon’s memory, He He was just 8-years-old girl. He He’s return, made Leung Foon get some change, he can finally face with mirror. Because of He He, Leung foon has the courage to go young again and wayward again.
Heartfall Arises
Two chess masters are entangled in several murder cases related to organ transplants. A cop and criminal psychologist Calvin Che have to work together to find the missing link, whilst facing various dangers.
House of Wolves
Chi Wai
Set in old rural district, Charlie pretends to be an ALS patient so he can gain sympathy from others. He runs a charity organization where he secretly carries out all sorts of nasty business. The village chief Fung Yan-bing is a dishonest man who likes to test others with money and take advantage of them. Along comes a beautiful woman named Yu Zan, a materialistic lady who loves money more than anything. However, the woman is carrying the baby of her ex-boyfriend who is a well-known tycoon's heir. The arrival of the baby will soon change the mentalities and nature of the three problematic human beings
Fooling Around Jiang Hu
Underworld godfather Kim, nicknamed Egg Tart, is friendly and sociable. He likes singing more than being the leader of triads. With his principle of peace, harmony and stability, he has won the support of the gang elders. Meanwhile, the cool and handsome Lung becomes a gangster because he is attracted to the cool image of gangsters portrayed in the "Young and Dangerous" movies, and he believes that he has what it takes to be the big boss. To support Lung, his wife sets a trap by trying to seduce Kim in order to obtain the secret of becoming the godfather.
Ип Ман 3
Мастеру Ип Ману снова приходится использовать вин-чун по прямому назначению, когда бандитская группировка пытается подмять под себя местную школу.
Knock Knock Who's There
Funeral home is the last stop of the deceased ones. This is also where `turn undead` take place, the ritual that purifies the soul. The soul hasn‘t gone through the ritual is usually a haunting one. They still have things undone in human world. In order to finish that, they usually do something disturbing which led to supernatural incidents. Three seemingly seperate stories happen at funeral home intertwine.
Guia In Love
Chan Ka Sing, Choi Kai Kwong and Lee Yuk Lan had been best friends since they were young. They hung out all the time at the lighthouse. Everything was fine until Ka Sing and Kai Kwong both fell in love for Yuk Lan. Compared to ambitious Kwong, Yuk Lan chose Ka Sing.
S.P.L. Звёзды судьбы 2
Kwok Chun-Yat
Крутой гонконгский полицейский Кит загоняет в угол крупного гангстера, но тот поворачивает все в свою сторону — главный свидетель Кита исчез. Более того, Кита отправляют в тайскую тюрьму, снабдив фальшивым списком преступлений. Тюремный охранник Чай следит за тем, чтобы Кит не сбежал — дочь Чая страдает от лейкемии, и только Кит может стать для неё донором.
Wonder Mama
About to turn 50, a librarian's world is shattered when she learns that her 70-year-old father may have gotten their maid pregnant.
Imprisoned: Survival Guide for Rich and Prodigal
Ng Chi Keung / Roach
This is a story in jail. A story about learning a "new life”…
12 Golden Ducks
Devastated by a love affair, former in-demand gigolo Future Chang (played by Sandra Ng) retreats to Thailand, leading the life a dissolute. Thanks to the intervention of his high school teacher, Mr. Lo, Future summons the courage to return to Hong Kong. With the help of his friend Ricky, a gym trainer, he works hard to get back into shape, determined to make a comeback in the “duck” (male escort) trade. To Future’s surprise, Hong Kong has undergone a dramatic transformation since he left the city. Even the rules of the duck trade have completely changed! In order to ply his trade, Future is reduced seeking clients at an old age nursery home for women. Meanwhile, the places where women can buy happiness have become much more accessible, operating in neighborhood establishments such as a Thai restaurant…Determined to adapt to their new environment, Future and his desperate cohorts Dick Wide, Nebula and Broker Chan decide to dedicate themselves to satisfying the needs of their new client.
McDull: Me & My Mum
Bobby (voice)
As a child, Bobby Mak was known as Mcdull. Although Mcdull wasn‘t the sharpest tool in the shed, his mother was a different story. Her astounding intelligence and resourcefulness enabled her to, for example, simultaneously run more than six businesses from a space of less than 100 square feet. Mcdull and his mother lived together happily during Mcdull‘s childhood, but things began to change as Mcdull got older. A distance that never existed before began to grow between him and his mother…
Twilight Online
Chen Jiaye
A thriller based on two real incidents: the 2003 Tuen Mun Road traffic accident that claimed 21 lives and the 2013 Yau Oi Estate suicide, where the female victim dressed in red leapt to her death on the day of the Chinese Ghost Festival.
Delete My Love
Wan Duk-Fuk
So Boring, a nobody who has no love from everyone except from childhood sweetheart Bobo, receives a weird text message one day, saying: Ever thought of deleting those you dislike?
The Way We Dance
After dropping out of her university's dance crew, a working-class student finds inspiration in tai chi for her own unique style of street dancing.
The Way I Dance