Julien Berlan


Don't Go Tellin' Your Momma
Executive Producer
In 1970, Black educators in Chicago developed an alphabet flashcard set to provide Blackcentered teaching materials to the vastly white educational landscape and the Black ABCs were born.
Inner Wars
Since the uprising of a pro Russian insurgency in eastern Ukraine in 2014, hundreds of woman joined the army. Only a few made it to the front line. Filmmaker Masha embeds herself in the war zone to follow the daily life of three of them. By sharing the intimacy of these fighters, Masha soon becomes a victim of this brotherhood conflict jeopardizing this film and her life.
1967: сотня тысяч молодых людей собрались в Сан-Франциско, чтобы изменить свою судьбу и мир в «лете любви». 1969: Вудсток дает начало современному фестивальному движению. Что осталось от этого пятьдесят лет спустя? Арт-балет-группа (La) Horde скептически изучает массовый орнамент современного музыкального фестиваля, превратившегося в очередное проявление культуриндустрии.
Blue Dog
Associate Producer
Émile is afraid of the world. He no longer goes outside and paints everything blue. One night, his son Yoan encounters Soraya, a teenage fan of Tamil dance. She will help him find the right colour.
Line Producer
A group of friends in a Tel Aviv suburb get together to watch Universong, a Eurovision-like television song contest. They gather to watch and are depressed by the lifelessness of the Israeli entry, a parody of many recent offerings, a flashy, grating song about "amour." Realizing that Anat is distraught over the crisis in her marriage, they decide to compose a song to cheer her up. As a lark, they enters their cellphone video of it in next year's contest, and it becomes Israel's entry.
Герой картины — неожиданно ожившая автомобильная шина, у которой есть не только имя (Роберт), но и молодая возлюбленная. Начав свои бесцельные скитания, резина вдруг обнаруживает у себя неизвестно откуда взявшуюся способность разрушать все на своем пути. Увидев однажды гору горящих товарищей, она решает направить свою агрессию на месть человечеству.
Production Manager
Marseille describes an interlude in the life of young Berlin photographer Sophie. Wanting a change, Sophie does an apartment swap, so she can go photograph the city of Marseille, and most of all get away from Berlin.