Florence Emir


Where Life Begins
An ultra-orthodox Jewish family from Aix-les-Bains comes to a farm in southern Italy for a brief stay every year to carry out a sacred mission: harvesting citrons. Here Elio, the farm owner, meets Esther, the rabbi’s daughter, who is tired of the constraints imposed by her religion. Through this relationship, Esther will understand the importance of freedom and find her path, and, in the same way, Elio will find the peace he had lost for a long time.
Costume Design
Последние остатки тюрьмы, охранники и несколько сокамерников ждут своей передачи, и постепенно правила кажутся все менее и менее понятными, а ожидающие их люди становятся новым хрупким сообществом.
Удар глаза
Costume Design
Молодой скульптор Адриан на одной из художественных выставок знакомится с Глорией. Между ними вспыхивает страсть, и Глория уходит от своего немолодого мужа Лулли к Адриану. Лулли, влиятельный художественный критик, начинает покровительствовать Адриану. В итоге молодой человек скоро становится известным скульптором. Вместе с Глорией, которая ждёт от него ребёнка, он переезжает в роскошную квартиру, ещё и не подозревая, что всё это – часть хитроумного плана Лулли..
La terra
Costume Design
Luigi Di Santo is a professor of philosophy in Milan who returns to his Apulian hometown to finalize the sale, together with his brothers, of an old family farm. But this project is hampered by his violent stepbrother Aldo. Things degenerate further when the four brothers find themselves embroiled in a murder.
L'amore ritorna
Costume Design
Luca is a famous actor working on his new film as both its star and director. One day he gets extremely sick and, while at the hospital, rethinks his life.
Costume Design
Серийный маньяк под никнеймом «Карточный дилер» отправляет по электронной почте в полицию сообщения о зверских убийствах, совершенных им. Хочет ли убийца быть пойман или он раздает карты для новой чудовищной игры?
L'anima gemella
Costume Design
In a small Southern Italian village, young Tonino is engaged to Teresa, but secretly loves her cousin Maddalena—who reciprocates. After discovering it, Teresa seeks revenge and vows to divide them.
Costume Design
In the Spanish island of Ibiza, porn filmmaker Sandro and Angelino, the manager of a beachside watering hole, find their very different lives overlapping. Meanwhile, the island police chief, who is currently at odds with his rebellious son Jorge, is investigating the death of a drug dealer (which was accidentally brought on by Angelino). Jorge's plans to move to America have so far been thwarted by his father, but when he finds out about the affair his dad had been having with a male nightclub dancer, he uses it as blackmail fodder.
Costume Design
Antonio is a man born with unusually large incisors; his freakishly huge teeth made him an outcast as a child and as man he has become obsessive and controlling in his relationships with women. Convinced that his girlfriend cheated on him (with her dentist, ça va sans dire), Antonio insults her in a fit of anger and in the fight she breaks off one of his teeth. Antonio now must travel across the country, going from dentist to dentist in search of someone who can make a crown that will suit his extra-large smile.
Costume Design
2005 год. Компания «Окосама Старр» собирается выпустить к Рождеству новую виртуальную игру «Нирвана», в которой возможно всё. Но игра дает сбои. Создатель «Нирваны» программист Джими (Кристофер Ламберт) решает уничтожить игру. Но чтобы стереть игру, талантливому программисту и его друзьям придется проникнуть в тщательно охраняемое здание корпорации, где хранится оригинал игры…
Costume Design
In French Algeria, after WWII, three daughters of wealthy settlers begin their adult lives. Zon marries an often absent sailor. Malene's husband, Gildas, refuses to work in the farm, so she has to take care of everything. Gritte, the youngest, does not want to marry and is a nurse for the natives. We will follow their three different destinies.
Vendredi ou la vie sauvage
Victim of a shipwreck, a British man is stranded on a deserted island where he manages to survive through ingenuity.