Maks Bajc

Рождение : 1919-10-07,

Смерть : 1983-09-25


Real Pests!
In Ljubljana lives a bus driver Stebe. He's a widower. He lives with five sons and a maid Rozi. The boys are very naughty and keep annoying Rozi and, in fact all neighbourhood. One day Rozi in desperation declares that she is leaving them, because she cant stand it no more. And she does leave, although she is fond of the boys. Soon afterwards Rozi's niece Meri comes by, asking if she might stay because she wants to find herself a job in town. Meri is good girl but cannot cope with the kitchen work as successfully as her aunt. But the whole Steb family seems to be charmed by her. Even one of Stebe's own colleagues, Tone, begins to take interest in the girl. Meri likes him too. Stebe's boys feel quite disappointed because of it. But all's well that ends well: in full conspiracy Meri qualifies as bus driver while Rozi returns to the Stebe family.
The Idealist
The movie based upon the classical Slovene novel Martin Kačur, depicts the clash between the teacher Martin Kačur and his conservative environment. Due to his progressive ideas, he is transferred to a small town. The village environment is even more depressing than his former surroundings were, as the influence of both the secular and the Church authorities is even greater in the country. Even though Martin meets Tončka and the two of them get married, he gradually becomes a disillusioned and embittered man. In time, when society's strictures become somewhat milder, Martin is transferred to a more friendly environment, but all the injustices he has experienced have already bitten too deep. Unlike his wife, Martin finds it very difficult to accept changes. When his son dies, it seems as though he has lost all his elan and the will to live. Will he be able to go on bringing the light of knowledge to the ignorant masses, or will his ideals be buried forever like a man in a snowdrift?
Blossoms in Autumn
Doctor Janez, a somewhat elderly lawyer, tired of urban life, pays a few week's visit to his relative Presecnik, a well-off farmer living in highland village. Farm life holds a great attraction for him, particularly because a deep and secret love develops between himself and Presecnik's daughter Meta. After a few serene and cheerful days spent on the farm, filled with pleasant labor and walks together with Meta in the unspoilt surroundings, he has to return to Ljubljana to resume his office work. But he cannot forget Meta and he makes his mind to buy a property not far from the Presecnik home and and to become a farmer. He does indeed buy a farm and sets out again to the Presecnik home to ask Meta to be his wife.
Funeral Feast
The first days of war in Ljubljana. The young hero Niko experiences the bloody and violent transition from childhood to manhood. Based on the novel by Beno Zupancic.
The Sunny Whirlpool
Gangsters hide the stolen money in the refrigerator, which is committed to the school for the arrangers on the seashore. In the same school, a young man responses the advertising for the photographer, so he could provide a free holiday for himself and his friends. Gangsters come there as well, accompanied by detectives. On top of all that, the school is full of girls who try to win the confused young man's heart. This generates a series of comic complications in which the young man finally discloses the gangsters from prosecution, while at the same time being rescued from girls by his friends who have now arrived on holiday.
Stronghold of Toughs
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
On the Run
The feeling of being incapable of controlling your own life and general uselessness make people want to escape the world around them. In spite of the feeling that they possess some creative force, they still feel they waste their time and lives.
Не плачь, Петр
German soldier
Действие фильма происходит в период оккупации Югославии гитлеровскими захватчиками. Дане и Ловро, минёры Югославской народно-освободительной армии, получают задание переправить троих детей на освобожденную территорию. Среди детей своим особенно беспокойным характером выделяется самый младший из ребят — четырёхлетний Петер. Дане и Ловро недовольны этим поручением, так как мечтают о настоящих серьёзных операциях. Но делать нечего, и минёры вместе с детьми отправляются в опасный путь. В одном из селений Дане и Ловро сталкиваются с девушкой Магдой, которая указывает им на пещеру, где фашисты оборудовали секретный склад боеприпасов. Отважные минёры решают «убить двух зайцев» — взорвать этот склад и доставить детей по назначению...
По роману Прежихова Воранца "Самородки". Батрачка Мета и Ожбей, сын богатого крестьянина, полюбили друг друга и решили пожениться. Но отец Ожбея не мог допустить, чтобы его старший сын, наследник, женился на простой батрачке. Всеми силами старый Карничник старался вырвать из сердца Меты ее любовь. Не брезгуя никакими средствами, он заставлял девушку отречься от своей любви. Но ничто не сломило Мету. Она оставалась такой же гордой, красивой, независимой. У Меты и Ожбея было пятеро детей, пятеро незаконнорожденных. Они росли, и из года в год Мета прививала им веру в свои силы и учила презирать несправедливость.
One Fine Day
A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.
Ballad About a Trumpet and a Cloud
Temnikar's family prepares for Christmas, but to him, it's the time of dark premonitions and anxiety. In the mountain cave, hidden by snow, the wounded partisans are hiding, and Temnikar suspects the treason. Once the White Guard patrol shows up at Temnikar's doorstep, he finds out about their plan to go and finish off the wounded partisans.
Партизаны готовят дерзкую акцию по освобождению заключенных из тюрьмы словенской столицы. Успех акции им должен обеспечить один из надзирателей, но узники, среди которых большинство составляют антифашисты, ни о чем не догадываются. Более того, многие из них уже впали в отчаяние. Ведь каждую ночь кого-то из их числа отправляют на расстрел, а кого-то забирают на допрос, после которого возвращается уже не человек, а избитое и страдающее от невыносимой боли тело. И в то время, когда по темным улицам города крадутся готовящиеся к налету на тюрьму партизаны, в одной из камер разворачивается драма, в которой сломавшимся духовно и физически людям противостоят те, кто даже смерть готов встретить с открытым лицом…
Three Quarters of the Sun
A story of a group of men at a small frontier railway station who have been released from German concentration camps and are on their way home.
Решающие минуты
Необычная партизанская драма по мотивам романа хорватского романиста и режиссёра Бранко Белана стала первым словенским фильмом, подвергшемся цензуре. Режиссёру пришлось вырезать несколько сцен, чтобы сохранить героический образ антифашистского сопротивления. Доктор Корен работает в оккупированном городе в Словении. Белогвардейцы приводят раненых партизан. Чтобы спасти партизана, Корен убивает лейтенанта Белой гвардии. Убегая из города с раненым, Корен идёт через лес, где его узнает лесничий, отец убитого лейтенанта...