Нора и Абель — новички на детской площадке начальной школы. Они ищут новых друзей, пробуют участвовать в детских играх, но прежде безопасный мир оказывается жестоким испытанием на прочность.
Нора и Абель — новички на детской площадке начальной школы. Они ищут новых друзей, пробуют участвовать в детских играх, но прежде безопасный мир оказывается жестоким испытанием на прочность.
During his rehabilitation in a municipal swimming pool, a man has to learn how to cope with his new body though he is not ready to accept it. The physiotherapist accompanying him will try to bridge the distance that the man maintains both with his body and the swimming pool environment.
During his rehabilitation in a municipal swimming pool, a man has to learn how to cope with his new body though he is not ready to accept it. The physiotherapist accompanying him will try to bridge the distance that the man maintains both with his body and the swimming pool environment.