Junko Asamiya


Molester Story
La Blue Girl 2: Birth of the Demon Child
Part two of a three-part live adaptation of hentai manga La Blue Girl, Live Birth of the Demon Child follows on immediately from part one with Bidu ninja Miyu, pregnant with the child of a sex fiend, dying as she gives birth to a daughter, Miyabi. With the help of Yaku and Hiro, two hot, young members of the Miroku clan, Miyu's sexy sister Miko attempts to track down Miyabi before the sex fiends find her and use her to open the doorway between their world and ours.
La Blue Girl 3: Lady Ninja
Part 3 of this live action Hentai series begins with tasty ninja babe Yaku contacting her equally sexy cousins, Seia, Fuka and Maki, for help in her battle against the Shikima sex demons. After all three of her cousins have arrived, and wounded Bido warrior Miko has been nursed back to health (Fuka applies a special potion to the patient and uses her naked body to thoroughly rub it in), the girls make one last bid to defeat their evil, tentacled enemies.
La Blue Girl: Revenge of the Shikima Realm
Misaki Yoshida
Three complete stories of Ninja Sexcraft! The live action version of the anime hit. Miko has been training all her life for the inevitable day when the sex-starved Shikima Demons would invade to subjugate the women of Earth with their lascivious tentacles. Now the barriers are breaking down and the people of Earth are in peril. The demons won't stop until they have insinuated themselves into every orifice available. Will the Shikima demons make slaves of all of Miko's friends? How can Miko possibly defend against the wrath of an entire dimension?