An almost deserted museum, a guard wearing high heels, a cinephile thief and a Monet painting. These are the ingredients of a mysterious affair appropriated by Guy Slabbinck and Amir Yatziv. In 2000, Beach in Pourville by Monet, exhibited at the National Museum of Poznań, disappeared, replaced by a crude copy. The painting would be found 10 years later in the home of Robert Z., who here personally presents his own version of events for the first time.
Дул — умирающий бельгийский городок, окруженный атомной электростанцией, огромным грузовым причалом и портом Антверпена. Многие десятилетия местные жители сражаются с властями, решившими стереть город с лица земли и построить на его месте новый контейнерный док. Сейчас в нем осталось всего 26 жителей — это пестрое общество людей, объединенных желанием сохранить свой разрушенный и покинутый город.
Emma is in a happy relationship with Jef. But she still meets up with her good friend Thomas to share a strange secluded weekend.
Antwerp, at the beginning of June. On a sunny Friday, eight people dream of having a different life. There's wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and fighting. There's an old virus, an astrayed frisbee, a dead horse, and a mysterious person called Windman. In the evening there's a party …
3 generations of filmmakers tell a story about Brussels, 3 stories settled in the rue Saint Quentin, a forgotten street somewhere in the shadow of the European administration area.
Writer Joris (the author's alter-ego) has packed in his job and left his routine. He wanders through Brussels, pretending to be in other places and as far as we can verify lying to everyone. He stays in a dead-beat motel and meets other absurd people, never to any actual end. Will it be different when he meets Luzie and falls in love?