Will Znidaric


The Greatest Night in Pop
In 1985, 46 music icons, including Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper, Diana Ross, and Stevie Wonder, came together for the most star-studded recording session in history. This is the untold story of the legendary global pop song “We Are the World” — which very nearly didn’t happen.
Notorious B.I.G.: моя история
Кристофер Уоллес, известный как Notorious B.I.G., прославился своими автобиографическими текстами и оригинальным флоу и остается одной из знаковых фигур хип-хопа. Этот документальный фильм, в котором уникальные кадры из закулисья чередуются с историями, рассказанными самыми близкими друзьями и родными Бигги, — дань памяти его жизни.
Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb
Supervising Editor
Hunter S. Thompson went to the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago as a journalist and returned home disgusted, yet motivated by what he’d just seen: violently suppressed protests, riots, corrupt politicians, and abusive cops. Back in Aspen, he finds more of the same. The local police and sheriff’s departments are targeting young people, harassing and charging them with absurd crimes and trying to push them out of town. Hunter decides he has to do something to change the police brutality that has become the norm.
Черный крестный отец
Повествование о жизни Кларенса Аванта, абсолютного наставника и закулисного благодетеля в музыке, кино, телевидении и политике.
An intimate look into the life of icon Quincy Jones. A unique force in music and popular culture for 70 years, Jones has transcended racial and cultural boundaries; his story is inextricably woven into the fabric of America.
Additional Editorial Assistant
Документальный фильм рассказывает о приматологе Джейн Гудолл, прославившейся своими выдающимися исследованиями.
Five Came Back
The extraordinary story of how Hollywood changed World War II – and how World War II changed Hollywood, through the interwoven experiences of five legendary filmmakers who went to war to serve their country and bring the truth to the American people: John Ford, William Wyler, John Huston, Frank Capra, and George Stevens. Based on Mark Harris’ best-selling book, “Five Came Back: A Story of Hollywood and the Second World War.”
Зима в огне: Борьба Украины за свободу
Мирные демонстрации студентов в Украине за 93 дня переросли в насильственную революцию и полноценное движение за гражданские права.
NOW: In the Wings on a World Stage
Kevin Spacey, Sam Mendes and the Bridge Project Company go on the road in NOW: in the Wings on a World Stage. In over 200 performances, and across 3 continents, Kevin and the troupe reveal some of the most intimate moments behind the scenes of their staging of Shakespeare's classic tragedy, "Richard III." Their story and experiences weave around, and reflect on, excerpts from the play from their various locations, from Epidaurus to Doha, and provides a great opportunity for those who have never experienced Spacey on stage to witness his immerse and captivating interpretation of Richard III. NOW chronicles the first collaboration between Spacey and Mendes since both won Academy Awards® for their work on American Beauty.