Несчастная новобрачная Лина вынуждена иметь дело с подавленной и хрупкой свекровью Кэтрин. Чтобы спастись от домашних проблем, Лина заводит интрижку на стороне, которая оборачивается большими неприятностями — тайнами, предательством и даже убийством. Всё это может быть частью заговора против нее.
Муж и жена, которые пытаются сбежать из цирка, где их удерживают силой, девушка, которую дома поджидает маньяк, женский религиозный кружок, члены которого пытаются изгнать демона из своей подруги - все эти истории объединяет одно: они бросят вас в дрожь и будут держать в напряжении до самого конца.
Based on a true story, 3 Sleeps features 9-year-old Casey, who lives on a tough London estate with her mother and two young sisters. Casey is sworn to secrecy when her mother leaves the girls home alone for the weekend, but navigating an adult world alone won’t be easy. Things take a turn for the worse when Casey’s youngest sister falls seriously ill, leaving her caught between protecting her mum or saving her sister’s life.
Faraz’s quiet life working at an isolated petrol station is turned upside down when his ageing father Malik begins to speak in a long-forgotten language and insists on returning back home.
In a near future, a group of scientists trapped in a room learn that one of them is an AI and it has been deceiving them. They cannot escape until they figure out who it is.
In a near future, a group of scientists trapped in a room learn that one of them is an AI and it has been deceiving them. They cannot escape until they figure out who it is.
Held captive by a circus, Malu is frantically rescued from her shackles by her husband. As she waits anxiously in the darkness for her chance to escape, a disturbing truth she's hidden away seeps back in.