Amidst the problems in their childless marriage, Matías and Eva try their hand at matchmaking, setting up their friend Barbara with the man who seems perfect, Julián. Once they realize that Julian is not what he seems, they try to warn Barbara away, but she may already be too infatuated.
Amidst the problems in their childless marriage, Matías and Eva try their hand at matchmaking, setting up their friend Barbara with the man who seems perfect, Julián. Once they realize that Julian is not what he seems, they try to warn Barbara away, but she may already be too infatuated.
Лусиана, молодая женщина, погруженная в круговорот загадочных смертей родственников и растущее подозрение, что виновником является загадочный писатель, ее бывший босс.
Лусиана, молодая женщина, погруженная в круговорот загадочных смертей родственников и растущее подозрение, что виновником является загадочный писатель, ее бывший босс.
Когда ее сына обвиняют в изнасиловании и попытке убийства своей бывшей жены, Алисия отправляется в путешествие, которое навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Когда ее сына обвиняют в изнасиловании и попытке убийства своей бывшей жены, Алисия отправляется в путешествие, которое навсегда изменит ее жизнь.
Пятидесятилетний художник по имени Лоренцо решает заново начать свою жизнь после трудных времён. Беспокоясь о крохотном сынишке, который уже скоро появится на свет, его молодая жена ещё во время беременности начинает вести себя неадекватно и злобно, что делает отношения между супругами напряжёнными. А с рождением малыша отношения и вовсе достигают наивысшего пика враждебности, из которого уже нет выхода..
Eight-year-old Natacha and her best friend launch a love-letter service to raise money to help a stray dog.
This incredibly disturbing story follows the exploitation of an apprentice butcher, Hermógenes, and his trial after he murders his boss in broad daylight. Hermógenes, a farmhand from northern Argentina, relocates to Buenos Aires in search of a better life for himself and his young wife, but soon finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt boss. The film is based on a thorough investigation of a real event that happened in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. Almost every scene in the film is inspired by real facts or based on well documented daily practices of the “meat business” and its environment. Both a shocking exposé of unscrupulous practices in the meat industry and a heart-wrenching personal story, El Patrón became one of the most successful Argentine films of 2014.
This incredibly disturbing story follows the exploitation of an apprentice butcher, Hermógenes, and his trial after he murders his boss in broad daylight. Hermógenes, a farmhand from northern Argentina, relocates to Buenos Aires in search of a better life for himself and his young wife, but soon finds himself at the mercy of a corrupt boss. The film is based on a thorough investigation of a real event that happened in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. Almost every scene in the film is inspired by real facts or based on well documented daily practices of the “meat business” and its environment. Both a shocking exposé of unscrupulous practices in the meat industry and a heart-wrenching personal story, El Patrón became one of the most successful Argentine films of 2014.
Argentina documentary
Argentine audiovisual documentary based on a musical tour carried out between 2007 and 2008 by León Gieco along with a group of young artists with disabilities from different provinces of Argentina. The film combines music, singing, dance, and painting, along with the life stories of the protagonists.
Argentine audiovisual documentary based on a musical tour carried out between 2007 and 2008 by León Gieco along with a group of young artists with disabilities from different provinces of Argentina. The film combines music, singing, dance, and painting, along with the life stories of the protagonists.
A look into Argentina's rock scene post-Cromañon's tragedy. It does not just present the most popular songs by soloists and bands featured in the film, but it goes backstage and shows the artists’ private world, how they write their music, where they live, how they became what they are and what their dreams are.
A look into Argentina's rock scene post-Cromañon's tragedy. It does not just present the most popular songs by soloists and bands featured in the film, but it goes backstage and shows the artists’ private world, how they write their music, where they live, how they became what they are and what their dreams are.
Camera Operator
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.
Post Production Supervisor
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.
Near Luján, the Rerum Novarum music band, composer of former workers of the Flandria cotton plant, continues playing nowadays, in spite of the shutdown of the factory. The old musicians struggle with passion in the need to maintain an identity, in a present where the social values seem to have to disappear. The old workers-musicians, receive "Our Lady of Luján" playing "Oh, María", remembering the early days of the town, of the factory, and of their own lives. They recall an idealistic past, where a Flandria worker used to receive a salary equal to that of a bank manager. They visit the closed factory -once source for employment for thousands of workers- with the knowledge that the country that they helped to build no longer exists. The old musicians gather to enjoy their friendship in the celebration of the 63rd anniversary of the band, while they fight against the ghosts of the economical crisis and social disintegration.