Dan Roberts


The Bike Thief
To the Rider his moped is everything. As a pizza delivery driver it is his livelihood. As a breadline straddling, immigrant father it is his family’s anchor. It takes his wife to work. It gets his daughter to school. So when one night the moped is stolen, his world collapses. He has to get back his bike – or replace it – in whatever way possible, before his next shifts starts. If he fails, he won’t just lose his job, he will lose it all. He tries to ask the few familiar faces for help in this unfamiliar, disorienting city. However, as he runs out of time and his options are wearing thin, his moral compass begins to crack and he grows more and more willing to forgo his conscience in order to save himself and his family.
Ограбление Лондона
Джек Криган - профессиональный преступник и грабитель. Он хочет отомстить людям, которые убили его отца и присвоили себе деньги от последнего грабежа. В попытке мести его жизнь оказывается под угрозой. Преследуя виновных и скрываясь от полиции, он перебирается из мрачного Лондона в испанскую Марбелью, где продолжает разгадывать тайны, окружающие его семью.
X Moor
With their sights set on a £25,000 reward promoted by a local newspaper, American documentarians Georgia and Matt head to Exmoor in North Devon to film the fabled beast supposedly slinking through the remote terrain. Is the creature a leopard, a panther, a family pet crossbreed, an imaginary predator? Setting up a forest camp with an old acquaintance harbouring his own dark secrets, the trio fix 42 cameras to the trees and rocks, linked back to a computer nerve centre where nothing should go unnoticed as they take turns to night watch. But then they discover some putrefying body parts all neatly tied up… then some more. And before long they realise they are in the lair of a beast right enough, but certainly not one of the four-legged variety. For they have discovered a serial killer’s playground and are soon to become his most wanted prey.
Новое реалити-шоу под названием «Задание» вынуждает шестерых молодых участников выполнять квесты, находясь на территории заброшенной тюрьмы. Понятно, что за большой денежный выигрыш они вскоре будут готовы перегрызть друг другу глотки прямо в прямом эфире, чем искусно пользуется неизвестный, устроивший им ночь ТВ-террора…
Cameraman: The Life and Work of Jack Cardiff
In 2001 Jack Cardiff (1914-2009) became the first director of photography in the history of the Academy Awards to win an Honorary Oscar. But the first time he clasped the famous statuette in his hand was a half-century earlier when his Technicolor camerawork was awarded for Powell and Pressburger's Black Narcissus. Beyond John Huston's The African Queen and King Vidor's War and Peace, the films of the British-Hungarian creative duo (The Red Shoes and A Matter of Life and Death too) guaranteed immortality for the renowned cameraman whose career spanned seventy years.
Mumbo Jumbo
In a misguided attempt to do something for the war on terror, self-styled suburban warriors Gool, Rube and Simmo are ready to carry out their first operation, but things don't go quite as they planned.
First Assistant Editor
Никому не дано предугадать свою судьбу. Дэнис считал себя абсолютно счастливым человеком: у него были любимая жена, уютный дом и хорошая работа — лучшего и желать нельзя. Но забравшиеся в дом бандиты лишили его всего, ведь даже самый суровый приговор преступнику не вернет Дэнису погибшую жену. И тогда он решает сам покарать того, кто отнял у него надежду на светлое будущее. Ради мести он готов на все — его не остановит стена, за которую упрятали врага. Но проникнуть в тюрьму — только полдела: теперь его ждут суровые испытания в жестоком мире закоренелых преступников и последняя безжалостная схватка с бандитами.