Teruhiko Arakawa


Heat Wave
Sound Editor
Rin Jyoshima lost her father to death-by-gambling; years later, she's grown up in the Kosugi household and has fallen victim to gambling herself.
Labyrinth Romanesque
Sound Mixer
Based on Edogawa Ranpo Award winner "Hanazono no Meikyu" by Yoko Yamazaki. A serial killing occurs at a port town brothel.
Yakuza Ladies
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While her husband is in prison doing time, Tamaki, the wife of a yakuza capo, runs her spouse’s gang with an iron hand. Meanwhile, Makoto, her younger sister, marries a member of a rival band after being raped by him. The two sisters, united by blood ties but married to enemy yakuzas, will ultimately have to decide whose side they’re on.
Yakuza Ladies
Sound Recordist
While her husband is in prison doing time, Tamaki, the wife of a yakuza capo, runs her spouse’s gang with an iron hand. Meanwhile, Makoto, her younger sister, marries a member of a rival band after being raped by him. The two sisters, united by blood ties but married to enemy yakuzas, will ultimately have to decide whose side they’re on.
House on Fire
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In the 50s, the complicated life of a popular writer who must share his life with his family, his numerous mistresses and his work
Северные светлячки
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1881 год. Япония ставит задачу освоения Хоккайдо. Но проложить дороги в этих суровых местах можно только силами заключенных. Начальник тюрьмы Кабато, тиран и шут Цукигата Тэнгоку не жалеет ничьих жизней. Какая расплата ждет его за грехи?
Искусство и любовь
Sound Mixer
Юная красавица Цуя обучается живописи в студии знаменитого мастера Сёкея. Желание талантливой девушки остаться в респектабельной студии толкает ее в объятия наставника... Вскоре наступает трагическая развязка. Рожденный от Сёкея ребенок отдан на воспитание чужим людям, мать отворачивается от падшей дочери, и Цуя вынуждена бежать в другой город. Лишь встреча с молодым художником Нисиути помогает девушке вернуться к жизни и к живописи...
Kabamaru the Ninja Boy
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Kabamaru is a young boy raised and trained by his grandfather as a ninja. After the sudden death of his grandfather, he starts living with Mai, his grandfather’s mistress, who is a school director. He is asked to help out on struggles against other schools, as he is master of the ninja mystical arts. As time passes he will make lots of friends as well as enemies, and fall in love with Mai.
Onimasa: A Japanese Godfather
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Onimasa is the egocentric boss of a small yakuza clan on Shikoku Island, whose criminal duties conflict with his self-image as a chivalrous samurai. His struggles with his boss, the Shikoku Godfather, and the tumultuous life of his adopted daughter, Matsue, form the backdrop of this epic tale of justice, obedience, and bloody vengeance.
The House Where Evil Dwells
At the prompting of his diplomat friend, Alex, writer Ted Fletcher takes his wife, Laura, and daughter, Amy, on an extended working holiday. Alex finds a house for them in Kyoto, Japan, and the Fletchers move in, laughing off rumors that the place is haunted. But the ghost of 19th-century samurai Shigero turns out to be very real, and is intent on making the family re-enact an ancient murder-suicide.
The Blazing Valiant
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Jo has just come back to Japan for the funeral of his parents, who were killed in tribal warfare in Africa where the family had been living throughout most of Jo's life. Once the funeral was over, he missed the boat that was going to take him back home, and, because of an altered itinerary, he ends up stopping in a town for awhile -- striking up an acquaintance with a teenager and her grandfather when he captures their runaway horse. He would have been glad to leave after the proper amenities were completed, but the girl's journalist brother is murdered -- he was getting too close to wrapping a major news story. At that point, Jo and a friend cannot easily drop the matter as though nothing had occurred, and the two start to track down the source of the trouble -- a factory that makes poison gas for Third World buyers. Now their task is to dismantle the operation, prevent one train shipment from arriving at a transfer point, and find the journalist's killer.
Down with The Big Boss
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In pre-war Japan, two members of a large yakuza syndicate instigate a turf war that embroils the highest echelons of Tokyo's underworld.
Japanese Godfather: Conclusion
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The three-film saga comes to a conclusion as three leaders of the underworld battle it out to determine who will become Don of Japan.
Голго 13: Задание Коулун
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Голго 13 - хладнокровный, расчётливый, безжалостный убийца, работающий на американский наркосиндикат. Его цель: захотевший независимости глава того же наркосиндиката в Гонконге. Его единственное препятствие: неугомонный полицейский, настроенный остановить его любой ценой. Результат - взрывное приключение на улицах Гонконга.
Легенда о динозавре
Sound Recordist
Лето 1977 года. В расщелине у подножия горы Фудзияма найдены окаменевшие яйца динозавров. Миллионы лет пролежали они без движения, но природные катаклизмы пробудили их от спячки. И началось… Исчезают люди, на дорогах находят обезглавленных животных. Начинают оживать все новые и новые твари. Кто или что сможет остановить кровавую вакханалию?
The Three Ginza Rascals
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Three men, all named Masa, join forces to capitalize on each of their unique yet questionable talents against a hyper-competitive Tokyo underworld.
Operation Plazma in Osaka
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Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
Эротические истории: Любовь в эпоху Гэнроку
Sound Recordist
Ироничная и трагическая история о любовных приключениях юной Нацу и её замужней сестры Осити. Любовь дает им шанс вырваться из загнивающего дома, заселенного слизняками и пиявками. Цинизм и практицизм Нацу контрастирует с наивностью и самоотверженностью Осити. В конце концов, каждый добивается того, к чему стремился.
The Viper Brothers and the Young General
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The Viper Brothers: Up on 30 Charges
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Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom
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Three new students at a super-strict girl's school must face off with a repressive school administration, the sadistic, murderous student discipline brigade and corrupt politicians over the murder/suicide of one of their friends. They're approached by a blackmailer (Tsunehiko Watase) who promises to help them exact vengeance in exchange for setting up a corrupt local politician, and aided by a independent Yakuza biker chick (Reiko Ike).
The Brawling Angel
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Ninkyo with Hideki Takahashi.
The Sucker's Blunt Dagger
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A man aspires to be a big boss but falls in love with a beautiful woman boss.
Shameless: Abnormal and Abusive Love
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A Japanese woman is raped by her boyfriend day in day out.
Nippon '69 Sexual Curiosity Seeking Zone
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Early Japanese mondo film, also known as Mondo Grottesco.
The Bandits
Action drama about a Japanese gangster in Manchuria circa 1932, who finally joins some Chinese mountain bandits.
Wicked Priest
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During the Taisho Period (early 1920's) a monastery of warrior monks was split apart between two factions. One of these factions was led by the Chief Abbot and his protege, Shinkai. When Shinkai intercedes in a fight between a rival priest and some ruffians it leads to his expulsion from the order. This story introduced us to the character of Shinkai, a "Karate Priest" and his long running feud with Ryotatsu, his greatest rival. There are touches of humor as Shinkai breaks all the commandments of a priest, including fighting, gambling, and running after women. All this leads to an awesome conclusion as he must destroy a gang of yakuza aided by corrupt priests. The fighting is fast and furious as Ryotatsu waits to see if Shinkai can live long enough to face him in the ultimate test! /Winterheart of CG
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A story of young students trained to become Kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Showdown of Men 2
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Part two.
Yakuza Hooligans
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A bunch of young, angry and penniless misfits are full of great vitality. They aren’t quite up to joining the yakuza and execute a variety of petty scams. After being approached by a yakuza and asked to become a spy for them, they are now planning to take 10 million yen from the yakuza.