A bank clerk and his cousin, a "general", join forces to track down a Mexican outlaw.
Laura is the victim of a blackmail, asks for help to her childhood friends Renata, Marina and Giovanna in the meantime become a nun to collect the amount requested.
Four former soldiers meet and reminisce about the time they were in active service: a parachutist mistaking his sergeants house for a brothel, a hypnotized sailor who thinks he has changed his sex, two GIs captured by an African tribe.
In the study of a lawyer, two young spouses tell their story. The singer Tony manages to reach the much coveted success, and can thus marry his girlfriend. But a clause in his record contract obliges him to remain a bachelor for two years.
Two boxing promoters travel via time machine back to the days of Hercules, who must save them from Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde.
Five GIs end up in a female college during their military manouvers. They are very welcome by the girls and since one of them has also a beautiful voice they take part in a show organized by the college.
Квартирный вор, шантажируя неверного мужа, втирается в доверие его семьи и выдаёт себя за личного врача Муссолини, чтобы украсть золотые столовые приборы.
Teo, a young theatre stand in, is offered a faustian pact by the devil: if he pushes a button a Chinese mandarin will die and leave his money to him. Teo seems to be tempted by the offer...
A boy and a girl fall in love but their fathers take a strong dislike to each other, clashing repeatedly during the preparations for the upcoming marriage.
Baron Zazà, always broke due his dissolute lifestyle, decides to con a hefty sum of money out of his wealthy but greedy brother.
Четверо безденежных друзей узнают, что в Таормину, знаменитый итальянский пляжный курорт, с целью найти себе нового мужа приехала известная миллиардерша Барбара Паттон. Недолго думая, они решают поправить свои финансовые дела с помощью брачной аферы.
An American military aircraft with some female soldiers crash lands in an Italian air base to the delight of the Italian soldiers.
A mad scientist pursues a man hoping to study his brain.
Returning from his honeymoon, Marcella finds out she is pregnant. The to-be grandparents fight on where the baby will be born and on his name. The parents of the baby, tired of those fights, run away to Milan.
A psychiatric-clinic medical director runs some tests on two patients, the Ragionier Antonio Vignanelli and Cavalier Peppino Caprioli, so they must retrieve some memories of family life in order to understand their mental illness.
Renato Tuzzi, a primary school teacher, is a shy man, unable to be respected by the turbulent kids.
Renato Tuzzi, a primary school teacher, is a shy man, unable to be respected by the turbulent kids.
Young painter Teddy is successful with women but not very clever about selling pictures. He is in love with Elisabetta but cannot marry her because he is penniless. The couple asks for help from Peppino, a retired clerk who often uses Teddy's painting, pretending that they are his so he can impress the women he likes.
Приход нового молодого учителя физики Андреа Ла Ровере на работу в женскую гимназию взбудоражил юные сердца и умы практически всех старшеклассниц. Однажды, увидев в саду самую тихую и скромную ученицу Марию (Вирна Лизи), обнимающуюся с мужчиной, похожим на нового преподавателя, одна из девушек решает донести о произошедшем строгой директрисе.
Maria, a prostitute, meets Cesare in a police station, a drunkard reporter. Cesare falls in love with her and wants to save her from her bleak life but the girl refuses any help.
Maria, a prostitute, meets Cesare in a police station, a drunkard reporter. Cesare falls in love with her and wants to save her from her bleak life but the girl refuses any help.
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Two widowers decide to get married but their decision is continually hampered by their grandchildren, who are just interested in their inheritance.
Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.
Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.
Феличе Шошаммокка — писарь и Паскуале — фотограф живут со своими семьями, еле сводя концы с концами, не всегда имея возможность даже пообедать. Но случается так, что молодой маркиз Эудженио влюбляется в балерину Джемму. И вот незадача: несмотря на то, что Джемма — дочь разбогатевшего повара, Эудженио, не может открыться в своей любви отцу и к тому же он в ссоре с ним. Но чтобы получить согласие отца Джеммы на ее замужество, он уговаривает Феличе и Паскуале сыграть роли своих дяди и отца.
Алберто Сорди, деревенский простак, обладающий кольцом со скарабеем, проникает во дворец к Клеопатре, имеющей обыкновение умерщвлять на утро своих любовников. Царица в тот момент ждала покушения и вместо себя поместила в опочивальню очень похожую на себя блондинку, с которой Сорди провел первую ночь.
A clown named Tottons of the Togni circus, obliged to never take off his clown makeup or reveal his identity, is continually persecuted by the jealousy of three women and even by a policeman.
Одного мошенника, Феличе бросают к тюрьму, где уже сидит другой мошенник, Фаина. Довольно быстро подружившись, они сбегают, после чего, после недолгих приключений едут в Сорренто, где Тото выдает себя за турка и нанимается в услужение к очень ревнивому владельцу магазина, у которого молодая жена и еще более молодая дочь.
Anna was the maid of a lady who inherited an apartment in a building in the center of Rome.
Four poor fellows win a luxurious car in a lottery but they have not the money to keep it. Therefore they decide to have it a day each and sell it afterwards. Everyone will spend his own day with the car and get some gratification. Some will get it, others will not. And the fifth poor fellow?
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
In a small village two twin brothers are of opposite characters. One is mayor of the town, gruff and precise. The other is totally different from his brother and loves the good life and beautiful women.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.
Roaming the vast jungles of Congo with his best friend, Bongo the gorilla, Antonio della Buffas, a mysterious man whom the natives call the "white monkey", is utterly unaware that he is the long-lost son of a wealthy explorer. Then, three opportunists manage to capture and bring the white savage to civilisation, bent on getting their hands on his immense fortune.
Roaming the vast jungles of Congo with his best friend, Bongo the gorilla, Antonio della Buffas, a mysterious man whom the natives call the "white monkey", is utterly unaware that he is the long-lost son of a wealthy explorer. Then, three opportunists manage to capture and bring the white savage to civilisation, bent on getting their hands on his immense fortune.
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
Two twin brothers grew up and never met (due to the fact that the father with the couple would have had 13 children and therefore for superstition he closed one in an orphanage), the one goalkeeper of Juventus and the other employee at the state lottery.
An artist of variety, known in art with the name of Bebè, is a charlatan in Cannes, in a company with Zallos, a shady type.
In the village of Viggiù, the firemen organize various skits and performances in their theater, inviting all the celebrities known at that time.
Профессор Тото Казамандреи спокойно работает в своем лицее, учит студентов, пока однажды не знакомится с прелестной Дорианой. Тото влюбляется и, не долго думая, делает ей предложение. Глядя на смешного профессора, Дориана говорит первое, что приходит ей в голову, что она выйдет за него, если он выиграет велогонку Джиро Д'Италия. Но Тото никогда в жизни не умел кататься на велосипеде! Что делать? Тото идет к тренеру-велосипедисту, но, как и следовало ожидать, велосипедист из него никудышный. Что же делать? В отчаянии Тото решает продать душу дьяволу.
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
Assunta, a commoner of Naples, is scarred by her lover Michele for jealousy.
In 19th-century France, middle-aged orphans Gasparre and Battista, watchmen at an orphanage, find out from a soothsayer that one of them is the offspring of the Hangman of Paris and the other is the son of a count. But it is only a dream of theirs.
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
The young Chiaretta has joined, against the will of her family, a theater company in the magazine in the hope of being able to sing on the stage. Her fiancé chases her trying to make her change her mind and bring her home.
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
A compelling portrayal of postwar Rome
Rather than renouncing his artistic dreams and working in his father's company, a young man, who is vocally equipped, is content to perform at street corners. This allows him to know and fall in love with a beautiful blind girl.
Rather than renouncing his artistic dreams and working in his father's company, a young man, who is vocally equipped, is content to perform at street corners. This allows him to know and fall in love with a beautiful blind girl.
Римский извозчик Тото не хочет, чтобы его древнюю работу вытеснили автомобили и чтобы его дочь Наннарелла встречалась с таксистом Роберто. Но именно Роберто его спасает, когда Тото попадает в беду...
Alberto, son of a rich engineer, falls in love with Luisa, a ruthless manicurist who is only after his money. His parents offer him a holiday in Venice because they hope he will forget her. Alberto however leaves for Venice with Luisa, who has asked a friend of hers to take her place at the beauty parlour. Alberto's parents go there and mistake Teresa for Luisa. A series of misunderstandings ensues...
Alberto, son of a rich engineer, falls in love with Luisa, a ruthless manicurist who is only after his money. His parents offer him a holiday in Venice because they hope he will forget her. Alberto however leaves for Venice with Luisa, who has asked a friend of hers to take her place at the beauty parlour. Alberto's parents go there and mistake Teresa for Luisa. A series of misunderstandings ensues...
At the Royal Air Force Academy of Caserta, three students, Mario, Marco and Filippo become great friends. Toward the end of the course, Marco accidentally meets and falls in love with Mario's sister, Adriana. Mario expresses his opposition to Marco and this causes the end of their friendship. Due to an accident during a training flight, Marco is passed from the role of the navigator to the services role, thus not obtaining the military pilot's license.
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.
A singer saves a heavy alcoholic journalist. Fate has a new meeting for them: the two are found in a police station where she was brought with the accusation of prostitution.
A young farmer, with a magnificent voice, receives an invitation to present himself in a large theater to be hired. In reality, the invitation is a joke made by his cousin.
A young farmer, with a magnificent voice, receives an invitation to present himself in a large theater to be hired. In reality, the invitation is a joke made by his cousin.
Alberto Serrani, a mining engineer, meets doctor's daughter Marina, sweet and simple, and the notorious and frivolous Clara who falls for him immediately.
Alberto Serrani, a mining engineer, meets doctor's daughter Marina, sweet and simple, and the notorious and frivolous Clara who falls for him immediately.
Italy, early 1940s. A rich and noble man, returning from America, has the unpleasant surprise of being dirt poor. Its magnificent castle is impounded and he agrees to become the guide allowed visitors to admire.
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
In Santa Cruz, in the second half of the eighteenth century. The Governor of the island, to ingratiate himself with the Viceroy, contrives to make assaulting the island from a mock pirate ship and, with a mock battle, defeat the aggressors and throw them back into the sea.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
In 1830 Pierre Courier, a rich and elderly shipowner, awaits the return of his son Stefano, who has just returned from a long trip to Trinidad in the ship in which he is captain.
Cousins Michele and Tommaso are told by a notary that a distant uncle has left a large sum of money for them.
Cousins Michele and Tommaso are told by a notary that a distant uncle has left a large sum of money for them.
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
Guido Renzi and his lawyer friend chase a beautiful girl to return a purse that he lost and after a long drive in the car reach the laboratory of an improvised astrophysicist - the girl's father - who, together with another scientist, is about to take off in the direction of Mars aboard a missile.
Cipriano Duval is an Italian who has emigrated to Paris, where he works in a pediatric clinic as a nurse.
Cipriano Duval is an Italian who has emigrated to Paris, where he works in a pediatric clinic as a nurse.
A taxi driver finds a baby in his cab after the mother accidentally leaves him behind.
A taxi driver finds a baby in his cab after the mother accidentally leaves him behind.
The lawyer Giulio Gualandi plans yet another escapade in Viareggio while he is with his wife on holiday in Cervinia.
In the center of Milan, Felicita Colombo successfully manages a delicatessen that has among its customers the best bourgeoisie of the city.
Venice Film Festival 1936
Venice Film Festival 1936
Florence in 1848. There is a strong political tension in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Giovanni, a young Neapolitan composer who has just arrived in the city, accidentally comes into contact with some liberals and is convinced to compose the hymn of the Volunteers.
Florence in 1848. There is a strong political tension in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Giovanni, a young Neapolitan composer who has just arrived in the city, accidentally comes into contact with some liberals and is convinced to compose the hymn of the Volunteers.
Во время рыбной ловли на профессора Джакомо Бантти падает, спрыгнувшая с парашютом, Дора Сандри. Эта внезапная встреча полностью поменяла спокойную и размеренную жизнь профессора…
Во время рыбной ловли на профессора Джакомо Бантти падает, спрыгнувшая с парашютом, Дора Сандри. Эта внезапная встреча полностью поменяла спокойную и размеренную жизнь профессора…
Во время рыбной ловли на профессора Джакомо Бантти падает, спрыгнувшая с парашютом, Дора Сандри. Эта внезапная встреча полностью поменяла спокойную и размеренную жизнь профессора…