Gusztáv Vándory


Венгерские мелодии
Музыкальный фильм об известном венгерском композиторе XIX века Ференце Эркеле. В киноленте показана его борьба за национальную музыку, тесно связанную с борьбой народа против национального и социального угнетения. В фильме также убедительно воссоздано рождение государственного венгерского гимна, мелодия которого была написана Ф. Эркелем по словам поэта Кельчи.
A gazdátlan asszony
One Bad Egg
A '28-as'
Alpine Sunlight
Ágnes, Vass and Kriszt run a sanatorium for consumptives. Fifi, daughter of the institute owner is also here, mortally ill. Feri, the ski trainer relieves her with his courtship every now and then from her boredom and distress.
Back on the Road
Kovács, chief cashier, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of his school-leaving exams at the grammar-school. He takes his friends to a night-club.
Come On the First
The Lady is a Little Crazy
Gyomassy, államtitkár
Man of Gold
Az Aranyember (The Man of Gold) was based on a novel by Jokai, at one time Hungary's foremost storyteller. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around Timar (Ferenc Kiss), a ferryman on a Danish tugboat. Rescuing the daughter (Marisa Kormos) of a Turkish nobleman from a watery grave, Timar is rewarded with the girl's hand in marriage. Now rich beyond his wildest dreams, our hero finds he is unsatisfied; it seems he has never forgotten his true love, flower girl Noemi (Anna Fuzes). Timar is forced to suffer mightily until he is finally permitted a tender reunion with the girl of his dreams.
Légy jó mindhalálig
Sweet Stepmother
Dr.Gárdonyi,a háziorvos
The child's must have a mother! - This is the doctor's instructions, and a young widow will do everything so that little girl's mood will change.
The Dream Car
A light hearted comedy, from the thirties. One of the most successful ones in Hungary. The ever enchanting story of a beautiful girl falling in love with a rich man.
Весенний ливень
В фильме рассказана история девушки-крестьянки, родившей внебрачного ребёнка и из-за своего позора вынужденной бежать из деревни в город. Там её, не имеющую средств к существованию, берут в публичный дом, и девицы из этого заведения обращаются с ней более гуманно, чем зажиточные крестьяне из её родного села.
Лакей Ипполит
Одна из самых популярных венгерских комедий рассказывает о семье оборотистых предпринимателей, внезапно заработавших большое состояние. Несмотря на скромное происхождение, жена пытается вести жизнь аристократки и для начала нанимает дворецкого. С появлением в доме Ипполита, их жизнь переворачивается с ног на голову.
There's Only One Girl in the World
Vas Miklós, tanító
György Bánáth landowner and Miklós Vass the teacher, on the verge of collapse, trudging all the way from Siberia where they have spent more than ten years as POWs, trying to prevent each other from falling from fatigue on the way home. Both become regular visitors to the Pálffy family and they both make amorous advances to Katinka, the beautiful daughter of the local vicar.
The Half of a Boy
In English known informally as "The Half of a Boy" and "Stepmother". Based on the novel by Kálmán Mikszáth. After his wife's death Gáthy Lörinc (in Serbian version: Mr. Wickfield) remarries and in secret he takes his son born from this second marriage to the same foster parents who take care his first son born from his first marriage and left without mother. Five years later, when both boys return home, his wife does not know which is her own child, and which is the child of the previous wife, so the husband's desire is fulfilled, his orphaned son doesn't have step-mother, because his wife loves both boys equally, as her sweet children.
The Watchmaker of the Soul
A kis rongyos
Child's Heart
Az összeesküvök
An Orthodox rabbi deals with tragedy and a rapidly changing way of life, as secularism becomes the norm.
The Veteran
Mózsi Jóska, Málcsika kérõje
Karoline and her daughter Marlene do not know that their long-absent son and brother Franz has been killed in the war. Franz's soldier friend Alwin goes to tell them the news, but in the event he can't bring himself to tell them the truth.
A magyar föld ereje
The World is Only a Spirit
Silent Bells
Simándy Pál
After his study tour abroad, Simándy Pál, the Protestant pastor, returns to his homeland, Transylvania. In the church of Magyargarabó which lacked a priest for a long time, the bells are ringing again. The young priest devotedly serves his vocation in the village which becomes more and more Romanian. He falls in love with Florica, the daughter of the Orthodox pope. The girl returns his love. In the novel, the lovers are torn apart, as the pope is the paid spy of the Romanian anti-Hungarian League, but the film has a happy ending: Simándy and Florica unite in happiness. The film was originally produced in 1916 and presented in 1922 completed with some film and stage scenes.
Sárga liliom
Fehér galambok fekete városban
Silent film.