Kirsten Slenning

Kirsten Slenning


Kirsten Slenning


Dan Mangan is the Least Cool Thing
This contains found footage that was leaked without Dan Mangan's consent. The world deserves to know who Dan Mangan really is. Please share this widely so that everyone knows the truth about Dan Mangan.
Рождественская невеста
Wedding planner Jessica Perez travels to a remote town in Alaska to find a rare flower for a celebrity client and is charmed by the small town during Christmas, as well as the handsome local helping her.
What Happens Next? The Dan Mangan Documentary
The night before musician Dan Mangan plays the biggest concert of his life, he invites a few close friends over for a poker game and explores the ideas of fate, destiny and the daunting question: what happens next?
Магия слов: История Дж.К. Роулинг
Young Mother
Фильм рассказывает историю Джоан Кэтлин Роулинг, освещая ключевые моменты её жизни, путь становления писательницы, историю создания её главного детища — «Гарри Поттера».