Liz Kearney


Liz Kearney is a film producer.


Memoir of a Snail
A bittersweet remembrance of Grace Puddle; a lonely hoarder of ornamental snails living in Canberra.
Sweet As
With problems on the home front, 15-year-old Murra is on the verge of lashing out. That is, until her policeman uncle thwarts her self-destructive behaviour with a lifeline: a “photo-safari for at-risk kids”. Murra isn’t entirely convinced, but she soon joins cantankerous Kylie, uptight Sean, happy-go-lucky Elvis, and camp counsellors Fernando and Michelle on a transformative bus trip to the Pilbara. On the trail, the teens learn about fun, friendship and first crushes, as well as the forces of ‘reality’ that puncture the bubble of youth.
Executive Producer
While scouting locations for a university project, Eva crosses paths with Mia; later, they meet again at a house party, and an intense friendship soon forms between the introverted student filmmaker and the inscrutable but magnetic performer. As the pair becomes ever more entwined, so does the supernatural begin to entangle with the everyday, revealing the cracks between memory and make-believe, reality and fantasy. All the while, Eva seeks to better understand her friend – and her own self – leading her deeper into the surreal rabbit hole that is Mia’s life.
Адское невезение
Executive Producer
The film adaptation of Erik Jensen's award-winning biography of Adam Cullen is the story of the biographer and his subject, as it descends into a dependent and abusive relationship.
In the middle of a crowded city the paths of two strangers, a man and a woman, collide. This accidental, chance occurrence sets in motion a chain of events that sees the two strangers embark on a night of adventure and connection that challenges their separate lives.
Executive Producer
История о фермере Уилфреде Джеймсе, который с помощью сына-подростка убил свою жену и бросил её тело на растерзание крысам. С тех пор крысы-трупоеды следуют за Уилфредом по пятам, ломая ему жизнь и доводя до безумия.
Lost Property Office
A clerk at a lost property office is faced with unexpected change, and plans an unconventional response.
Black as Me
Executive Producer
Artist Atong Atem shares her story of embracing her dark skin tone while growing up in Australia.
Executive Producer
Джали, молодой абориген, начинает свой путь по жизни, пытаясь понять, что значит быть мужчиной в современном мире. Он видит те проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются мужчины-аборигены в сельских и городских общинах. В то время, как он ищет своё место в жизни, в нём пробуждается особая духовная сила, ведущая его по пути к маскулинности.
Бумажные самолётики
Фильм об австралийском мальчике, который невероятно увлечен полетами. Он решает принять участие в Чемпионате мира по запусканию бумажных самолетиков.
Последние часы
Когда стало известно, что человеческой цивилизации вот-вот предстоит погибнуть из-за неотвратимой глобальной катастрофы, каждый воспринял это по-разному. Главной герой фильма довольно спокойно отнесся с скорой гибели, и даже решил принять участие в грандиозной вечеринке в последний день Земли. Однако по дороге туда он столкнулся с маленькой девочкой, ищущей своего отца, и это заставило его изменить свои планы и, в конце концов, привело на путь искупления...
Set across post-apocalyptic Western Australian desert highways, Transmission takes the audiences on a compelling journey of survival as they follow 10 year old Tilly and her father Jim who try to make their way to the 'virus free' safe zone based in the small town of Leonora following an airborne pandemic that has wiped out 90% of the population of their hometown, Perth. Along the way Tilly must face up to some harsh lessons, most importantly, how to drive. She must endure the ultimate driving lesson in a post apocalyptic world.
Arrivals and Departures
After two years overseas, Rory’s older brother returns home to help him enter manhood on his 18th birthday.
After a deadly disease breaks out onboard a Sydney-bound flight from Los Angeles, a flight attendant struggling with the recent death of her mother is forced to summon inner strength she never knew existed.