Ahmad Ibrahim


Writing Student
Психически больная женщина в течение многих лет сдерживает в себе тягу к насилию. Однако, когда она выходит замуж за пожилого мужчину и переезжает к нему в загородный дом, ее истинная натура вырывается наружу.
Anak Kerak
Husin has been using black magic to gain immunity, pleasure and luxury in the world.
Sarah took over the family business after his father was killed by Zaid. He does not know this because she was studying abroad. Zaid run smuggling gold out of the country. Sarah got a tender from Zaid but not agreed to by his mother because he knew the background Zaid ever cheat her. However, her mother died before she took Zaid tried in the courts. Sarah intends to reopen his case before the courts, with an ex-convict, but not agreed to by her boyfriend Inspector Mansor.
Bayangan Cinta
This movie is a collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia. This movie is show to the public in 1987 and directed by Abdi Wiyono and Ahmad Ibrahim. This film won an award for Special Jury Award in 7th Malaysia Film Festival in 1987.
Bayangan Cinta
This movie is a collaboration between Indonesia and Malaysia. This movie is show to the public in 1987 and directed by Abdi Wiyono and Ahmad Ibrahim. This film won an award for Special Jury Award in 7th Malaysia Film Festival in 1987.