Karina Thayenthal

Рождение : 1962-04-02,


Ein Paradies für Pferde
Dr. Helene Berger
Thomas Donnhofer has turned his estate into a therapy center for horses. But some people are a thorn in the side, for example, Mayor Federer, who pursues other plans. Mayor Federer is only too happy to support the interest of a large hotel chain in Donnhofer's estate. Even privately, Thomas Donnhofer has to worry: his relationship is at stake.
Die Zürcher Verlobung – Drehbuch zur Liebe
Maria Berner
Da wo die Heimat ist
Regina Sandgruber geb. Brunner
Da wo die Liebe wohnt
Regina Sandgruber geb. Brunner
Da wo die Berge sind
Regina Brunner
Rosamunde Pilcher: Magie der Liebe
Sarah Rudd
Gaukler der Liebe
Trickster of love Constantin is a perfect gentleman with impeccable manners. He is charming, well-educated, loving and shows good taste in women: Pretty Isabelle possesses as much class as money. Suddenly, though, young urban cowboy Hendrik appears on the scene. He blackmails Constantin because he knows something about Constantin's past, something Isabelle must never learn of. Hendrik wants money for his silence... more money than Constantin has. Constantin offers to teach him what he knows best instead: the art of catching yourself a millionaire dame. Soon, Hendrik is ready for his masterpiece - seducing a beautiful, rich lady. When he has made his choice, the situation turns dangerous for Constantin...
It Happened in Broad Daylight
Tante Brigitte
The More I See You
Paul, on receiving a phone call from his girlfriend, tears himself away from his workaholic life and sets off for Italy. On the road he settles down at the wheel, listens to the hum of the tires on the asphalt and enjoys the journey. But he is held up by a breakdown. By the time he arrives, his girlfriend has already left. Longing to see her he lingers on, and while he passes the time he experiences moments of unexpected delight. His waiting turns into a voyage of indulgence. His longing grows and tantalizes.
Приключение Катрин К.
История популярной, но весьма одинокой актрисы Катрин Краша, которая, по ее признанию, за всю свою жизнь была счастлива всего один раз, но счастье это длилось недолго и превратилось в нестерпимую муку. Судьба сводит и разлучает ее со многими людьми, прежде чем после съемок в Вене она встречает богатую почитательницу собственного творчества Фанни Гогенштейн. У Фанни дурная репутация, за плечами много романов, как с мужчинами, так и с женщинами, а двое ее возлюбленных покончили жизнь самоубийством...
Der Weg nach Lourdes
Der schwarze Obelisk
Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community
One of the main theses of the Marienthal study was that prolonged unemployment leads to a state of apathy in which the victims do not utilize any longer even the few opportunities left to them. The vicious cycle between reduced opportunities and reduced level of aspiration has remained the focus of all subsequent discussions.