Peter James
Рождение : 1948-08-22, Brighton, England, UK
Peter J. James is a British writer of crime fiction. He is also a producer, known for The Merchant of Venice (2004), Grace (2021) and The Neptune Factor (1973).
Executive Producer
Действие фильма происходит в Венеции, жители которой жизнерадостные, беспечные, щедрые люди. Они недолюбливают и высмеивают иноверца Шейлока — угрюмого, алчного ростовщика, считающего каждую копейку. Шейлок отвечает им лютой ненавистью. Конфликт обостряется до того, что кровопролитие кажется неминуемым. Но тут вмешивается созидающая сила женской любви, которая смело противостоит мужским амбициям и побеждает!
Executive Producer
Бейрут, 60-е годы. Английский журналист Лео Коффилд, он же тайный агент советской разведки, влюбляется в американку Салли. Лео уводит ее у мужа, добивается развода со своей женой и снова женится, теперь уже на Салли. Четыре года безоблачного счастья, и... Лео исчезает. Жизнь Салли превращается в ад. Сначала она думает, что с мужем произошел несчастный случай, затем узнает, что он был советским шпионом и, возможно, даже гомосексуалистом. В конце концов выясняется, что Лео в Москве и ждет ее. И Салли едет к нему в надежде вернуть любимого.
Co-Executive Producer
Впервые ирландский парень Гай увидел Джильду Бесси в весьма эксцентрической ситуации, когда учился в университете. Потом они расстались, потом вновь встретились… И судьба не единожды сводила — разводила Гая и Джильду — как в разгульные 1930-е, так и в тревожные предвоенные, и в трагические военные годы. Богатая и избалованная Джильда вела достаточно свободный образ жизни, благодаря чему Гай познакомился со многими людьми ее круга. Однажды он увидел рядом с Джильдой испанку Мию…
Grant Show (Melrose Place) stars in this fast-placed thriller based on the best-selling novel set in the chilling world of genetic engineering. Ruth Gemmel (Fever Pitch) joins Shaw as employees who put their lives on the line to discover a world in which all morality has been sacrificed. How can they prevent this powerful multi-national company from exploiting genetic research for monetary gain?
Man at Computer
If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?
If you were a brilliant young scientist diagnosed with only months to live, what choices would you make? To have faith that you were taken early for a reason and go quietly, or to use cryogenics to hope you could be cured someday in the future, or to download your consciousness into computer memory where you could still continue to interact with the ones you love?
Executive Producer
Two hoodlums, Trigger (Mickey Rooney) & Leo (Dick Emery) are hired by the unscrupulous J.K. (Peter Cook) to kidnap his niece Victoria (Alexandra Bastedo). The daughter of a wealthy businessman has been kidnapped, and the chief of police, under a lot of pressure to find her as soon as possible, assigns officers Kopek (John Candy) and Broom (Lawrence Dane) to track her down and bring her back safe and sound.
British sex comedy. Sir Percy de Courcy accidentally turns some poor tasting wine into an aphrodisiac when his old school chum, Mike Scott arrives with a photographer and several gorgeous models.
British sex comedy. Sir Percy de Courcy accidentally turns some poor tasting wine into an aphrodisiac when his old school chum, Mike Scott arrives with a photographer and several gorgeous models.
Glam Rock musical comedy about two clashing nightclubs
Executive Producer
Three vicious thugs are on the run in rural America after robbing a local bank. They seek refuge at the home of a reclusive farmer, but he is prepared for their arrival and holds them at gunpoint. Unable to let them simply wait for the law, he decides to take them into into his cellar and torture them a little before the police arrive.
A young soldier who was thought to be killed in the line of duty in Vietnam returns home shortly thereafter, much to the confusion of his family. Upon his return, he exhibits strange, withdrawn behavior and begins wandering the streets at night.
Executive Producer
A man living in rural Wisconsin takes care of his bed-ridden mother, who is very domineering and teaches him that all women are evil. After she dies he misses her, so a year later he digs her up and takes her home. He learns about taxidermy and begins robbing graves to get materials to patch her up, and inevitably begins looking for fresher sources of materials. Based closely on the true story of Ed Gein.
Executive Producer
Шестеро друзей, приехав на кладбище, выкопали труп и стали проводить ритуал оживления. Закончив его, они не обнаружили никаких изменений. Понурив голову, один из них, решил от досады прикольнуться, стал всячески измываться над покойником и говорить богохульные слова. Дьяволу всё это порядком надоело, и он оживил и труп и других покойников, которые на практике стали доказывать ребятам их неправоту…
Executive Producer
When the Lotus Cat Food Company finds itself in financial trouble, the owners decide to find a new, cheap source of meat -- the local graveyard. Only one problem -- soon cats develop a taste for human flesh, and tabbies are tearing out throats all over town.