Riccardo Billi

Riccardo Billi

Рождение : 1906-04-22, Siena, Italy

Смерть : 1982-04-15


Riccardo Billi


Bruce Lee: Tracking the Dragon
Bruce Lee expert John Little tracks down the actual locations of some of Bruce Lee's most iconic action scenes. Many of these sites remain largely unchanged nearly half a century later. At monasteries, ice factories, and on urban streets, Little explores the real life settings of Lee's legendary career. This film builds on Little's earlier film, Pursuit of the Dragon, to present a comprehensive view of Lee's work that will change the way you see the films.
Bruce Lee: In Pursuit of the Dragon
Documentary from celebrated Bruce Lee devotee, John Little, tracing the chronology of Lee's four films. Little follows Lee's footsteps from Macau, through Rome and Hong Kong, and blends re-mastered clips from Lee's films and interviews with key cast and crew to offer a unique insight into Lee's filmmaking style. This is the ultimate guide to Lee's short, yet inspirational movie career.
Представляем иное видение шедевра Шекспира. Самого известного принца мировой литературы, оказывается, занимают совсем другие страсти: Вам обязательно надо посмотреть это великолепное шоу! Необычная смесь здорового юмора и откровенной эротики покончат с Вашей хандрой.
Белоснежка и Семь Гномов
Executive Producer
Эротическая экранизация известной детской сказки "Белоснежка и 7 гномов"."- Кто на свете всех милее, всех румяней и белее?", говорит злобная королева. "- Белоснежка" - отвечает ей зеркальце Белоснежку будем изводить, решает королева и отправляет ее в дремучий лес. Всеми гонимая и нелюбимая Белоснежка встречает в лесу гномов, которые рады ей помочь за небольшое сексуальное вознаграждение. Да и принц - спаситель не прочь полакомится молодым горячим телом ...
Private Love Affair
Long Live the Seal
Andrea, a nice girl, move from Veneto (north of Italy) to Roma. She is employed as a nurse in a medical practice. She soon is involved in a never-ending game of misunderstanding, couples exchange, sexual seductions.
Desirable Teacher 2
Nonno di Pierino
Pierino has again flunked the exams. Therefore, his desperate parents send him to boarding school.
Маркиз дель Грилло
Aronne Piperno
Фильм является вольной интерпретацией истории реального человека, жившего в XVIII веке маркиза Онорио дель Грилло. Сюжет фильма построен на классическом приёме — подмене человека из высшего общества похожим на него человеком из другого класса. В этом фильме маркиз дель Грилло ради развлечения меняется местами с пьяницей угольщиком Гасперино.
Chaste and Pure
Father of Carletto
Antonio is married to a very wealthy woman but the sole heir of the family fortune is his daughter. He induce his dying wife to swear in the daughter of remaining "chaste and pure" ( so that she cannot marry ) until his own death.
Пиерино против всех
Nonno di Pierino
Пиерино — неприятный и неистовый ребенок. Он мучение для своей сестры Сабрины, горе для своих родителей и кошмар для своих учителей.
Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici
nonno Domenico
A Milanese industrialist goes to Rome to bribe a politician but he loses money. A thief helps him recover them. Milan and Rome in comparison in the duets of the couple Pozzetto-Milian.
Belli e brutti ridono tutti
"L'amore e' cieco "Discovered by the usher Capocchia in intimacy with an employee, Ernesto Rossi is fired by Mr. Bani. Pretending to be blind, Rossi retaliates by seducing Mrs. Bani in the sleeping car; but in the morning, he surprised to have been robbed of the 9 million from the liquidation. "Pane sicuro" The industrialist Santucci, attracted by the graces of the servant Margherita, takes her to his villa where, blackmailed by her and her husband Carlo, he will have to promise a job to them and to the Margherita's brother. "Un bisogno urgente" Franco Pennacchi, because of his wife who forced him to gulp down a yogurt, is in urgent need to satisfy needs that put him in serious embarrassment at the airport. in the house of the lover and in the inside of the immobilized elevator of his own house. "L'erede" Having died Adolfo III of the Bisi counts, the notary Guidi communicates the will of the deceased to the widow Countess Ada and the parish priest Don Enzo.
Первая любовь
Уже стареющий комедиант-бонвиван Уго Кремонези, чей актёрский псевдоним — Пиккио (то есть Дятел), влюбляется в прекрасную молодую девушку Ренату, горничную из дома для престарелых под названием «Вилла Серена». Немало повеселившийся в жизни «мелкий донжуан», даже уйдя на покой, продолжает дерзко и вульгарно шутить, смущая нравы тихих обитателей богадельни. Однако его платоническое чувство к Ренате в конечном счёте позволяет герою испытать истинные любовные переживания.
For the Love of Poppea
Two scoundrels - Tizio and Caio - didn't want to get into the military service so they decide to escape dressed in women's clothes, but were caught by the guards. Without being able to confirm their right to freedom, the unlucky fugitives were sold into slavery. But everything what happens - happens for the better and slave girls Ticiâ and Kaya become personal servants of the Empress Poppea...
Super Stooges vs the Wonder Women
Production Manager
Three men with supernatural powers interfere in a tribal warfare to prevent evil Amazons destroying the inhabitants of a village.
Battle of the Amazons
A tribe of vicious female warriors terrorizes the countryside, and especially the males, until one day the men and some local villagers decide to fight back.
Приключения Пиноккио
Omino di burro
Mastro Geppetto is a poor carpenter with no wife and no children. The man is very lonely, and when trading a piece of wood with his colleague Mastro Ciliegia, he decides to build himself a puppet to make him company.
La cosa buffa
A young provincial elementary school teacher, falls in love with a Venetian girl, daughter of a rich industrialist.
Путь дракона
Bank Manager (uncredited)
Тан приезжает из Гонконга в Рим, чтобы помочь друзьям семьи, чей ресторан задумали отобрать местные мафиози. Привыкшие всегда получать то, что захотят и не останавливаться ни перед чем, бандиты совершили большую ошибку, недооценив с виду скромного молодого человека. Не сумев справиться с ним своими силами, мафиози нанимают лучших европейских и японских мастеров боевых искусств, но Тан с легкостью побеждает всех. И тогда против него на арену древнего Колизея выходит «крутой и смертоносный» американец Колт.
Quell'amore particolare
Assistant Director
The Girl Who Couldn't Say No
Alfredo Rossi
Childhood friends Franco and Jolanda accidentally meet again after 15 years and both know it is love. This comedy traces their troubled relationship.
The Climax
Filiberto Malagugini
A violin player is going to be father of a sixth child by his second mistress, Marisa. Quite nervous about that, he does not leave the clinic... except to drive Giulia, his legitimate wife, along with his legitimate kids to the station as they leave for a vacation at the seaside.
7 Golden Monks
Orazio, maggirdomo
Count Raimondo and his girlfriend Veronique return to Italy from Switzerland carrying with them a load of contraband cigarettes but, using the pretense of a kidnapping to cheat their supplier, they hide out in the convent run by his uncle Friar Hugh. In the same convent without anyone's knowledge, the bandit Lucky Marciano is also hiding out with a significant quantity of gold ingots stolen from the Swiss Federal Bank.
La vedovella
Italian comedy starring Margaret Lee.
The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars
Tifoso di calcio
Four extraterrestrials, X-1, X-2, X-3 and X-4, arrive on Earth in the early sixties. Here they decide to take on human features to study the terrestrials incognito, but end up getting involved in the Roman "dolce vita".
Розовая пантера
Aristotle Sarajos
Гигантский бриллиант «Розовая пантера», подаренный индийским шейхом своей дочери Дале, станет той наживкой, на которую должен клюнуть грабитель.Расставляя свои хитроумные сети, полицейский и не подозревает, что сам в них попадет, ведь у его жены есть любовник, как раз тот самый «Фантом», которого инспектор безуспешно старается поймать.
Gli onorevoli
Some political candidates are determined to win the electors' preference during an election campaign in Italy.
Женщина за рулём
Righetto (segment "Un Investimento Sicuro")
Чем более обыденными становятся автомобили, тем чаще за рулем можно увидеть женщин. Какие они водители? Разные – хорошие и вредные, осмотрительные и неосторожные, отличницы и двоечницы… Пять историй – «Спринт по-кармелитски», «Путана с прицепом», «Синьора в движении», «Неизвестный постовой» и «Наезд со страховкой» – рассказывают о женщинах, которым машины нужны для бизнеса, развлечения и для служения ближнему своему…
Avventura al motel
A series of sketches about people who have illicit affairs in a motel: among them a starlet and a pilot, two bit Casanovas, an industry manager and his secretary.
Gli italiani e le donne
Beauties on Motor Scooters
Lo smemorato di Collegno
Fernando Meniconi
A man is hospitalized in a neurological clinic, suffering from amnesia. After seeing his photo in the newspaper, Mrs. Ballerini realizes that he is her husband and brings him home; then Mrs. Polacich recognizes him as her husband.
2 samurai per 100 geishe
Direttore Scuola Samurai
Two Sicilian cousins ​​are forced to go to Japan to collect an inheritance. Once they arrive they realize they will have to adapt to the local customs. The tour will turn into a long series of troubles: the Sicilian cousins, to obtain the inheritance, will have to turn into real samurai.
Twist lolite e vitelloni
Peccati d'estate
Il mio amico Benito
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
L'assassino si chiama Pompeo
The Talkative Doorkeeper
Le magnifiche 7
Pastasciutta nel deserto
il comico
Bellezze sulla spiaggia
l'infermiere Ignazio
A doctor running a health clinic by the sea is convinced that women are the cause of the disturbed behaviour of his (male) patients. We get to follow the adventures of the patients during a day on the beach.
Walter e i Suoi Cugini
Walter Chiari as a Pugliese who lives in Milan. He has two cousins ​​identical to him. The two arrive in the city to find work and twist their lives.
Un mandarino per Teo
Ignazio Fumoni
Teo, a young theatre stand in, is offered a faustian pact by the devil: if he pushes a button a Chinese mandarin will die and leave his money to him. Teo seems to be tempted by the offer...
Terror of the Red Mask
In 16th century Italy, mercenary Marco is hired by cruel duke Astolfo whose unjust reign is threatened by the notorious outlaw the Red Mask.
Marinai, donne e guai
Il mago Gilbert
Four sailors are off duty in Barcelona. Capo Campana ordered them to remain together when in the city. But Mario, one of them, falls for Manuela and leaves the other three.
Mia nonna poliziotto
Tina, an old lady, is in town for the wedding of her grandson when a medallion left to her by her late husband disappears. Dissatisfied with the police effort to find it, she sets on the tracks of the thieves herself.
The dollars are coming!
Michelino Pasti
A widow goes to Italy from South Africa to find out whether or not her late husband's five nephews are worthy of his inheritance...
Gente felice
Mi permette babbo!
Romoletto, il giornalaio
While Rodolfo tries to become a lyric singer, his lifestyle deeply annoys his father-in-law.
I giorni più belli
Silvio Ceccarelli
Io piaccio
Roberto Maldi, a young scientist, is trying to find a serum capable of giving courage but he unwittingly invents a serum which transforms any man in a womanizer. His boss scents a good business and wants to produce the serum on industrial basis, but Roberto does not agree.
Il campanile d'oro
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Domenico aka Mimì
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
It Happened in the Penitentiary
A prison warden keeps a diary in which he writes about the convicts he meets and their lives.
Elementary School
Dante Trilli
Dante Trilli, who has been teaching in his village school for about twenty years, wins a competition for Milan. Waiting for him is his childhood friend, where he is the janitor in the school where Trilli will teach.
Случай в комиссариате
Secondo tramviere
Один день из жизни полицейского комиссара, занимающегося различными случаями в бурной жизни итальянского квартала.
Rosso e nero
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
Maresciallo Carocci
The young Alberto Ruotolo leave the country cottage to go for the sharpshooter. But the command does not pull good air, three riflemen arrogant and unruly bear much disorder as anger Marshal Nero.
Ridere! Ridere! Ridere!
A series of comical sketches featuring a doctor, a travelling salesman and some posh gents.
Easy Years
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
Three crooks scheme to swindle a wealthy widow out of her fortune, but their plans are thwarted by the sudden return of her husband who is far from dead.
Vendetta... sarda
A cook from Sardinia who had emigrated to Milan goes back to his native island thinking he has inherited some money with his uncles death. He finds out he has to avenge his death instead.
Venditore ambulante
My Heart Sings
Two two-bit singers become thieves to make ends meet. One day during a theft in the house of a music impresario they hear Marco an electrician gifted with a beautiful voice and give him some money to help for his debut as a singer.
Il padrone del vapore
A rich American arrives in a little village in the mountains because he wants to advertise a drink he produces. In the village there are also two men from Rome who are at logger-heads with the locals. The coming of the American complicates matters.
Damn the Taxes!!
Gaetano Pellecchia
Count Borraccilo lives in luxury but does not pay taxes and for this he is targeted by the tax agent Gaetano Pellecchia, who asks his friend Mario for help.
Porca miseria!
uomo travestito da donna
Two friends, Giacomino and Carletto, have no job and no money and are looking for a job, or any device that will help them to meet expenses and especially will give them the opportunity to fill their stomachs.
Ours are coming
Daniele Raggi
A ruthless businessman wants to bring a penniless nobleman financially on his knees because he wants to marry the man's daughter. It is the family chauffeur who puts things right.
Ha fatto 13
Toto the Sheik
L'arabo della cella bianca
Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.
La bisarca
I cadetti di Guascogna
Riccardo Bolletta
Two fellow soldiers fight for the love of the same girl, are constantly picked on by the older soldiers about to be discharged and are involved in the staging of a show in the military barracks.
Margherita da Cortona
Adam and Eve
Abu Hassan, l'eunuco
Il cappello da prete
The Barber
The baron of Santafusca, descended from a noble family, leads a dissipated life. To pay debts he is forced to sell his house. He tries to steal from the house of a very rich priest and, surprised during the theft, he kills the priest, and then throws the body in an abandoned well. He continues his life of revelries and luxury, until the remorse for the crime trigger a process of self-destruction. The nightmares of the baron, tormented by the only evidence left of the murder, the hat of the priest ,drags him into a daring and hallucinated series of ups and downs to the brink of insanity and jail.
Miseria e Nobiltà