Nar Sene

Nar Sene


Nar Sene


The Price of Forgiveness
Mythical story about a fishing village on the south coast of Senegal. Two men in the village are both in love with the same beautiful girl.
The Price of Forgiveness
Mythical story about a fishing village on the south coast of Senegal. Two men in the village are both in love with the same beautiful girl.
Одна за всех
Оливия, Ирина и Маша совершенствуют свое актерское мастерство. Они больше не верят в Прекрасного принца, а их карьеры оставляют желать лучшего. Оливия работает на стойке регистрации в аэропорту и предлагает великолепный план: он сделает так, что подруги окажутся на борту самолета «Париж — Нью-Йорк» рядом с состоятельными мужчинами. Их задача соблазнить богачей и вытянуть из них денежки. Но мошенницы не подозревают, что комиссар Байар и его молодой помощник внимательно следят за развитием событий…
Мне было три года, когда нас бросил отец. Нам не на что было жить и мать покончила с собой. Я не смогла жить с дедом и бабкой и попала в приют. Здесь я нашла настоящих друзей Соланж и Ахмеда. И вот теперь, когда я стала взрослой, я расстаюсь с друзьями и отправляюсь на поиски папаши, будь он проклят. Я клянусь тебе, мама, что найду этого сукина сына и буду убивать его медленно и верно…
Names Live Nowhere
A Senegalese storyteller travels to Belgium and observes the lives of African expatriates in Europe. Dreams and struggles great and small are explored.
Merry Christmas... Happy New Year
In this romantic story, a couple (Michel Serrault and Virna Lisi) who have been married for over forty years are forced to separate, one to each of their two children's families, when they can no longer pay the rent on their longtime apartment. Absence, in this case, refreshes their memory of the love they have shared, and they take to meeting one another furtively in hotel rooms for sex and affection. One summer, as each of their daughters families takes them on separate vacations, they have had enough, and elope, finding contentment as lighthouse keepers off the coast of Sicily.
The Bronze Bracelet
The theme of the rural exodus has inspired many African authors. In the past, by tradition, the young peasant went abroad temporarily to earn the money needed to settle in the village. Now, he leaves the countryside with no idea of ​​returning, convinced that he will find all the means to make his fortune in these mirage cities. Issa, in turn, takes the road to the capital. Before leaving, Aminata slips a bronze bracelet on her arm as a token of loyalty and love. Then begins for Issa the inexorable chain of disillusions, bad luck, misunderstandings
Idrissa is a rebellious little boy who drops out of school and joins a gang of hooligans that live on the beaches of Dakar. He gradually becomes detached from his family and adopted by his new friends who initiate him into the art of theft and the pleasures of yamba, marijuana.