Jonathan Sjöberg


Frank, 11 years old, finds one day's living monkey in the family garden. The monkey is called Monky. It's up to Franks family soon that Monky is not a regular monkey. Where does Monky come from and can she keep her from the village?
Frank, 11 years old, finds one day's living monkey in the family garden. The monkey is called Monky. It's up to Franks family soon that Monky is not a regular monkey. Where does Monky come from and can she keep her from the village?
Bitch Hug
Kristin counts down the days to her high school graduation, when she'll finally get to leave her small town and her manipulative sister behind, for the New York of her dreams. Everything is perfect, and the local paper has promised to publish Kristin's columns about the city that never sleeps. But Kristin misses her flight and, to escape total humiliation, instead ends up hiding out at the house of the peculiar young girl Andrea, far out on the countryside. In this house of Nowhere, Kristin brings Andrea along to the pulsating heart of New York on a big virtual adventure which she chronicles for everyone at home to follow. But then reality comes knocking.
В космосе чувств не бывает
Жизнь 18-летнего Симона с синдромом Аспергера переворачивается с ног на голову, когда его брата Сама бросает девушка. Для нормального существования Симону нужна упорядоченность - чтобы все было на своих местах: распорядок дня, еда, одежда, неделя за неделей. Именно Сам постоянно заботится о брате. А когда Сам впадает в депрессию из-за разрыва со своей девушкой, мир Симона обращается в хаос. Симон пытается вернуть всё на круги своя и ставит себе задачу: найти Саму новую девушку.
The Lovelife of a Fat Thief
Harry is a pickpocket, torn between two beloved women, one of them the cop who arrested him, the other the ghost of his dead wife. Is Harry ready for a new relationship? Can a cop date a thief? Harry learns that a jealous ghost can be a nuisance, but shows unexpected bravery.
The Secret of a Submarine Scientist
Far beneath the sea, a scientist and his assistant find a strange object. The assistant is very curious, and the scientist tries to answer his many questions.