Yau Kei


The Raping Murderer
Director of Photography
Undercover female cops attempt to take down a vicious gang of drug traffickers.
Files of Love on Wedding Night
Director of Photography
This film collects 12 interesting anecdotes about the house. Realistic sex files between men and women. One of them involves sexual violence between a husband and wife.
Forbidden Love
Director of Photography
A young female reporter is hot on the tail of a phony film producer who has been seducing innocent women. The twist is she also falls for his irresistible charm.
My Better Half
Director of Photography
A set of three stories, each concerning a woman's difficulty with her husband. Story 1 is set in 1940, in a brothel fallen on hard times. Their star attraction is Flora, but she marries a local fishseller, only to kill him with too much sex on their wedding night, then he comes back as a jealous ghost. Story 2 is possibly in the 1960s, regarding a poor family where the husband is very ill with TB and the wife has to work overtime. A chicken seller lusts after her, and helps pay for the husband's operation. But when he finds out...... Story 3 concerns a paranoid former nightclub hostess, "Beautiful Ho", who marries Robert (a client) on a whim, then drives herself mad (or madder) suspecting him of wooing girls. She is seen telling her story in a police station...
The Other Side of Dolls
A model training center is set up by Lady Rose, which aims to provide sex partners for men with high social status. However, Lady Rose's main purpose is to blackmail the reputable men for money. A fashion show of undergarment is held, Lady Rose's models appear in their sexiest and most seductive underwear, and men cannot stop looking for partners. The dirty business of Lady Rose is finally exposed and shakes up the city when a model is killed...
Director of Photography
Bulky Kwang and his cousin Tian are decorators who live next to pretty mainland whore Feng, who undresses every morning at the window and drives Kwang crazy. The decorators are hired for a job by Lu Lu and her maid Lin to do up the house where she's kept by businessman Robert. Lee Tian convinces Feng to pay more attention to Kwang, and the two eventually become a loving couple until her pimp Yung starts to get heavy. Meanwhile, there's lots of bed-hopping as Tian fools around with Lu Lu, Robert with Lin, as well as a couple of other guys.
Love Birds
Director of Photography
Love is said to be both a cure and an ailment. In this story, love happens to be the remedy for a desolate young man. His odious disposition changes once his Florence Nightingale enters the picture.
Midnight Angel
Director of Photography
Three sisters become vigilantes when a cop boyfriend is murdered by a brutal druglord.
Friendly Ghost
Director of Photography
Male chauvinist Ah Wai often boasts of his wife's submission to him. He even persuades her to pretend to be obedient in the presence of his friends who are impressed. This leads to a separation when his wife's older spinster sister comes to know of it. Despondent, he moves to an old house only to find that it is haunted. The ghost and he become friends after much hassle, but when the ghost falls in love with Ah Wai's wife, believing her to be the spinster sister, a battle of life and death follows.
Бесстрашная гиена 2
Director of Photography
Два злых мастера кун-фу рассорили двух лучших друзей. У каждого из друзей уже было по маленькому сыну. Многолетняя борьба двух кланов, и пути бойцов расходятся. Каждый воспитывает своего сына по своему. Один с детства учит своего сына всем секретам кун-фу, которые знает сам. Другой пускает всё на самотёк, и его сын становится мечтателем, валяется в кровати почти всё время и изобретает — создаёт различные необычные конструкции. Но старые неприятели ничего не забыли, они помнят кого они упустили. Проходит время и война двух кланов разгорается с новой силой.
Zen Kwun Do Strikes in Paris
Director of Photography
The Bomb Shell
Director of Photography
A young maniac starts a terrorist spree in Hong Kong. The police do not manage to catch the culprit. When the wife and child of inspector Tsui get wounded in one of the explosion, he intends to catch the dangerous maniac.
Аббат Шаолиня
Молодой послушник храма уходит в путешествие до отшельника, который обещал чертежи оружия для монахов, однако во время его отсутствия монастырь сжигают и вернувшись на останки, он решает построить новый храм, как говорится, лучше прежнего. Для этого он отправляется в Кантон, где начинает собирать деньги на строительство, однако жить ему спокойно не дадут. В частности, весьма хочет его смерти лама Пай Мей, обладающий почти полной неуязвимостью.
The Criminals, Part 4: Assault
Part 1 : 'Maniac' - A gang is kidnapping and raping young women. Part 2: 'Queen of Temple Street' - A gambling addict sells his wife to a brothel to pay off his debts.
The Criminals, Part 3: Arson
Part 1 : 'Gun Snatchers' - Two criminals wanted for murder are turned in by one of their own. Part 2: 'Arson' - A Triad revenge plan to burn down a nightclub goes wrong and results in the deaths of five people.
Mr. Funny Bone
Director of Photography
The beloved cartoon character Master Q gets a hilarious live-action adaptation in the side-splitting comic adventure Mr. Funny-Bone! Join Master Q for a series of comic vignettes as he attempts to win the heart of the lovely Li Jing. Along for the ride is Master Q's loyal sidekick Potato, a stout fellow who's forever getting into silly mishaps. The pair get involved in plenty of shenanigans and gags, including pratfalls, low-brow bathroom humor, and even some fun fighting sequences.
Killers on Wheels
Director of Photography
A quasi-vicious motorcycle gang messes with the wrong man.
Fearful Interlude
Director of Photography
Accompanied by his old manservant, scholar Sung Li Ho (Hong Hoi) is on his way to the capital for the imperial exam. They spend a night in the house of Mrs. Yuan and Li Ho takes a fancy to her pretty daughter, Pei Fang (Dana). Li Ho is discovered by a maid peeping at Pei Fang as she takes a bath. He slips and falls into the bathtub, creating a most embarrassing situation. His old servant is also implicated and both are beaten up before being thrown out. Continuing their journey in the desolate countryside, they come across woodcutter Hsi Hsueh Kuei who puts them up for the night. Captivated by the beauty of the owner’s two daughters, who are vampires, he spends a night with them and turns into a skeleton. Chased by the vampires, Shun Lai makes a narrow escape.
Big Brother Cheng
Director of Photography
Shaw Brothers' number one action hit of 1975, and deservedly so. The character of one-man kung-fu dynamo Big Brother Cheng and kung-fu superstar Chen Kuan-tai were made for each other. A Robin Hood-like restaurant manager who socks it to the thugs in order to make the mean streets of Hong Kong a little less mean, Big Brother Cheng made his first appearance in the extremely popular The Tea House, the success of which spawned this even more successful sequel.
The Tea House
Chen Kuan-Tai is Big Brother Cheng, a former refugee who runs a local teahouse in Hong Kong. Respected by his peers, Big Brother Cheng runs the teahouse - and unofficially the neighborhood - with a firm righteous hand. However, when the triads come calling, Big Brother Cheng finds out respect and common decency may not be enough. The triads use underage kids to terrorize the teahouse, and since the law won't do anything, Big Brother Cheng may have to step in and take care of it himself!
Девственницы Семи морей
Director of Photography
Пять западных девушек похищены китайскими пиратами и проданы в бордель. Пока они проходят подготовку, чтобы стать проститутками, пара местных жителей проявляет сочувствие к ним и готовит их к побегу, обучая их кунг-фу.
The Bamboo House of Dolls
A nurse in a Japanese women's POW camp during World War II masterminds an escapee.
The Delinquent
Director of Photography
Delivery boy Chung rings an order to a local martial arts school. He shows that he too is a kung fu student when he punches a bag and also kicks out the instructor for his money. Chung has a tough life. His father constantly nags him to work hard. One day, his is heckled by Chien-Pe, a disabled thug who runs a gang. Chung fights and beats them up and as a result, he is fired from his job. Chien turns to his boss, Tai Chung, to get Chung.
The Black Tavern
Director of Photography
This sword-filled thriller centers on the title location--an inn where the down and dirty meet to plot nefarious doings. Award winning actor Ku Feng stars as the "Whip Devil," while the luminous and lethal Shih Szu plays "The Lady Hermit" who has a surprise in store for all the double-crossing masters of mayhem.
Stranger in Hong Kong
A computer engineer working for an insurance company stops over in Hong Kong on his way to a conference. He gets tricked into breaking into a bank.
The Violet Girl
David Chan
Working as a telephone operator on the nightshift, David Lau received some calls from a woman for a David and agrees to a blind date. Wearing a violet on his lapel, David mistakes someone else for his date. Jennie Lee, a stranger, comes calling at the hotel, addressing a bewildered David with an intimacy that is familiar and awkward. Mok Yu-fuk, the self-proclaimed Sherlock Holmes, follows Jennie but gets robbed. Lau received an invitation to Jennie's birthday party. The guests acting strange at the party. Jennie and Lau take a stroll along the beach. Jennie suddenly hurls herself into the sea in a run. Five years ago, when Jennie was having a heart-to-heart talk with her fiance David Wong on the beach, her neglected brother ran off to the sea and drowned himself. Suffering from a nervous breakdown ever since, Jennie was devasted by the departure of her fiance to America. The hopes Jennie's parents are pinning on the new David to boost their daughter's recovery are merely wishes.