Director of Photography
Риа Хан занимается боевыми искусствами, чтобы стать каскадершей, но когда ее сестра бросает художественную школу и обручается, Риа решает, что она и ее друзья должны устроить ограбление свадьбы.
Director of Photography
26-летняя Сара Джо живёт на окраине Голливуда с выпивающей матерью, бывшей актрисой, и сестрой. В 15 лет Саре экстренно провели гистерэктомию, из-за этого у неё началась менопауза и остановилось половое развитие. У Сары ещё ни разу в жизни не было секса, но она очень хочет это изменить.
Director of Photography
Кейт, одинокая женщина чуть за тридцать, от утомительной работы в офисе сбегает в Интернет, рассматривая картинки идиллического отдыха. Легкий флирт с клиентом поначалу кажется обычным невинным эпизодом её рутины.
Но когда мужчина появляется вновь с предложением встретиться после работы, она оказывается втянутой в странные отношения, которые вытесняют все остальные приоритеты. Начинаются ссоры с подругой, ложь начальству — и всё ради того, чтобы сохранить спонтанный и непредсказуемый союз с мужчиной, о котором она почти ничего не знает, и даже в телефоне он у неё записан просто как «Блондин».
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Director of Photography
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
An anthology of short documentaries composed during the 2020 pandemic by leading cinematographers curated and produced by Sam Abbas.
Director of Photography
Эрик Андре выступает в Новом Орлеане и шутит о фаст-фуде, чудесах автокоррекции и странном выборе музыкальной темы для сериала «Полицейские».
Director of Photography
In the sixth installment of the Criterion Channel's Meet the Filmmakers series, director Alex Ross Perry (Her Smell, Listen Up Philip) visits the ever-iconoclastic auteur Paul Schrader during the making of his 2017 masterpiece First Reformed. On set and at home- where, for his own pleasure, he continues to work and rework his previous films- Schrader reflects on the highs and lows of his legendary career, the challenges and rewards of slow cinema, and the influences and experiences that continue to shape his approach to filmmaking. With this insightful portrait of one of his filmmaking heroes, Perry captures an artist who is continually at play, intentionally provocative, and never less than vital.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Когда сразу после 85-летия известного автора криминальных романов Харлана Тромби находят мертвым в его имении, за расследование неожиданно берется обаятельный и дотошный детектив Бенуа Блан. Ему предстоит разорвать тугую сеть уловок и корыстной лжи, которой его опутывают члены неблагополучной семьи Харлана и преданный ему персонал…
Director of Photography
Первое специальное выступление Дженни Слейт представляет собой смесь времени на сцене, забавных историй о взрослой жизни и бесед с семьей в доме ее детства.
Director of Photography
Три приятеля решили одной ночью хорошенько оторваться, в результате чего один из них скончался. Пока полиция ищет виноватых, два друга усиленно, но не очень успешно делают вид, что ничего не знают.
Director of Photography
A short "making of" documentary for the stand out hit "Marlon Brando" by the incomparable Alex Cameron
Director of Photography
A 14 year old boy excitedly prepares for his first dance, but when his date arrives he's faced with a split-second decision.
Director of Photography
Ada is an unlikeable competitive walker who makes a dress out of toilet paper and has an unfortunate run-in with a hose.
Ashley Connor and Joe Stankus’s latest quotidian miniature follows two brothers going grocery shopping together, musing on the products they come across, reminiscing about the past, and, finally, comparing notes on snickerdoodle recipes. - NYFF
Director of Photography
История о девушке-подростке, которая бунтует против матери и теряет грань между реальностью и вымыслом, участвуя в независимой театральной постановке.
Director of Photography
В 1993 году девушку по имени Кэмерон Пост обвиняют в сексуальной связи с королевой выпускного бала, после чего её консервативные дядя с тётей отправляют её на принудительное лечение в клинику по исправлению гомосексуалистов.
Director of Photography
Abby, a 20-something Brooklynite, prepares to throw an intimate dinner party, a meticulously planned evening that takes an unexpected turn when the guest of honor shows up and raw emotions rise to the surface.
Director of Photography
After sequestering herself to a small mountain town, an aging actress calls her estranged daughter and granddaughter home for reconciliation and one final celebration.
Director of Photography
Hardened by years in foster care, a teenage girl from Brooklyn’s Brownsville neighborhood decides that wrestling boys is the only way back to her estranged father.
The Backseat was made using a combination of documentary and fiction filmmaking techniques. We enlisted our own family members to portray versions of themselves and constructed a fictional situation in hopes of evoking very real conflicts and relationship dynamics. The performers, all of which are non-actors, were never given scripts or made aware of the full story-arc that we, as the directors, had pre-planned. Drawing inspiration from the direct cinema of the Maysles and fiction films like The Blair Witch Project, it is our intention to blur the viewer’s concept of reality and invite them into a world that feels real and honest while still providing the emotional beats and traditional plot elements of a conventional narrative.
Director of Photography
The Backseat was made using a combination of documentary and fiction filmmaking techniques. We enlisted our own family members to portray versions of themselves and constructed a fictional situation in hopes of evoking very real conflicts and relationship dynamics. The performers, all of which are non-actors, were never given scripts or made aware of the full story-arc that we, as the directors, had pre-planned. Drawing inspiration from the direct cinema of the Maysles and fiction films like The Blair Witch Project, it is our intention to blur the viewer’s concept of reality and invite them into a world that feels real and honest while still providing the emotional beats and traditional plot elements of a conventional narrative.
The Backseat was made using a combination of documentary and fiction filmmaking techniques. We enlisted our own family members to portray versions of themselves and constructed a fictional situation in hopes of evoking very real conflicts and relationship dynamics. The performers, all of which are non-actors, were never given scripts or made aware of the full story-arc that we, as the directors, had pre-planned. Drawing inspiration from the direct cinema of the Maysles and fiction films like The Blair Witch Project, it is our intention to blur the viewer’s concept of reality and invite them into a world that feels real and honest while still providing the emotional beats and traditional plot elements of a conventional narrative.
Director of Photography
After being delayed a day, a flight attendant hurries home to commemorate a meaningful anniversary.
After being delayed a day, a flight attendant hurries home to commemorate a meaningful anniversary.
Director of Photography
Один памятный день из жизни нескольких нью-йоркцев. Пока пара журналистов расследует сомнительное самоубийство, торговец винилом ввязывается в аферу, а девочка-подросток познает свою сексуальность.
Director of Photography
Dance-comedy trio Cocoon Central Dance lounge about, pass gas, and periodically break into wondrously strange dance routines. Along the way, they face outer space interludes, a serious consideration of doctor boners, and a 90s-style girl group meltdown.
Director of Photography
A real romance filmed over five years. Josephine and Zefrey simmer in the white hot apocalypse of first love until the throw of a dart finds them on a spontaneous trip to the Maldives and cracks open the question -- is their love true or just a performance?
Director of Photography
A young man and woman find love in an unlikely place while carrying out a shady deal.
Director of Photography
Застенчивый буратино по прозвищу Титти отсудил у своих родителей дедовское наследство и живет один в большом особняке. Балабол-неудачник Джин ходит по домам и занудно втирает гражданам про проблемы подросткового ожирения. Тихоня с тараканами на сексуальной почве Джинджер любит своего кролика и посещает кружок активистов-радикалов, планирующих акцию в защиту прав животных. Втроем им не то чтобы сильно весело, но заметно лучше, чем поодиночке.
Director of Photography
An exhilarating whatsit and freewheeling black comedy, Anger’s latest takes aim at the independent film scenes in NY and L.A. with no-holds-barred ferocity, formal ingenuity, and an eyebrow-raising cast that includes Lola Kirke, Mac DeMarco, and Rosanna Arquette.
Director of Photography
Увлекшись мистическими учениями, Кейт начинает ощущать, что с ней пытается выйти на связь дух её матери, умершей много лет назад. Кейт обращается к помощи медиума, чтобы узнать, что на самом деле случилось в тот роковой день.
Director of Photography
Матерый хакер и профессионал по компьютерному железу берутся вместе за непростую задачу - расшифровать загадочную флешку, ту единственную вещь, что осталась от их друга. внезапно покончившего жизнь самоубйством. Все ведет к тому, что под мощным шифром в файлах этой флешки хранится страшная тайна, заставившая свести счеты с жизнью...
Director of Photography
A food conscious shut-in has a rather aggressive neighbor who needs a lift to the locksmith.
Director of Photography
FOREVER, ALLY follows exchanges between Ronaldo, a gay black man, and a neighborhood cat named Ally. When Ally dies suddenly, it occurs to Ronaldo that she was his best friend.
Director of Photography
Место действия — американское деревенское захолустье. В компании коров и куриц взрослеет девушка Сара. Гормональная буря полового созревания превращает мир папиной фермы в чувственное пространство вожделения до тех пор, пока в сердце героини не появляется трещина, а в руках — пистолет.
Director of Photography
Joe Stankus’s MARQUEE (2012) is a lyrical black-and-white visit with now-retired longtime IFC Center usher Larry Alaimo as he changes the letters on the theater’s iconic marquee and reminisces about a life at the movies.
Director of Photography
A lonely corrections officer in a small town is approached by a young man to retrieve a stolen gun.
Director of Photography
The web is no longer secure, but NeuroLock™ can encrypt data using the human brain. Iris struggles to choose between unemployment and a job as a "neuro-messenger," a career with unwanted side effects.
Director of Photography
Sarah and Isolde share an interest in the traditional music and dance of the Balkans, but it turns out that shared interests don’t always unite them. Their trip, initially a fun bonding experience, takes a southward turn when Sarah becomes interested in handsome fellow camper Steph. A seemingly innocent romantic overture touches off an abrupt shift in the dynamic between the two girlfriends, steering a previously ecstatic camp outing down a psychological rabbit hole.
Director of Photography
Special thanks to the East European Folklife Center
Director of Photography
A young sailor parks her boat and crosses the Brooklyn Bridge in search of big-city adventure at famous landmarks she finds on an ancient map. Her journey takes her to Wall Street, the Empire State Building, and Central Park, where she confronts a band of child bandits who steal her teddy bear.
Assistant Camera
Christian, a poor teen in the 1980's suburbia, is employed as a gardener by his new neighbor, Geena, a trashy but beautiful woman in her mid twenties. Working for her, he suddenly discovers a purpose for life: allowing his growing love for Geena to show through his care for her garden. When Gena recognizes the level of his devotion, a moment of reckoning will transform them in ways neither could have anticipated.
Director of Photography
The Hole is a unique neighborhood on the Brooklyn/Queens borderline with a strange history as both a mob dumping ground and a home to the Federation of Black Cowboys. In many ways, it is New York City's version of The Wild West.
Director of Photography
In the summer of 1977, NASA sent Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 on an epic journey into interstellar space. Together and alone, they will travel until the end of the universe. Each spacecraft carries a golden record album, a massive compilation of images and sounds embodying the best of Planet Earth. According to Carl Sagan, “[t]he spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced space-faring civilizations in interstellar space. But the launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet.” While working on the golden record, Sagan met and fell madly in love with his future wife Annie Druyan. The record became their love letter to humankind and to each other. In the summer of 2010, I began my own hopeful voyage into the unknown. This film is a love letter to my fellow traveler. - Penny Lane
Director of Photography
For his ninth birthday Myles asks for nothing but wood. With his once vivacious grandmother slowly dying, and his burdened mother struggling for relevance he is constructing the everlasting life he desires. Within this wintry upstate New York world, there are indeed mighty forces at play.
Director of Photography
A young filmmaker recounts the story of struggling to make her first feature.