Georges Denola


Конец дня
В аббатстве Сен-Жан-Ля-Ривьер, приюте для престарелых актеров (не знающих, что их общему дому грозит закрытие), изводят друг друга три пожилых жильца: Рафаэль Сен-Клер, старый красавец, когда-то обласканный славой и женщинами, а ныне растративший состояние на азартные игры и любовные похождения; Жиль Марни, актер амбициозный и уважаемый собратьями, но никогда не знавший успеха (его жена ушла от него к Сен-Клеру и погибла на охоте; ее смерть была похожа на самоубийство, и эта тайна до сих пор преследует Марни) и, наконец, Кабриссад, затейник и шутник, любящий при случае приврать, всю жизнь просидевший в дублерах. Марни — его главный мучитель — презирает Кабриссада. В отместку Кабриссад каждый день изобретает новые каверзы и однажды зачитывает вслух некролог Марни, по ошибке напечатанный в местной газете…
The Swallow and the Titmouse
Assistant Director
Herr Pierre Van Groot owns two barges. Van Groot, his wife, and his sister-in-law navigate along the north channels between Belgium and France. Herr Pierre transports construction material in his barges but he earns extra francs trafficking in diamonds, which he hides in the boat’s rudder. Pierre engages a new first mate, Michel, who gets wise to the diamond smuggling. The film was shot in 1920, but only shown once in its 80 minute entirety at a private screening in 1924.
The Swallow and the Titmouse
Le diamantaire
Herr Pierre Van Groot owns two barges. Van Groot, his wife, and his sister-in-law navigate along the north channels between Belgium and France. Herr Pierre transports construction material in his barges but he earns extra francs trafficking in diamonds, which he hides in the boat’s rudder. Pierre engages a new first mate, Michel, who gets wise to the diamond smuggling. The film was shot in 1920, but only shown once in its 80 minute entirety at a private screening in 1924.
Assistant Director
Состарившийся Пере Фуан, как и его пожилая жена Роза, больше не в состоянии работать на земле. Поэтому старик решает разделить свой земельный участок на равные части между детьми: одним сыном — безответственным Бюто, другим — пьяницей Гиацинтом и дочерью Фанни. Передачу земли Фуан осуществляет документом, по которому его дети, каждый в равной степени, должны выплачивать старикам небольшой пенсион, позволявший более-менее нормально существовать в оставшиеся им годы жизни. Между детьми начинаются соперничество и интриги.
Mademoiselle de La Seiglière
Assistant Director
The Marquis de la Seiglière returns to France once the Revolution is over. His possessions, which had been sold as material properties, had been purchased by Stamply, a farmer. The latter restores them to the Marquis, who decides to allocate old Stamply with the use of a corner of his manor. Hélène de la Seiglière, the Marquis's daughter, takes care of the old man. But this one, devastated by death of his son, buried under the ice of the Berezina, dies. Some time later, three persons come to live in the manor: M. de Paubert, his son Raoul, and Destournelles, a crafty, ruthlessly ambitious lawyer. De Paubert hopes to marry his son to Hélène de la Seiglière and might well achieve his aim but for the unexpected return of Bernard Stamply, who has escaped death miraculously. He gets to know Helène and the two young people fall in love with each other.
Les grands
Les Travailleurs de la mer
Assistant Director
Adapted from Hugo's eponym novel, the story concerns a Guernseyman named Gilliatt, a social outcast who falls in love with Deruchette, the niece of a local shipowner, Mess Lethierry. When Lethierry's ship is wrecked on the Roches Douvres, a perilous reef, Deruchette promises to marry whomever can salvage the ship's steam engine. Gilliatt eagerly volunteers, and the story follows both his physical trials and tribulations.
La comtesse de Somerive
48 Opera Avenue
Le secret de la comtesse
Le Coupable
Assistant Director
At trial the prosecuting attorney makes a startling confession: the defendant is his son whose pitiful fate led him to murder. The attorney left the young man's pregnant mother, and the unwed poor thing had to fight against a hostile world.
Son fils
Le geste
The Safe
La joueuse d'orgue
The Little Official
Bonaparte et Pichegru
The Man With the Big Coat
The Jam Jar
Miss Plumcake’s Ruse
French comedy short.
Au temps des grisettes
The Duke of Reichstadt
Amour de page
Story set in the Middle Ages. A page and the daughter of a baron want to marry each other against the will of her father, who wants his daughter to marry another man. A sorceress predicts the future for the couple and provides the page with a bottle of poison for the other marriage candidate, which almost falls into the wrong hands.
Charmed by the Sirens
Short fairy tale in which a young prince falls under the spell of a siren while taking a walk along the beach with his fiancé. Right before the marriage he has a vision of the siren. He decides to go back to the coast and disappears into the waves with the siren, leaving behind his bride.
Two Little Jesus'
Abandoned by the father of her child, the begging young mother desperately seeks refuge in a monastery church....
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Satan's Defeat
Mme. Croquemitaine
Charlotte Corday
An early account of Marat's murder, and the subsequent arrest, trial, and execution of Charlotte Corday.