Jacques Ballard

Jacques Ballard

Рождение : 1984-04-13,


Jacques Ballard


Подводный дом
Director of Photography
У молодой и современной пары, которая отправляется во Францию, чтобы исследовать подводный дом и поделиться своими находками в социальных сетях, серьезно меняются планы, когда они попадают внутрь странного дома, расположенного на дне моря. Их присутствие пробуждает темный дух, который преследует дом.
Зов волка
Underwater Camera
Молодой подводник обладает редким даром распознавать каждый звук, который он слышит. От его «Золотого уха» зависят судьбы людей, а ошибка ставит под угрозу жизнь всего экипажа подводной лодки. Желая вернуть доверие своих товарищей, он проводит собственное расследование военной провокации, в результате которой весь мир оказывается в шаге от ядерного апокалипсиса. Чтобы предотвратить мировую войну, элитной боевой команде подлодки необходимо совершить невозможное, ведь главный приказ отмене не подлежит.
Мария Магдалина
Underwater Director of Photography
Мария Магдалина – рассказ об одной из самых загадочных личностей в мировой истории. Бросив вызов предрассудкам своего времени, Мария оставляет близких и присоединяется к группе единомышленников, лидером которых является Иисус из Назарета. Здесь она найдет свое место и окажется на судьбоносной дороге в Иерусалим.
Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret in their own way, based on their own experience. There is no imposition, only suggestions. I wanted to share my biggest pain in this life with this film. For this is not too crude, I covered it with grace. To make it not too heavy, I plunged it into the water. I dedicate this film to all the women of the world.
Ama is a silent film. It tells a story everyone can interpret in their own way, based on their own experience. There is no imposition, only suggestions. I wanted to share my biggest pain in this life with this film. For this is not too crude, I covered it with grace. To make it not too heavy, I plunged it into the water. I dedicate this film to all the women of the world.
The Greasy Hands Preachers
Director of Photography
This documentary film explores the revival of manual work through the passion of motorcycle enthusiasts who have found their way to a happy life. Shot in 16mm in California, Utah, Indonesia, Spain, Scotland and France, we have spent time with mechanics and custom shop founders trying to understand the difference between manual work and intellectual work. The unique satisfaction that result from doing something tangible, the sense of time, the relation between the form and the function, the joy of riding in a beautiful landscape and the community and friendship that motorcycle creates.
Director of Photography
Deep water freediving exposes its practitioners to a form of narcosis, which induces several symptoms, among which a feeling of euphoria and levity that earned this phenomenon its nickname of "raptures of the deep". The short film relates the interior journey of Guillaume Néry, the apnea world champion, during one of his deep water dives. It draws its inspiration from his physical experience and the narrative of his hallucinations.
Noor wants to be a man. He doesn't belong anymore to the Khusras, Pakistan's transgender community. And he is definitely done with the love story he had with one of them, that had drastically changed his life. Now, he is doing a man's job in a Truck Decoration Center and he made up his mind: he will find a girl who will accept him as he is.
Dionysos - Le Zénih
Director of Photography
Водяные лилии
Underwater Camera
Лето в пригороде Парижа. В центре внимания пятнадцатилетние девчонки. Они знакомятся в местном бассейне, и между ними возникает любовь.