Zdeněk Blažek

Рождение : 1922-05-22, Brno, Československo

Смерть : 1984-01-25


If I Had a Girl
Laco Gajfáš
Secluded, Near Woods
The Lavicka's, a Czech family from the city, rents a house in the country with the option to buy. However, old Mr Komarek seems reluctant to sell the house as they agreed.
Big Night and Big Day
Bodo Murmer
Slovakian villagers towards the end of WW II are despairing as German troops fall back to their village.
Burglar and Umbrella
In the morning twilight of Prague, the dead body of the safe-breaker Toufar is found floating on the river Vltava with a knife in his back. Police inspectors visit Toufar's lover, the prostitute Anna Kulatá (Jirina Bohdalová), nicknamed Umbrella, and it is apparent that the moment before she opened the door of her flat, someone fled through the window. Umbrella is summoned for examination to the head of the criminal police - Police Councilman Vacátko Jaroslav Marvan, but although shocked by the photograph of the dead man, she does not confess to anything. Before Toufar, Umbrella lived with the safe-breaker Penicka (Radoslav Brzobohatý), who loved her very much and made her quit her street trade. But when he was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, Umbrella began to live with the brute Toufar, who chased her to street again. In the case of the murder, Penicka is therefore the prime suspect.
Автомат желаний
В каком-то городе на ярмарке открылся аттракцион - "Автомат желаний". Желания действительно исполняются! Одна девушка попросила у автомата лошадь и тут же ускакала на ней. А двое пацанов захотели полететь на Луну. Однако кое-что им помешало... Они попали в плен к каким-то фашистам. Пока выбрались, ракета улетела без них.
Murder Czech Style
The protagonist (Rudolf Hrusinsky) is a dull, fat, shy government clerk indulging in voyuerism and ego fantasies. In love with another clerk (Kveta Fiolova), he is urged on in his pursuit by a commiserate executive. The story is told in a flashback sequence as the cuckolded Hrusinsky attempts suicide by gassing himself in his bathtub. The "Murder" of the title is not a murder as such, rather the murder that Hrusinsky remembers planning upon discovering his wife's unfaithfulness with his supposed friend and advisor. Both plots failing in his mind, he loses himself in fantastic reveries of his funeral and of hypocritical mourners. ' Deciding (perhaps) that this is not the way out either, he gives up the attempt and imagines a life of reconciliation and eventual affluence.
Obyčejný člověk
Golden Queen
A man returns to his native village in search of renewed faith and his old girlfriend. But she, now a middleaged woman, does not recognise him and he goes home, more disillusioned than ever.
Необыкновенный класс
По одноименной повести Даниеллы Душковой. Рассказ о подругах, которые учатся в выпускном классе школы-двенадцатилетки. Их много, обладающих своим характером и неповторимой индивидуальностью учениц одного класса. Их объединяет одно - прелесть юности на пороге вступления в самостоятельную жизнь.
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