Fanny Taylor


28 дней спустя
Set Decoration
Группа «зеленых» экстремистов вторгается в центр исследования приматов и выпускает из секретной научной лаборатории обезьяну, зараженную вирусом неудержимой агрессии. Смертельный вирус, передающийся через кровь за считанные секунды, приводит к мгновенному заражению, и, соприкасаясь с любым живым существом, превращает его в кровожадного монстра. Через 4 недели вся Англия охвачена страшной эпидемией: многие люди эвакуируются, другие ищут безопасные места, в надежде спастись. Те, кому посчастливилось не заразиться, вместе с группой военных прячутся в заброшенном доме. Вместе им предстоит разобраться в ситуации и попытаться ее исправить...
The Changeling
Production Design
Sexual passion breeds violence in the Thomas Middleton and William Rowley written tale of a beautiful woman who falls in love with a sea-captain. Filmed with lush production values and at a leisurely, very British pace, Helen Mirren is riveting as Beatrice-Joanna, a young lass already torn by love and commitment.Beatrice-Joanna (Helen Mirren) is betrothed to Lord Alonzo de Piraquo (Malcolm Reynolds) but is in love with Alsemero (Brian Cox). She hires her father's manservant, De Flores (Stanley Baker), to kill Alonzo but after he has done so, she realises De Flores wants her as a reward.The Changeling was an instalment of the BBC's Play of the Month series and is a production for television of a 1622 Jacobean tragedy of the same name, written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley.
Man Above Men
Production Design
The conflict between a judge who sees himself as a creative and skilful protector of democracy, and his daughter, who sees him in a totally different light.
Horatio Bottomley
Production Design
Alan Clarke's standalone film first appeared as an episode of the BBC series "The Edwardians" and concerns notorious bon vivant, swindler, MP, public speaker, founder of the Financial Times and publisher of John Bull magazine, Horatio Bottomley.
Hedda Gabler
Set Designer
Hedda Gabler has just come back from her honeymoon, married to boring but reliable academic George Tesman. Refusing to tie herself down in life and name, Hedda is banking on George being appointed a professorship to secure a better life for the young couple, However, the arrival of cleaned up ex-lover Eilert threatens to destroy everything.