Teenager student Luana leaves school in a rush and records a farewell video to her mother. What happened up to that point is then revealed, beginning at the day she met her classmate Emília.
Teenager student Luana leaves school in a rush and records a farewell video to her mother. What happened up to that point is then revealed, beginning at the day she met her classmate Emília.
The documentary follows five fans of the Clube Atlético Mineiro, a Brazilian team that was about to play the most important match of its history: the decision of the Libertadores da América Cup.
The documentary follows five fans of the Clube Atlético Mineiro, a Brazilian team that was about to play the most important match of its history: the decision of the Libertadores da América Cup.
Young couple is just about to get married when the to-be groom ia called to pick up his fiancée at a motel. Afterwards they go through a crisis even before getting married.
Young couple is just about to get married when the to-be groom ia called to pick up his fiancée at a motel. Afterwards they go through a crisis even before getting married.
First Assistant Director
Violeta is a married dentist on a normal working day. While listening to a message left on the cell she enters in despair. The message of her husband, Djalma, says he is leaving her and going to another city.
Assistant Director
В очень неоднозначной криминальной драме мексиканского режиссёра Поля Ледюка Питер Фонда играет роль миллионера-социопата по имени мистер Икс, живущего в Майами и получающего странное удовольствие, преследуя гуляющих женщин на своём огромном внедорожнике. Тем временем Кобрадор, бразильский шахтёр, направляется в Нью-Йорк, убивая попутно всех, кого встречает на пути.
An obsessive photographer crazy for female feet; a man that projects himself on situations he sees on TV; a simple public officer that receives a proposal from a corrupt Judge; a slaughter in a marriage crisis and a broken heart secretary that dreams to get married. These five characters will have their lives changed from a hot weekend.
First Assistant Director
Determined to escape their poverty-stricken lives, four talented young women living on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, form an all-female rap group but find their road to success is riddled with sexism, racism, and violence. One by one, they succumb to their grim realities...until they discover that out of struggle come strength, and out of strength, the courage to continue on.
First Assistant Director
Зузу Анжел — успешный модельер, которая распространила бразильскую моду по всеми миру. В 70-х годах Зузу восстала против военной диктатуры после изчезновения сына Стюарта, который также протестовал против диктатуры а рядах студенческого вдижения. После ареста Стюарта пытали и убили агенты секретной службы, которые позже объявили его пропавшим без вести. Именно в тот момент Зузу решает предать гластности произвол диктатуры и привлечь внимание барзильской и международной общественности.