Kimiko Ikegami

Kimiko Ikegami

Рождение : 1959-01-16, New York City, New York, USA


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kimiko Ikegami (born January 16, 1959) is a Japanese actress. Born in Manhattan, New York City, she moved to Kyoto at age 3. Kimiko graduated from Horikoshi High School in Nakano, Tokyo and subsequently attended Tamagawa University. She is closely related to the Bandō Mitsugorō kabuki actors: her grandfather was the eighth, her uncle the ninth (later Bandō Minosuke VII), her cousin (Bandō Yasosuke V) the tenth to take that name. With the encouragement of that cousin, Kimiko turned to acting. She made her television debut in 1975 in the NHK show Maboroshi no Pen Friend, and in that year also appeared in Ai to Makoto on TV Tokyo. Her entry into film came in 1975, when she appeared in Hadashi no Seishun (Shochiku). In Taiga drama series, Kimiko portrayed Ōhime Kusa Moeru (1979) Chacha (later named Yodo-Dono) in the 1981 Onna Taikō-ki, Lady Tsukiyama (the wife of the title character) in Tokugawa Ieyasu (1983), and Eri (Lady Aburakawa, concubine of the title character) in Takeda Shingen. Other jidaigeki roles have included Sumi in the 1988 NHK Miyamoto Musashi Okon in Tōyama no Kin-san (1989), and Nami in the 2003 TV Tokyo Chūshingura: Ketsudan no Toki. Contemporary roles include the yakuza in Gokudō no Onna-tachi Revenge (the thirteenth in the series) and the female lead in Shiroi Kyotō (TV Asahi, 1990). She appears frequently as a guest star on television series such as Mito Kōmon. Kimiko also recorded a song, Nagasarete, on the Victor Entertainment label. The 1984 release (as of 2006, out of print) was the theme song for the show Kiryūin Hanako no Shōgai. Her honors include the 1990 Japan Jewellery Association Best Dresser Award. Description above from the Wikipedia article Kimiko Ikegami, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia


Kimiko Ikegami
Kimiko Ikegami
Kimiko Ikegami


Mixed Doubles
To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend and to help revive her late mother's tennis table club, a table tennis prodigy decides to take part in a mixed doubles table tennis tournament.
48 Hours of Terror - When the Clock's Hands Turn into a Knife
Machiko Sasamori
When the clock's hand turns into a knife, parent-child bonds are torn!
監察医 室生亜季子㉚ 震える顔
Kazuko Shimazaki
Kota Mizutani, a 10-year-old boy whose health worsened after he saw a murder, is brought to Akiko's clinic by his mother Mariko. Kota says that two months ago, he witnessed a man in a park strangling a woman with a cord and was chased by the man afterwards. Hamada, who listens to his story along with Akiko, immediately performs an investigation but cannot find any traces of the crime. However, Kota's testimony gains credence when the body of a woman killed two months before is discovered on a construction site in Kawagoe. Acting on a tip from a citizen who says she had been wearing the same clothes as the victim, the police search the house of Kazuko Shimazaki, a photographer who is often absent. But when Kazuko returns from her trip with her assistant Hirano, it becomes clear the victim is a different person.
Yakuza Ladies 10
Nemuri Kyōshirō 4: The Woman Who Loved Kyoshiro
Tamura Masakazu returns as Nemuri Kyoshiro for the fourth and final time. Gensai, an eccentric Ukiyoe artist, urgently requests Kyoshiro to kill his wife. He believes that the moment she is killed will represent the ultimate state of beauty, and wishes to see Kyoshiro's signature “Engetsu Sappo” (“Full Moon Cut”) killing technique for the purpose. But this unusual request comes not only from Gensai, but also his wife, Orin, who has a tie to Kyoshiro's past. Meanwhile, Tenzen wants to hire Kyoshiro as their master sword instructor for the Kurume Clan, whose lord has an unhealthy obsession with Kyoshiro and his Engetsu Sappo…
Nemuri Kyôshirô 2: Conspiracy in Edo Castle
Sakai Nobunari an Elder in 'Honmaru' (or the main enclosure) and Mizuno Tadakuni an Elder in 'Nishinomaru' (or the south-east enclosure) have been at odds behind the scenes over the marriage of Tokugawa Ieyoshi, heir to the Shogunate. Kyoshiro, who has come back in Edo after 3 years is involved in it against his will. It's because he gets to know Lady Mihoyo who is a spy for Sakai and looks exactly like his late mother. As she couldn't complete her mission she has nowhere to go. Kyoshiro shelters her from both parties that seek her life. The original story is from "Nemuri Kyoshiro Burai Hikae" written by Shibata Renzaburo. Not only is one of Japan's greatest legends kept alive, but some secrets of Kyoshiro's past are finally revealed for the first time.
A Samurai's Sorrow
One day poison is discovered in the shogun's food. The brilliant swordsman Mondo sets out to save Japan's leader from certain death.
Lone Wolf and Cub: The Final Conflict
Yagyu Chizuro
A noble samurai serving the Shogun as 'Kogi Kaishaku-nin' (Official Executioner) is the target of a plot by the evil Yagyu Clan to take away his position and replace him with a member of their own family. When his wife is murdered and evidence is produced that he was plotting against the Shogun the Code of Bushido calls for him and his son to commit sepuku. Instead he defies the Shogun's orders and takes up arms against his enemies, becoming an assassin for hire.
Chronicle of the Town Magistrate
In a maelstrom of evil, can a new magistrate, samurai Mochizuki Koheita, with a reputation like an alley cat, bring order to the town of Horisoto, or is he, too a corrupt villain looking to gain wealth from the oppressed people? From the pen of famed samurai author Yamamoto Shugoro, this exciting tale turns the tables on the standard samurai story with a unique lead character previously portrayed in Ichikawa Kon’s “Dora Heita.”
Shingo's Ten Duels
The classic tale of the shogun's illegitimate son Aoi Shingo is told in three parts as he strives to become the greatest fencer in Japan, while his father Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune seeks to reunite with his lost son. When the secrets of Shingo's birth are revealed to him, it sets off a series of events that bring him to cross swords with members of the shogun's inner circle in a series of duels that could change the destiny of Japan.
Бунт цветов
Akiko Hatano
Поэтесса Акико Ёсано (1878 — 1942) прожила долгую творческую жизнь, создала более 30 тысяч стихотворений, перевела на современный японский язык роман «Гэндзи Моногатари», была матерью 11 детей. Её постоянно критиковали за открытый эротизм, при этом все свои стихи она посвящала законному мужу Хироси Ёсано. Переживания поэтессы становятся фоном для всего искусства «серебряного века» Японии. Вновь мы встречаемся со знаменитыми создателями японского реалистического театра Сумако Мацуи и Хогэцу Симамура, узнаем об упрямстве Кафу Нагаи, становимся свидетелями творческого кризиса Такэо Арисима, поражаемся революционной смелости анархиста Сакаэ Осуги и его верной спутницы Ноэ Ито.
Satoko Tsutano
Этот фильм о жизни сестёр Ёрико, Сатоко и Макико. Одна из сестёр Сидзуко кончает жизнь самоубийством из-за мужчины. Как-то раз Ёрико встречает бывшего любовника сестры Кумакура на могиле покойной сестры и решает, во чтобы-то ни стало, отомстить ему. Другая сестра Сатоко втайне от своего молодого человека встречается с другим и беременеет от него. Младшая сестра Макико учиться в университете, но попадает в полицию за употребление марихуаны. Ёрико становится хозяйкой одного бара. Как-то раз в нём появляется Кумакура и через какое-то время просит её провести время с его деловым партнёром, чтобы помочь продать ему залежалый товар. Ёрико всё передаёт партнёру и Кумакукра, чьи дела и так идут очень плохо, становится полным банкротом и кончает жизнь самоубийством. Ёрико проявляет интерес к молодому дизайнеру и когда она узнает о самоубийстве Кумакура, они сближаются. Но через несколько дней выясняется, что Кумакура это его отец.
Япoния 1933 гoд. Двaдцaть лeт нaзaд, Кaцузo был влюблeн в гeйшу пo имeни Цуру, кoтoрaя пoдaрилa eму дoчь. Oни пoпытaлиcь вмecтe бeжaть, нo были пoймaны и Цуру былa убитa нa eгo глaзaх. Тeпeрь oн cутeнeр, прoдaющий дeвoчeк в Юкирo, крупнeйший Дoм гeйш нa югe Япoнии, нaхoдящийcя в вeдeнии Ocoдe, eгo нoвoй любoвницы. Eгo дoчь, кoтoрaя вырocлa и вocпитывaлacь в Юкирo, cтaнoвитcя знaмeнитoй гeйшeй, являющeйcя пoдлинным укрaшeниeм Юкирo. Кaцузo пытaeтcя прoтивocтoять клaну Инaзo, из Ocaки, cтрeмящeгocя рacпрocтрaнить cфeру cвoeгo влияния нa Юкирo…
Rennyo and His Mother
Rennyo was the key figure responsible for the restoration of Shin Buddhism in Japan, in particular the Honganji lineage that had a slump in its fortunes during the Middle Ages. According to the legend, his motivation was a pivotal childhood incident at the age of six when his mother summoned him and told him about his destiny to revive the fortunes of the Honganji school to which he was the next in line. She then mysteriously disappeared from the temple. Taking her words to heart, from a background of great poverty and hardship, at the age of 16 he set out to spread the word across the land.
Человек, укравший солнце
Reiko Sawai (Zero)
Вооруженный до зубов террорист захватил автобус со школьниками и потребовал от полиции встречи с императором.
Зимний цветок
Yoko Matsuoka
Кано — якудза. Он должен убить Мацуоку, который предал их босса. Кано знал, что у Мацуоки была трёхлетняя дочь, поэтому прежде, чем сдаться полиции, он попросил, чтобы его человек, которому он доверял, заботился о ней. В тюрьме Кано продолжал посылать письма девочке, маскируясь под дядю из Бразилии. 15 лет спустя Кано выходит из тюрьмы. Бывший якузда настроен жить, не нарушая закон, однако жизнь вносит свои коррективы.
Gorgeous / Gorgeous' Mother
Семеро школьниц отправляются навестить тётю одной из них. Но они и не подозревают, что Дом — это демон, пожирающий девственниц.
Brother and Sister
Older brother younger sister.
Let's Go, Grandma!
Hadashi no seishun
Youth movie.