Moritz Schmittat


Дети тьмы
Original Music Composer
Не веря в самоубийство отца, Хелен начинает собственное расследование обстоятельств его смерти. Она понимает, что в квартире происходит что-то странное и пугающее. Соседи рассказывают, что в этом районе пропадали дети, и за этими исчезновениями будто бы стояло потустороннее существо, которое дети называли Сакхэд. Чтобы узнать правду Хелен придется раскрыть тайну пропавших детей и снять проклятие тьмы.
Original Music Composer
Chris and Lucy are cut adrift in their thirties struggling to remember what initially attracted them to one another and wondering where do they go from here. Cue an impulsive decision to spend a fortnight interrailing around Europe's most romantic destinations, in the hope that this might save their seemingly doomed relationship.
Original Music Composer
Молодая пара, Ребекка и Майкл, решает провести выходные за городом и отдохнуть от городской суеты. Добравшись до заветного домика глубоко в английской глуши, они начинают подозревать, что за ними кто-то пристально наблюдает.
A Dark Reflection
Original Music Composer
A journalist digs deep into the world of aviation and discovers some uncomfortable truths. And a conspiracy trail dating back to 1954. But why is no one saying anything?
Marry Me
Original Music Composer
She is a quick-tempered and feisty Turkish woman; he, a shy and reticent, young Flemish man. Their respective families hold strong – perhaps too strong – opinions on the imminent marriage, and, on the big day, chaos ensues, making the young couple question their own readiness to commit to a union for life. Are their backgrounds really so different to tear them apart?
M wie Martha
Original Music Composer
Helene and Martha spend the summer holidays in the polish cottage of Marthas parents where they get as close as never before. Two women, one hot summer, and a short goodbye.
Эффект Скопии
Original Music Composer
Реинкарнация может пойти неправильно и выпустить темные и разрушительные силы. Баша, мать которой погибла в детстве у нее на глазах, нежданно для себя обретает просветление и вспоминает прошлые жизни. Но сможет ли неподготовленный ум девушки справиться с бесконечной чередой смертей своих инкарнаций? Ее прошлые жизни сливаются с настоящим, реальность искажается и превращается в настоящий кошмар, где девушка вынуждена бороться за существование.
The Egg Trick
Original Music Composer
Do you know the joke about the broken egg?
Shady Lady
Original Music Composer
This is the epic story of a B-24 'Liberator' bomber aircraft called 'Shady Lady', that took off from Darwin, Australia, on Friday, 13th August 1943, on what was at that time, the world's longest ever attempted bombing mission. Under the command of 'Doug' Craig, 'Shady Lady' set off with 10 other aircraft to attack the oil refineries at Balikpapan, Borneo. With the target hundreds of miles behind enemy lines, this was an audacious attempt to strike back at the Imperial Japanese Army. 'Shady Lady' survived intense tropical thunderstorms, serious turbulence, heavy enemy antiaircraft fire and was chased by Japanese Zero fighters - but never made it back to base. 'Shady Lady,' after 16 hours and 35 minutes in the air, ran out of fuel and was crash-landed in a salt-pan, in the remotest part of Northern Australia. Local support from the Aborigines and a massive rescue mission amazingly saw 'Shady Lady' - fly again.
Geister, die ich rief
Original Music Composer
Johanna believes to find happiness and security in her family live with husband and daughter. But facing her unfulfilled desire disturbs Johanna's serenity.
Original Music Composer
Life, death, and yet we know nothing.
Original Music Composer
31 North 62 East
Original Music Composer
A psychological thriller about how an elite SAS unit's position is revealed by the British Prime Minister to ensure an arms deal goes ahead and to secure his re-election.
Original Music Composer
Anna and Marie are two women who could possibly love each other. Marie wants to be open to this new overwhelming feeling, even if she has to throw away all that she has ever held to be right. Anna on the other hand, enjoys the attention from this gentle soft girl Marie, who seems to love her, not in spite of but also because of her sharp edges. It could all be so easy if it weren't for Zoe, the woman who has been at Anna's side for years.