Lea Padovani

Lea Padovani

Рождение : 1920-07-28, Montalto di Castro, Viterbo

Смерть : 1991-06-23




Lea Padovani


Wolfgang Cazotte, a famous, refined and charming court painter of the early 19th century,plans to seduce Ehrengard, an attractive and proud virgin, without touching her, just by instilling in her a throbbing passion. At one point, though, the painter's artifice seems to start turning its back on him...
Psychiatrist takes young man to castle owned by strange woman, where the latter discovers he's the incarnation of a dead man.
So Long Gulliver
Story of a man with a double personality, on one side his character is honest and sincere, which makes him appreciate reality and participates with sorrow in the tragedies of our times: his other side is that of a dreamer and he identifies himself with Swift's hero Gulliver.
Silvia Fontegliulo
Молодая девушка по имени Кэнди, восхищаясь талантами или доблестями своих поклонников, неизменно оказывается в их постели. Она нравится всем без исключения, и они ее вожделеют. Однако из-за этого всеобщего помешательства сначала в маленьком заштатном городке, а затем и в Нью-Йорке творятся странные вещи и даже трагедии. Там, где ступает очаровательная ножка Кэнди, мужчины сходят с ума, а женщины готовы убить друг друга.
Gli altri, gli altri e noi
An unemployed youth tries different jobs such as waiter, hairdresser, porter, salesman and when desperate, he goes to sleep in a flop-house, where he finds a job as a night watchman.
Almost a Man
Michele's Mother
A young writer descends into madness. Alienated, neurotic, and plagued by guilt, Michele retreats from reality, loses interest in work, and comes to the brink of suicide before being sent to an asylum for shock therapy. Escaping from the asylum, Michele returns to his boyhood home, where he learns the reasons for his present mental state.
Our Men in Bagdad
The USA pass an exceptional top secret contract with a country in the Middle East: they are selling arms in exchange for exclusive rights on the countries rich oil resources. The USSR sent a team of their best secret agents to rob the document, so that later they can apprehend the ship which must pass through one of the Russian ports... After special training in a secret island in the Black Sea, Alex, Sadov and Sonia are sent in to get the documents. All goes according to plan, and Sadov gives the handbag to the mastermind, General Fiodorenko. On opening it though, the handbag explodes. Who is the infiltrated agent in the most secret of the Soviets secret ring?
Летнее безумие
Эпизоды жизни на пляже в Версилии. Офицер попадает в двусмысленное положение из-за любимой. Зрелый, но достаточно красивый, мужчина, чтобы получить деньги от дамы в бальзаковском возрасте, влюбляется в Лолиту, которая приводит его к пониманию, что надо смириться с горькой действительностью его существования и его возраста. Красавица продает конфеты и сладости. Двое друзей заняты воздушной рекламой...
Balestrieri's Widow
Художник Дино, томимый скукой, нигде не может реализовать себя — ни в творчестве, ни в любви. Лишь оказавшись на грани жизни и смерти после неудачной попытки самоубийства, герой обретает способность любить, ничего не требуя взамен, и надежду вернуться к живописи.
The Maheude
Экранизация одноименного романа Эмиля Золя. Франция, 1863 год. Когда героя фильма Этьена Лантье увольняют из железнодорожной компании за его революционную деятельность, молодой человек устраивается на работу в одну из шахт на севере страны. Крышу над головой ему предоставляет один добрый местный человек, тоже шахтер, чья дочь выказывает явную симпатию Лантье. Работа в шахтах оказывается чрезвычайно тяжелой, опасной и низкооплачиваемой. Тогда герой картины «Жерминаль» решает организовать забастовку рабочих, которую власти безжалостно подавляют...
The Reluctant Saint
Giuseppe's Mother
The Reluctant Saint is based on the life of Saint Joseph of Cupertino who was sent to work at a monastery circa 17th century Italy because his mother believed him too simple for anything else.
Обнаженная маха
Queen Maria Luisa
Она богата, молода и красива, она подчиняет своему влиянию всех — даже испанского короля; среди ее любовников — всесильный премьер-министр Годой. Полюбив Гойю, она находит в себе силы отказаться от собственного счастья ради того, чтобы художник мог спокойно создавать свои шедевры, не страшась костра инквизиции.
Bread, Love and Andalucia
Determined to postpone his own wedding, a former marshal leaves his bride-to-be and participates in an international music festival in Spain, where he falls for a young dancer.
Фильм рассказывает о последних годах жизни великого художника Модильяни. Бедный итальянский художник, страдающий от алкоголизма и опиумной зависимости, влюбляется в Жанну Эбютерн, девушку из состоятельной семьи, родители которой категорически против их отношений…
An Eye for an Eye
Lola Zardi
In North Africa, an anguished husband tests the character of the doctor he believes is responsible for his wife’s death.
Solo Dio mi fermerà
Хлеб, любовь и...
Donna Violante Ruotolo
После долгого отсутствия командир карабинеров Антонио Каротенуто возвращается в родной Сорренто. Узнав, что его дом оккупировала бойкая продавщица рыбы София, командир временно селится у чопорной прихожанки его брата-священника — донны Виоланте.
La moglie è uguale per tutti
Cristina Ferretti
Antonio De Papis is a lawyer and his specialization is separation by mutual consent. He is contrary to marriage because he sees so many of them going wrong. So when his nephew calls on him asking for his approval to his marriage, Antonio suggests to him to spend a day in his office to see what marriage really is.
La Comtesse
Chéri-Bibi is an ex-convict who undergoes plastic surgery in order to resemble his rival for the hand of Cecily. Once he emerges from the bandages, Cheri-Bibi is plunged into a series of melodramatic misadventures.
The Intruder
Luisa Marcelli
A doctor saves a girl from suicide and marries her out of pity. Soon the evil man who had pushed her to the limit taking advantage of her re-enters her life. The ensuing crisis will help the newlyweds overcome their differences and start a fresh, better new life.
Black Dossier
Françoise Le Guen
The title of this French noir drama translates to The Black File. Jean-Marc Bory plays Jacques Arnaud, an idealistic young investigator who comes to work in a small French town. He is soon involved in a mysterious case incriminating a town notable. Arnaud devotes himself to the case but the upshot of this is rather surprising to all concerned, not to mention the audience. Like Cayatte's previous efforts, Le Dossier Noir is based on the proposition that the phrase "French justice" can at times be oxymoronic.
Divisione Folgore
Fidanzata Salvi
In the summer of 1942, during the Second World War, a group of young paratroopers from the Folgore Division, after having been subjected to a long and tiring training in Italy, was transported by air to the Libyan desert to cover the Italian-German front.
The Seducer
Alberto is forced to face his wife and his two lovers at the same time.
Napoli è sempre Napoli
Carmela Gargiulo
The Contessa's Secret
La princesse Mathilde Bonaparte
The lover of an Italian revolutionary offers herself to Napoleon in exchange for her sweetheart's life.
Guai ai vinti
A young woman, her sister-in-law and her ten year old daughter are violently traumatised by invading Austrian soldiers. Later, in Verona, both woman discover they are pregnant. After a suicide attempt, one has an abortion the other keeps her child - and both faces struggles with friends and family as they return to their homes.
A Slice of Life
Nine episodes about life in Italy in the period just before its economic boom.
Gran varietà
Anna la soubrette
A musical comedy divided into five segments: Mariantonia, Cuttica, Il Fine Dicitore, Fregoli and Il Censore.
Mid-Century Loves
Anthology of tragic love. A noblewoman falls for a commoner. A doctor keeps quiet about his patients' infidelities. Expectant father is sent to fight in WWI. A 1920s fascist enjoys Rome's nightlife. WWII airman falls for a girl in Naples.
Angels of Darkness
When "Tamara" throws herself from the window of their brothel, her colleagues are made to realise that a new law will close down the source of their livelihood. The girls must now find honest work.
Barrier of the Law
Anna Silvestri
An undercover policeman infiltrates a criminal gang.
La tua donna
During WWII, Sandro Ademari (Massimo Girotti), head of a group of Italian partisans, to escape from a Nazi catch, hides himself by a farm. Here he knows Luisa (Lea Padovani) and soon the two married and have a baby. After the war, Sandro, now a solicitor, succeeded also to be elected in Rome's parliament. Here he starts an extramarital affair with Germana (Patricia Neal). Sandro, now deep involved with Germana, tries all the way to leave Luisa (divorce wasn't legal during the '50s in Italy). But Luisa is determined to save her marriage and arrives in Rome to discuss with the two. The tragedy is behind the corner.
Cinema of yesteryear
While filming in the Roman countryside, some of the workers damage the garden of Caterina. Going to ask for compensation, she meets the director Marcello, who propose her to star working in movies.
Una di quelle
Maria Rossetti
Rocco and his brother Martino are two rich country-estate owners who descend upon the city in search of adventure.
Тото и женщины
Антонио Скапарро одержим из-за женщин. Он изобретает свой собственный способ укрыться от них, на чердаке собственного дома, где он может делать то, что жена запрещает ему: шаркать по полу, читать ночью детективы, бросать окурки и стряхивать пепел на пол. Там он рассказывает зрителю историю своих взаимоотношений с женщинами — женой, дочерью и другими.
I figli non si vendono
I figli non si vendono (literally, Children must not be sold) is a 1952 Italian melodrama film by Mario Bonnard
Рим в 11 часов
Caterina the Prostitute
В основу сюжета положен реальный факт: некий римский адвокат дал в газете объявление о том, что требуется опытная машинистка. По объявлению явилось столько женщин, что лестница старого дома рухнула под их тяжестью.
I due derelitti
Honeymoon Deferred
Rosina Maggini
After World War 2, a newly married couple travel to Italy on their honeymoon and visit the town where the husband fought. The town, however, holds some secrets.
La grande rinuncia
Elisabetta / Suor Teresa
Three Steps North
Elena Ravezza
An ex-American GI returns to Italy to find some money he stashed before doing a prison term. He discovers his cash is now gone and quickly sets off on a manhunt to find out who stole his buried fortune.
Fiamme sulla laguna
After the death of his father, Anna starts working in the navy where he falls in love with a navy man.
The Accusation
A luckless young teacher it's suspected of committing two murders. When his lover begins to have doubt about his innocence, he seems to be doomed.
Give Us This Day
Exiled from Hollywood due to the blacklist, director Edward Dmytryk briefly operated in England in the late 1940s. Though filmed in its entirety in London, Dmytryk's Give Us This Day is set in New York during the depression. Fellow blacklistee Sam Wanamaker is starred as the head of an Italian immigrant family struggling to survive the economic crisis.
Una lettera all'alba
Che tempi!
Anna Pastorino
I cavalieri dalle maschere nere
Sicily, 17th Century. When his fiancée is kidnapped, a young man sets out to find her.
A neorealist tribute to the Italian resistance fighters of World War II.
L'innocente Casimiro