Aline Marrero


Where the Water Runs
Teenage orphan Luca leaves his hometown Chipilo for Mexico City, seeking fortune. There, he meets 24 year old trapeze artist Paulina, who teaches him love and life in the circus.
Mexican feature film
Варварская Мексика 2
Bar Girl (segment "Paidós Phobos")
В этой новой антологии девять мексиканских режиссеров собираются вместе, чтобы рассказать истории о самых жестоких, безжалостных и причудливых мексиканских традициях и легендах.
Irina, who has had a difficult childhood, as she has seen her own mother die, meets Leonel who, likewise, suffered from a very controlling and violent father. They both fall in love and decide to live together. Her passion finds an end when Leonel starts cheating on her with other women. Thanks to a private detective, Irina discovers it, and panics when she finds out that these lovers have been dying one after another.