Gauthier de Fauconval

Gauthier de Fauconval


Gauthier de Fauconval


Le pot de colle
Le réceptionniste
Служить и защищать
Друзья Ким Хуанг и Мишель Будрио — полицейские. Они неразлучны с тех пор, как встретились в сиротском приюте. Скупердяй Хуанг обладает необычайной притягательной силой для некрасивых женщин, а Будрио — наивный святоша, который спит и видит написать сценарий христианского полицейского сериала. Они — не лучшие полицейские ни Франции, ни Парижского округа, ни даже своего комиссариата. Однако именно им предстоит пройти сложнейшее испытание за всю свою карьеру: под командованием главы национальной полиции госпожи Од Леттелье противостоять волне чудовищных террористических актов…
Eleanor's Secret
Peter Pan (voice)
Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends
The Intruder
Luc Florent
Tom Vansant is an emergency physician from Brussels who is desperately searching for his daughter who ran away from home and is now missing for eighteen months. He meets a girl of whom he thinks that she knows what happened to his daughter but the girl doesn't want to talk about her past. In his search to find out why she doesn't talk about it he ends up in a small village in the Ardennes where no one wants to help him discover what really happened.