Yuriria del Valle


The Christmas Games
Living all of Life
After a lifetime together, Susana has been abandoned by her husband. She is in denial and holds on to the past. One day, she needs the help of her neighbor, Gloria, a free-spirited woman that she can’t stand. But the friendship that emerges between them awakens Susana's desire to live in the present.
Изабель, желая вернуть сына и наладить свою жизнь, решает стать суррогатной матерью для Сары и Йокина, одержимыми идеей создания семьи.
Потому что я влюбилась
Ради того чтобы переспать с местной звездой, Габо, Дани соглашается на секс с Херардо, толстым работником бара и коллегой по сцене Габо. Однако затем она всерьез в него влюбляется, и все планы рушатся.
Guie’dani’s Navel
Guie’dani, a Zapotec indigenous girl and her mother take up work with an upper-class family in Mexico City. The girl does not fit and is conflicting. Everything changes when she meets Claudia, a rebellious girl with whom she becomes close friends.
Prim: el asesinato de la calle del Turco
Madrid, Spain, December 27, 1870. General Juan Prim i Prats, president of the Council of Ministers and Minister of War gets involved in a treacherous ambush, is mortal injured and dies three days later. A mystery, a conspiracy, a murder that was never solved.
Manos Libres
Two students at a Mexico City university are desperate to attend an Acapulco rave — so desperate that they’ll kidnap a girl to raise the funds to get there.
Pachito Rex: I'm Leaving but Not for Good
The attack on a popular singer known as Pachito -who becomes the favorite candidate to win the presidential election in an imaginary Latin American country- is the starting point of several stories, including: the alleged murderer, a police officer investigating the disappearance of the murdered body and an architect hired to design the mausoleum to the memory of the possible dictator.