Tom Hanslmaier


Хинтерленд: город грехов
Oberst Bernfeld
Вена, 1920 год. На город обрушивается серия загадочных жестоких убийств, которые расследует суровый детектив-одиночка Петер Перг. Следуя за мистически неуловимым серийным убийцей, он узнает в жертвах своих бывших сослуживцев. Кто этот безумец и какие демоны им движут?
Мой друг Зигмунд Фрейд
SS Officer
Оказавшись в Вене, молодой парень встречает свою первую и, как ему кажется, последнюю любовь. В тонкостях желаний и соблазнов ему помогает разобраться тот, кто знает об этом всё, - сам Зигмунд Фрейд.
Maximilian and Marie De Bourgogne
In 1477 Charles the Bold dies, his only child is a girl which cannot rule without a husband. Meanwhile in Austria, Emperor Frederick III and his antagonist Louis XI France battle over said marriage prospects, battles ensue, tragedy falls.
Die Freischwimmerin
King von Ottakring
After a violent incident, Martha Müller is disillusioned with the teaching profession and decides that she does not want to get involved so much as a teacher. At her new school in Vienna, however, she is immediately confronted with a problem Ilayda. The 17-year-old Turkish student lives in Vienna with her very well integrated family. But she decided to wear a headscarf after her father's death. However, this distinguishes her more and more from her class.
Shirley: Visions of Reality
A series of snapshots from the life of a fictional actress named Shirley serves to weave together thirteen paintings by Edward Hopper (e.g. "Office at Night", "Western Motel", "Usherette", "A Woman in the Sun") into a fascinating synthesis of painting and film, personal and political history. Each station in Shirley’s professional and private life from the 1930s to 1960s is precisely dated: It is always August 28/29 of the year in question, as the locations vary from Paris to New York to Cape Cod.
The Fatherless
They never expected Kyra to turn up again. The two brothers and their sister, brought together when their father dies, are stunned by the appearance of their sister.Kyra suddenly vanished over twenty years ago during the breakup of the hippie commune where they were all born. She is like a stranger to them now... but when she discovers that her very existence has been kept secret, she starts to uncover old mysteries. And soon all the brothers and sisters find themselves unearthing the roots of their childhood memories they had suppressed in order to survive. In her debut feature film Marie Kreutzer embarks upon an intriguing and disturbing journey into the past, a gripping study of belonging and solitude, bonds and freedom. Written by Novotny & Novotny Film
Черные цветы
Майкл Роддик, шпион на службе RFA, бросил службу после провала своей последней миссии, и исчезает, взяв с собой Елену, дочь русского шпиона, который умер при подозрительных обстоятельствах. Майкл и Елена обосновались в Барселоне, где он открыл небольшой ресторан, который позволит им забыть его нелегкое прошлое. Но его бывшие коллеги принялись снова разбирать нерешенные вопросы, и Роддик снова погружается в головокружительный кошмар.
A family drama plays itself out in the contrasting light and shadows.