Donald O'Connor

Donald O'Connor

Рождение : 1925-08-28, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 2003-09-27


Donald O’Connor (August 28, 1925 - September 27, 2003) was an American dancer, singer, and actor who came to fame in a series of movies in which he co-starred alternately with Gloria Jean, Peggy Ryan, and Francis the Talking Mule. He is best known today for his role in Singin' in the Rain.


Donald O'Connor
Donald O'Connor
Donald O'Connor


Bing Crosby: Rediscovered
Self (archive footage)
Bing Crosby was, without a doubt, the most popular and influential multi-media star of the first half of the twentieth century, pulling audiences in with his intimate, laid-back voice and innate charm. Narrated by Stanley Tucci and directed by Robert Trachtenberg, this film explores the life and legend of this iconic performer, revealing a personality far more complex than the image the public had only thought they'd known.
Оскар. История Голливуда
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Get Aboard! 'The Band Wagon'
Self (archive footage)
Documentary on the 1953 musical "The Band Wagon."
Gene Kelly: Anatomy of a Dancer
Self (archive footage)
American Masters Series. Documentary on Gene Kelly that gives insight into his dancing, how he formed a style (first "blue collar dancer") and developed different cinematique techniques, such as brilliantly shot dancing sequences.
What a Glorious Feeling: The Making of 'Singin' in the Rain'
Movie and stage icon Debbie Reynolds hosts the making of "Singin' in the Rain". The short documentary includes Donald O'Connor, who played the comical "Cosmo Brown", Stanley Donen, one half of the directors next to Gene Kelly, and Kathleen Freeman, who played Phoebe Dinsmore, Lina Lamont's (Jean Hagen) voice coach.
Hollywood at Your Feet: The Story of the Chinese Theatre Footprints
Documentary explores that his of the famous Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Opened on May 18, 1927 as Grauman's Chinese Theater, it immediately drew attention from the public, and, more importantly, from those in the entertainment industry. Hosted by Raquel Welch.
В открытом море
Jonathan Devereaux
Вечный оптимист Чарли отправляется со своим чудаковатым сводным братом Гербом подработать на корабле в дорогом морском круизе, а заодно и познакомиться с одинокими леди, обладательницами тугих кошельков. Но шикарные апартаменты на самом деле оказываются маленькой каморкой в трюме корабля, а работать братья должны партнерами по танцам для пожилых дам. Не складываются отношения и с директором круиза Джилом Годвином. Тирания директора становится совсем невыносимой, когда Чарли и Гербу наконец удается закрутить роман с соблазнительной Лиз и красавицей Вивиан
Father Frost
Baba Yaga
Ruled by the all powerful Father Frost, the Forest of Enchantment is the most bizarre and remarkable place in the world! Natalie and Ivan's newlywed hopes of living happily ever after are shattered when they stumble into this mysterious and strange forest. The evil witch, Baba Yaga, can't stand love and sets out to curse their marriage. With incredible magical forces against them, the young couple must summon the great power of Father Frost to come to their aid before their love is lost forever.
That's Entertainment! III
(archive footage)
Some of MGM'S musical stars review the studios history of musicals. From The Hollywood Revue of 1929 to Brigadoon, from the first musical talkies to Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.
Серебряный ангел Бандита
Uncle Cyrus
В этой серии на голову Бандиту сваливается «любимый» дядя Сайрус, которому срочно нужна помощь. А отказать Бандит просто не способен. Откуда ему знать, что помощь родственнику выльется в целый водопад приключений и вдобавок познакомит его с очаровательной блондинкой по имени Ангел.
Kenneth Zevo
Никто не любит игрушки так, как Лесли Зиво. Он сам их придумывает и тестирует на фабрике своего отца. Внезапно отец Зиво умирает, и самая большая компания по производству игрушек в стране переходит по наследству к дяде Лесли — армейскому генералу. Как оказалось, у дяди свои планы в отношении семейного бизнеса. Злобный генерал собирается наладить производство миниатюрной военной техники. Теперь Лесли предстоит сделать все возможное, чтобы отстоять фабрику от посягательств своего злобного родственника-милитариста.
Happy Birthday, Bob: 50 Stars Salute Your 50 Years with NBC
Stars celebrate Bob Hope's 50 years with NBC.
A Mouse, a Mystery and Me
Alex the Mouse
A Christmas special about a world-class mystery-writing mouse who spends Christmas Eve with his sleuthing partners tracking down a missing Santa. The special combines live-action footage with an animated character, Alex the mouse.
A Time to Remember
Father Walsh
It is small town America in the 1950's. Twelve year-old Angelo Villano has one dream: to someday sing like his idol, Mario Lanza. His grandmother, Mama Theresa encourages him; and his beautiful voice catches the attention of the formidable but kind Father Walsh who arranges for him to receive formal training. This infuriates Angelo's widowed father, Frank, who wants his son to be a steelworker like him. Determined to "make a man out of him", Frank forbids Angelo from singing. When Angelo is chased by bullies into the path of an oncoming car, he recovers all but his voice, retreating into a silent world that no one can touch. One night, locked in the church basement, the frightened Angelo experiences a spectacular vision, a true Christmas miracle, that changes his life. And when his vision and his voice return during Christmas Eve Mass, no one can deny the beauty and blessing of his amazing gift.
Night of 100 Stars II
This special is the second "Night of 100 Stars" to benefit The Actors Fund of America. Edited from a seven-hour live entertainment marathon that was taped February 17, 1985, at New York's Radio City Music Hall, this sequel to the 1982 "Night of 100 Stars" special features 288 celebrities.
That's Dancing!
A documentary film about dancing on the screen, from it's orgins after the invention of the movie camera, over the movie musical from the late 20s, 30s, 40s 50s and 60s up to the break dance and the music videos from the 80s.
Alice in Wonderland
Mock Turtle
From the elaborate Broadway revival of the 1932 Eva Le Gallienne/Florida Friebus production comes a whimsical retelling of the Lewis Carroll classic.
Ад кромешный
Glenn's Dad
Храбрый канадский рейнджер в компании с верной лошадью выслеживает серийного убийцу, давно наводящего ужас на обитателей расположенного неподалёку лагеря девушек-болельщиц.
Evelyn's Dance Instructor
На сшитом из лоскутков полотне жизни Нью-Йорка начала двадцатого века прослеживаются судьбы нескольких людей с акцентированием внимания на чернокожем герое, одержимо стремящемся добиться справедливости.
Lucy Moves to NBC
Contacted by Fred Silverman, the President of NBC, Lucille Ball accepts to go back to work as a producer. With the help of her faithful production assistant, Gale Gordon, she starts working on a new series titled "The Music Mart".
Большой сговор
Francis Joins The Navy
В 1960-е Мозес Вайн был, как и все нормальные люди вокруг, студентом-радикалом, надеющимся изменить мир. Теперь, двадцать лет спустя, он частный детектив. Однажды в его дверь постучали, и Мозес увидел на пороге Лилу - свою подружку юности. Лила предлагает Мозесу взяться за расследование одного дела. Мозес соглашается не только из-за предложенного высокого гонорара, но и потому, что это возможность общения с бывшей возлюбленной. Расследование началось...
Вот это развлечение! Часть 2
(archive footage)
Золотые моменты из фильмотеки MGM, что включает как комедии и драмы, так и классические музыкальные номера.
It's Showtime
Self (archive footage)
A collection of film clips profiling animal actors.
The Lion Roars Again
Himself (uncredited)
A chronicle of the 1975 International Press Conclave hosted by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer over two days in May 1975.
That's Entertainment!
Self - Host / Narrator
Various MGM stars from yesterday present their favorite musical moments from the studio's 50 year history.
Это забавное чувство
Harvey Granson
Молодая провинциалка Джоан Ховелль мечтает стать актрисой, она снимает маленькую квартирку вместе со своей подругой в Нью-Йорке, берет уроки актерского мастерства и работает горничной по вызову, убирая чужие квартиры. Однажды она знакомится с плейбоем и кутилой Томом Милфордом. Чтобы произвести на него впечатление, она выдает квартиру одного из своих клиентов за свою. Джоан и не предполагала, что хозяин этой квартиры — сам Милфорд…
Self ("There's No Business...") (archive footage) (uncredited)
This 1963 documentary, released less than a year after Marilyn Monroe's death, showcases the star in memorable scenes from her 20th Century Fox films, including wardrobe tests and clips from her last, uncompleted project, "Something's Got To Give". Hosted and narrated by Rock Hudson.
Тысяча и одна ночь
По мотивам арабской сказки "Аладдин и волшебная лампа" из цикла "1001 и 1 ночь". Бедный молодой человек находит волшебную лампу и выпускает из неё джина, который даёт своему освободителю три желания.
Cry for Happy
Murray Prince
Army photographers on leave in Japan take over a geisha house.
The Buster Keaton Story
Buster Keaton
An inaccurate retelling of the life of silent filmmaker and comedian Buster Keaton.
Что бы ни случилось
Ted Adams
Билл Бенсон и Тэд Адамс должны выступить совместно в большом Бродвейском шоу. Для подготовки своих номеров они отправляются в Париж, где каждый из них в тайне от другого ищет партнершу для номера и, конечно же, находит. Билл блондинку — американку Патси Блэр, а Тэд брюнетку — француженку Габи Дюваль. Обе девушки великолепно танцуют и поют, и каждая из них может стать именно той звездой, которую полюбит вся Америка, но роль солистки только одна. Каждый из парней в тайне от другого приглашает свою претендентку на главную роль на борт трансконтинентального лайнера, который доставит их из Европы в Америку…
Фрэнсис на флоте
Peter Stirling
Лейтенант Питер Стерлинг узнает, что его говорящий мул по кличке Фрэнсис реквизирован для нужд флота. Пытаясь вызволить друга, он попадает в передрягу: береговой патруль ошибочно принимает его за помощника капитана и подвергает аресту. Теперь для него самое главное – доказать, кто он есть на самом деле..
Нет такого бизнеса, как шоу-бизнес
Tim Donahue
Этель Мермэн и Дэн Дэйли здесь главные люди, как в водевиле Донахью, которые выносят на сцену сначала одного, потом другого и затем третьего из своих отпрысков для последнего поклона на бис, отпуская шутки и смешные телодвижения на бегу, а в конце оказывается, что в колоде есть еще четвертый и пятый Донахью.
Francis Joins the WACS
Peter Stirling
Peter Stirling (with his old friend the talking mule) is recalled to active the WACs!
Walking My Baby Back Home
Clarence "Jigger" Millard
A young man from a wealthy New York family pursues a career as the leader of a dance band.
Francis Covers the Big Town
Peter Stirling
A man who has a talking mule gets a job on a newspaper, and both get mixed up in a murder trial.
Назовите меня Мадам
Kenneth Gibson
Салли Адаме, женщина с практической хваткой, твердо стоящая на ногах, порывистая и темпераментная, направляется в качестве посла США в маленькое Европейское государство Лихтенбург. У нового посла, впрочем, есть один недостаток. Точнее качество, не слишкомотвечающее ее дипломатическому статусу: она чрезвычайно непосредственна и склонна поступать в соответствии с душевными порывами, которые, порой, идут вразрез с государственными интересами.
I Love Melvin
Melvin Hoover
Melvin Hoover, a budding photographer for Look magazine, accidentally bumps into a young actress named Judy LeRoy in the park. They start to talk and Melvin soon offers to do a photo spread of her. His boss, however, has no intention of using the photos. Melvin wants to marry Judy, but her father would rather she marry dull and dependable Harry Black. As a last resort, Melvin promises to get Judy's photo on the cover of the next issue of Look, a task easier said than done.
Francis Goes to West Point
Peter Stirling
Francis the talking mule gets his owner in and out of trouble while he is taking basic training at West Point.
Поющие под дождём
Cosmo Brown
Основа этого легендарного фильма — дюжина старых песен, написанных для различных бродвейских шоу. Дон Локвуд — популярная звезда немого кино вспоминает о том, как он пришел к славе… но вдруг счастье покидает его — наступила эра звукового кино. Нужно осваивать новые горизонты.
Francis Goes to the Races
Peter Stirling
In this funny sequel to the popular Francis the Talking Mule, the talkative Mule and his pal Peter get a job working on a horse-breeder's ranch. They end up saving it from financial ruin when Francis, who has the inside track with the racehorses, provides Peter with names of the winners before the races are run. Sure enough Peter finds himself with a fistful of cash and uses it to buy a racehorse for the farm. Unfortunately, the horse he chooses is suffering from a debilitating lack of confidence. When not dealing with the mare, Peter finds time to court the horse breeder's niece and trying to avoid the gangsters who want in on the winnings.
Череп и кости
Davey Crandall
Молодой человек становится пиратом вследствие ложного обвинения в непорядочности.
The Milkman
Roger Bradley
A dairy owner's son takes a job as milkman with a rival company.
Curtain Call at Cactus Creek
Edward Timmons
Traveling entertainer gets mixed up with bank robbers.
Peter Stirling
The truthful soldier Stirling didn't know how to lie about his source of information, the talking army Mule, Francis, so he was treated as a lunatic and led to one after another hilarious situations, where the mule was the only one that appeared in his right mind. In the process of all this, the mule assisted in uncovering a spy, Mareen, who pretended to be lost among the jungles, but was actually...
Yes Sir, That's My Baby
William Waldo Winfield
At a college, a group of ex-GIs clash with their wives about over playing football.
Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
Wilbur McMurty
A fast-talking salesman is "kidnapped" by a town, which intends to use him in its annual race with a rival community.
Are You With It?
Milton Haskins
Milton Haskins, a math genius known for his infallibility with numbers, quits his job with an insurance company when he discovers he made a mistake, and hooks up with a traveling carnival. His knowledge of mathematics makes him a natural as an assistant at the wheel of fortune. His fiancée begs him to return to his job but he refuses, so she joins the carnival and becomes a striptease artist. When Milton attempts to drag her off the stage, a brawling mêlée breaks out and the entire troupe is arrested by the local police. The carnival is sold but Milton reveals that the new owner has conspired to defraud the insurance company. The insurance company has to accept the carnival in lieu of the money owed, and they allow Milton and his fiancée, Vivian, to stay with and help run the carnival.
Что навеял ветер
Charlie Read
Мэри Коллинз работает диск-жокеем на радиостанции. Неожиданно ей приходит известие, что она является наследницей огромного состояния. Однако чтобы получить деньги ей предстоит узнать непростую и запутанную историю, случившуюся с ней, ее родителями и ее опекунами много лет назад...
Patrick the Great
Pat Donahue Jr.
A famous stage actor hopes to land the lead role in a big new Broadway musical, but he's unaware his teenage son has already been given the part.
Bowery to Broadway
Specialty dancer
Two Bowery vaudevillians find success in producing shows on Broadway, but when one of them suddenly departs to work for a beautiful woman, a feud erupts.
The Merry Monahans
Jimmy Monahan
The film concerns a family vaudeville troupe headed by patriarch Pete Monahan. Because of his love affair with the bottle, Pete manages to get himself and his family blacklisted from every major vaude house in the country. Though Pete's kids Jimmy and Patsy love their dad, they're forced to break away from the act and go off on their own to survive. Eventually, the whole gang is reunited in a shamelessly lachrymose musical finale.
This Is the Life
Jimmy Plum
18-year-old Angela, reared in a New England town by her Aunt Betsy, receives an inheritance which she uses to go to New York, ostensibly for voice training, but she is pursuing Major Hilary Jarret, an Army surgeon with whom she has become infatuated. Her departure depresses her childhood friend Jimmy Plum. Dr. Plum devises an errand on which to send his love-sick son to New York, where Jimmy discovers Angela thinks she is Jarret's fiancée. Jimmy also renews acquaintances with a group of show people, including Sally McGuire, who attempts to console him. Jimmy meets Jarret's divorced wife, Harriet, famed photographer. Jimmy engineers a meeting of Jarret and Harriet with Angela present, which forms the beginning of an understanding that Jarret is not for her. Jimmy is inducted into the Army.
Следуя за парнями
Donald O'Connor
История о неразлучной троице Тони, Китти, и Ник Вест которая покорила весь Голливуд своим актерским мастерством и, не испугавшись трудностей военной жизни, внесла свой вклад в борьбу с нацистами в Европе. Великолепный музыкальный фильм созданный для развлечения зрителей и сегодня смотрится легко и непринужденно благодаря великолепной игре актеров и превосходно поставленным музыкальным номерам.
Chip Off the Old Block
Donald Corrigan
The son of a strict Navy officer falls for the daughter of a musical-comedy star.
Top Man
Don Warren
In this WW II musical, a young man suddenly finds himself in charge of his family when his father is called to war. To help the flagging spirits of local factory workers, the plucky lad, his siblings and his schoolmates put on a lively little show. With a little work, he even convinces Count Basie to come with his band.
Mister Big
Donald J. O'Connor
Students at the Davis School of the Theatre are assigned "Antigone" as their class play, but they conspire to do a swing musical instead.
It Comes Up Love
Ricky Ives
This modest bit of comedy and romance in the adolescent vein is about a couple of spirited juveniles, Donald O'Connor and Gloria Jean, who carry on a flirtation parallel with that of their elders, Louise Allbritton and Ian Hunter.
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Frankie Flanagan
By popular consensus, Allan Jones' best Universal mini-musical of the 1940s was the timely When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Jones is cast as war hero Johnny Kovacs, who wearies of the adulation heaped upon him and takes refuge under an assumed name in a theatrical boarding house. Here he befriends orchestra leader Phil Spitalny and his all-girl aggregation, including the inimitable Evelyn and Her Magic Violin. When Army officials trace Johnny to the boarding house, his new friends assume that he's a deserter and try to convince him to return to duty.
Get Hep to Love
Jimmy Arnold
Orphan prodigy singer runs away from her oppressive aunt and tricks a rural couple into adopting her.
Give Out, Sisters
The Andrews Sisters headline this musical. They play the lead act at a popular nightclub. The trouble begins when they hire a few students from a financially foundering dance school for their newest production. One of the dancers, a rich young socialite, desperately wants to be in it too, but her prurient maiden aunts refuse to allow her to disgrace their family by becoming a common chorine. She and the club owner (who must have the aunt's permission because the girl is underage) try to convince them, but it's not easy.
Private Buckaroo
The film tells the story of army recruits following basic training, with the Andrew Sisters attending USO dances. The film is a mixture of comedy and songs.
What's Cookin'?
J. P. Courtney wants to update the music on the radio program he sponsors, but his wife, Agatha Courtney, is the final authority and addicted to the classics and won't allow him to replace Professor Bistell and his symphonic orchestra. Conspiring with his daughter Sue and her friends, Marvo the Great, the Andrews Sisters, Anne Payne and bandleader Woody Herman, they devise a sabotage plot that gets rid of Professor Bistell, and a new sound is soon heard on the program.
On Your Toes
Phil Jr. as a Boy
A Russian dance company agrees to stage the new ballet written by a vaudeville hoofer.
Death of a Champion
Small Fry
Oliver Quade is a pitchman who follows state fairs that feature dog shows---which limits his territory more than a little---at which he sells encyclopedias...and does it well as he possesses a photographic memory that amazes the rubes. The Champion, in the title, is a Great Dane who has won the title at the Rubeville State Fair, and it isn't long before the Champion turns up dead, which is because somebody---motive unknown at the moment---has killed the Champion. This is repeated at other shows along the way and Quade's bright young assistant, "Small Fry", fancies himself as an amateur detective, and starts nosing around into the mystery and drags Quade along with him.
Night Work
Butch Smiley
The Fitch family is managing an apartment building when the grandfather of their adopted son Butch decides the family isn't worthy of raising his grandson.
Красавчик Жест
Beau Geste (as a Child)
Центральным персонажем этой истории является Майкл по прозвищу «Красавчик», самый старший из трех братьев, которых воспитывает дальняя родственница леди Брэндон. Когда драгоценный камень сапфир, известный под названием «Голубая вода», вдруг пропадает в комнате, где присутствовали только члены семьи, подозрение падает на «Красавчика» и он утром покидает отчий дом и Великобританию, чтобы присоединиться к французскому Иностранному легиону, воюющему в Северной Африке. Туда же устремились за старшим и младшие. Уходя из дома, каждый из них оставил записку и каждый брал вину на себя.
Million Dollar Legs
Sticky Boone
At Middleton College, controlled by rich donor Melton, only paying sports are allowed. But Freddie Frye, conniving student body president, has to get a letter in some sport to win back his girl Susie; he schemes to revive crew boat racing. Sinking boats, no money, and his own waistline stand in his way. Can they win the big race with State University?
Ted Streaver (age 12)
Pals Pat Rogers (Helen Twelvetrees) and Slag Bailey (Buck Jones) try to collect a debt from Slag's recently deceased boxing promoter but wind up collecting his child, instead, and raising him as their own son.
Boy Trouble
A fussy shopkeeper's life drastically changes when his wife takes in two homeless boys.
Tom Sawyer, Detective
Huckleberry Finn
The further adventures of Twain's most beloved fictional characters of Tom Sawyer and his friend, Huckleberry Finn.
Sons of the Legion
Butch Baker
Sons of The Legion is a film about a group of young men looking to start a squadron in their Legion Post. However, because the boy's father wrongfully received a dishonorable discharge after World War I, his father cannot join the Legion and in turn his son cannot join the squadron [wikipedia]
Sing, You Sinners
Mike Beebe
Of the singing Beebe brothers, young Mike just wants to be a kid; responsible Dave wants to work in his garage and marry Martha; but feckless Joe thinks his only road to success is through swapping and gambling. It seems the only thing all three can join in is their singing act, which Mike and Dave hate. Finally, all Joe's hopes are pinned on a race horse he's acquired swapping, but it's a bigger gamble than his family knows.
Men with Wings
Young Pat Falconer
Reporter Nicholas Ranson is jubilant when, on 17 Dec 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville and Wilbur Wright take their first airplane flight. Back home in Underwood, Maryland, however, his uncle Hiram F. Jenkins, owner and editor of the local newspaper, refuses to print the story. Nicholas quits and continues to work on his own airplane, with the devoted help of his little daughter Peggy. Peggy is actually the first in her family to fly when her friends, Patrick Falconer and Scott Barnes, induce her to get inside a large kite they have made, and run with it in a field until she is airborne. The kite is caught in a tree, however, and Peggy gets a black eye. Later, Nicholas dies when his experimental airplane crashes, leaving his wife and children alone. By Peggy's adulthood, planes are capable of flying at an altitude of 11,000 feet, and speeds of nearly 100 m.p.h. Peggy continues her father's obsession with flight by helping Scott and Pat to build a plane.
It Can't Last Forever
Kid Dancer (uncredited)
Russ Matthews, a theatrical agent who is not above pulling off a hoax or two or more to further the career of his clients (and himself), and a newspaper gossip-columnist, Carol Wilson, get involved with gangsters when one of Larry's radio-program future-predicting cons gets out of hand.
Melody for Two
Specialty Act
A singing bandleader signs on with an all-girls band.