Wilfried Pucher
Рождение : 1940-07-10, Hainsberg, Germany
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Set against the backdrop of post-war Germany, the screen adaptation of Siegfried Lenz’s short story released in 1949 shows a snapshot in time of Mr. Schwamm, an indulgent husband and caring father, who wants so save his depressed son. During the pivotal night of this mission, he has an odd encounter: Paired up by destiny, he confides his troubles to a bitter and insensitive stranger, who in the very last minute manages to turn the story into a touching parable for kindness and humanity.
When the farm boy Felix is born with a caul, the rumor spreads in no time that this boy can succeed in anything. One day he would even marry the princess - he just has to trust in his own destiny. But the king and alchemist Ottokar, however is obsessed only with gold and wealth, seeks to kill the child, by throwing him in a river.
A village is blackmailing the city of Leipzig.
The elaborately staged and lovingly furnished melodrama tells the moving story of a wife and mother after the Second World War. In the title role Christine Neubauer shows another facet of her versatility. Timothy Peach and Martin Feifel play at their side. Other main roles include Eva-Maria Hagen and Peter Sodann. Gaby Kubach directed a book by the renowned author Felix Huby.
Herr Rathner
Generalfeldmarschall Wilhelm Keitel
Professor Heiliger
Лето 1944 года. Юная баронесса Барбара выходит замуж. Ее супруг, Александр, оставив Барбаре символ любви, янтарный амулет, уходит на фронт и пропадает без вести. В поместье родителей Барбары размещаются советские солдаты под командованием майора Беляева. Барбара влюбляется в русского офицера, но отказывается уехать с ним в Москву, так и не сказав ему, что ждет от него ребенка. Вернувшийся из плена Александр воспитывает сына Беляева как своего. Но после июньского восстания 1953 года суд ГДР приговаривает Александра по обвинению в шпионаже к 20 годам заключения. Единственный, кто может помочь Барбаре добиться освобождения мужа и переправить всю семью на запад — это Беляев…
Direktor Golz
Bachers Arzt
A village has to be destroyed for coal mining. Henning, a 15 years old boy, who wants to visit his grandfather one more time, realizes that nothing will be the way it used to be.
Vater Johannas
Television film based on a short story by Christa Wolf.
Hans Rodemann
Based on a novella by Bertolt Brecht.
Even the military academy can't stop kind-hearted officer Gottfried Engelhardt from seeing the world through rose-colored glasses. Everything in the young GDR is blooming: Engelhardt's career, the socialist state, the black market, and maybe even a chance at love.
Москва в 1920-е годы. На киностудии "Межрабпом-Русь" работают над фильмом "Белый орёл" о погромах на юге России. Имя печально известного губернатора Муратова, прозванного "Извергом", является символом преступлений времён царизма. Во время съёмок появляется пожилой захудалый мужчина, который из-за своего сходства с Муратовым хочет сыграть в фильме. Можно ли было представить, что этот человек и есть настоящий Муратов?
At the beginning of the 50s, two extremely disparate men meet in a private sanatorium for consumptives: an officer in the People's Police, Josef Heiliger; and a young Protestant curate, Hubertus Koschenz. On account of their consumption, they have to share a room. Initially, this is the only thing they have in common.
Carola is a mischievous girl who doesn't care much for school- except for sports and recess, of course. Without her good friend Willi to keep her on the straight and narrow, she would really be in trouble. One day at school, Carola has an idea. She invents what she calls "International Ghosts' Day" and a ghost named "Buh" to go with it. When Buh turns out to be less-than-imaginary the two decide to switch places, with Buh taking on all the schoolwork, and Carola taking the opportunity to play practical jokes on all her friends...
Herr Möller
It's no big secret that twelve-year-old Hannes is in love with his classmate Carolin, who he compares to a beautiful white cloud in the sky. But when Carolin spends most of her time exploring the village's history with Benno, Hannes becomes increasingly jealous of his rival. The only person who is happy about this situation is Kerstin, who is in fact interested in Hannes. In order to impress Carolin, Hannes takes her and several others out for a boat ride in the nearby Bay of Greifswald, but his plan takes a deadly turn as a storm approaches.
В браке актера Поля Шульте и его супруги Барбары дела обстоят не лучшим образом. Пока Пауль, страдающий сердечным заболеванием, курсирует на Балтийском море, сопровождающая его Барбара вместе со своим возлюбленным Клаусом Груновым планирует кражу произведений искусства в церкви недалеко от курорта. В санатории живет и ее бывший муж Фриц Крюгер. Пол, который хочет предотвратить набег Барбары и дальнейшие встречи между ней и Крюгером, найден мертвым немного позже. Лейтенант Ленц и капитан Хербст начинают расследование.
Ernst Mopel
Film by Evelyn Schmidt.
After a hot and steamy company party, Sibylle and Harald, both in their late thirties, spend the night together. He is a widower with two sons, with the younger son just entering school. She is single and relatively satisfied in her current relationship with a married colleague. When they meet again later, they resolve to enter into a strictly intellectual relationship.
Inge Herold is in her mid-thirties. She is divorced and lives with her 15-year-old son. She works as a psychologist and social worker and is involved with a married man. Suddenly, Inge finds out she may have breast cancer, which would mean an operation the very next day. The 24 hours before the planned surgery puts her under enormous psychological pressure and she begins to reevaluate her life. With heightened awareness of matters of everyday life, she realizes that what she previously considered meaningful, was actually void of any real meaning.
Противостоящие западные спецслужбы используя современные технологии для «холодной войны», то есть противостояния с Восточным блоком, разработали устройство под названием COMMINT 3-72. Его «прозвище» было «Радио-убийца». Это оружие было не намного больше футбольного мяча и могло быть хорошо замаскировано на территории ГДР, например, как полевой камень, как остаток стены или как кусок земли. Внешне неприметные, но приправленные сложной внутренней работой, то есть сложной микроэлектроникой, это были вражеские объекты.
Январь 1945 года. Через маленькую деревушку, к которой все ближе подступает линия фронта, проходят автоколонны фашистов, отступающих под натиском советских войск. Неожиданно в деревню въезжает советский танк, который случайно вырвался вперед и оторвался от своей колонны. Командира танка Михаила Лаврова и его товарищей укрывает в своем доме семья Валендовских. С их помощью удается спрятать и танк. После боевой вылазки танкистов, уничтоживших опорный немецкий пункт, фашисты решают расправиться с жителями деревни, если те не укажут местонахождение русских. И Лавров делает единственно возможное в этой ситуации — жертвует собой во имя спасения мирных жителей.
Two men and two women in a hotel.
Berlin at the end of the 1940s. Anneliese Weyher is working as a switchboard operator. She is living with her aunt after losing her parents in the war – a stroke of fate that has thrown the young woman off course emotionally. Indifferently, she is doing her work; her private life consists of an affair with a black-marketeer. Even when Anneliese witnesses an armed robbery, committed by infamous Wollnick and his gang, she stays lethargic and apathetic – she keeps silent instead of helping the inspector who is a friend of her aunt. It is not until Anneliese by coincidence meets her former lover, the watchmaker Kurt, that her life seems to take a positive turn.
Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.
Based upon a true story, the movie centers on the German communist Robert, a "Kapo" in a concentration camp. When some Polish children are brought to the camp, Robert tries to save them from certain death. Due to his efforts they are being trained as masons and become part of his construction gang. Nevertheless, the boys, and mainly the clever Janusz, are very suspicious of Robert. They have already experienced too much evil and do not want to trust anybody – least of all a German.