Как и многие другие, ученица Кьяра протестовала против политики Макрона, отвергала его реформы и выражала свое недовольство, написав великому на стене, что он должен уйти в отставку. Этот её поступок не может остаться без последствий. Девушку арестовывают, в полицейском участке ее допрашивают, а через несколько часов она мертва. Как такое могло случиться? Почему Кьяра должна была умереть? Все ошеломлены этой новостью, семья, друзья, ученики, учителя, никто не может понять, что всё это значит. И чем больше все это обсуждают и думают об этом, тем сильнее становится их гнев.
Strange events in the open sea haunt two young lovers in this supernatural fantasy. When the couple finds rare gold, they unlock a dark adventure filled with zombie pirates out for vengeance.
Mirinda, a French sex worker, lives day by day in the outskirts of Phnom Penh. His meeting with Panna, a young abandoned girl, left to her own devices, will shatter his equilibrium and give him the courage to change his life.
Mirinda, a French sex worker, lives day by day in the outskirts of Phnom Penh. His meeting with Panna, a young abandoned girl, left to her own devices, will shatter his equilibrium and give him the courage to change his life.
Ben hangs out in Cambodia, picks up bottles which he sells to tourists. Successively bizarre and neglected, he will become a beautiful boy until an experience transforms him forever.
Ben hangs out in Cambodia, picks up bottles which he sells to tourists. Successively bizarre and neglected, he will become a beautiful boy until an experience transforms him forever.
Hélène, Mathilde and Ben Scappini take to the road. Their destination: the house in which they grew up. It is an ideal occasion for the brother and sisters to get to know one another...
Антология из фильмов ужасов по историям Эдгара Алана По. Здесь садисты и мазохисты, психи и извращенцы, святые и блудницы. Всё смешалось в один калейдоскоп ужаса! Если вы решитесь это посмотреть, то будьте готовы к тому, что ваш мозг вам этого не простит!
На улицах Рима кто-то пытается затащить актрису в фильм, а кто-то – просто выжить. Диапазон затронутых тем широк, но все переплетется.
Nicolas, a handsome, young waiter, is befriended by Frédéric Delamont, a wealthy middle-aged businessman. Delamont, a man of power, influence and strictly refined tastes, is immediately smitten by Nicolas' charm. Lonely and phobic, Delamont offers Nicolas a lucrative job as his personal food taster. In spite of their differences, a close friendship begins to emerge between the two men. However, their bond of trust and admiration soon spirals downward into a dangerous game of deceit and obsession for which neither is prepared.
Когда-то давно по тёмным водам подземной реки плыла, покачиваясь, корзина с новорожденным младенцем. Неожиданно её подхватил водяной вихрь, грозящий гибелью ё, но в последний момент на помощь пришли две чёрные крысы. Париж, 1877 год. В здании Гранд Опера странным образом погибают несколько рабочих. По городу расползаются слухи о таинственной силе, обитающей в стенах старинного театра…
An ex-model gets caught up in lust, murder and betrayal when a gun-wielding man pays her a visit.
An ex-model gets caught up in lust, murder and betrayal when a gun-wielding man pays her a visit.
Small-town beauty Patricia (Carla Solaro) lands a leading role on a top-rated soap opera and moves to Los Angeles, where her skyrocketing acting career is accompanied by a not-so-healthy romance with ruthless network boss Mike (Robert Madison). Set against the cutthroat backdrop of the television business, this steamy exploitation romance from cult director Joe D'Amato also stars Sonia Topazio.
Michel (David D' Ingeo) knows Luna (Deborah Cali), an aspiring dancer, and it is love at first sight. But the boy is also attracted by her mother (Valentine Demy), which gives more time to the advances of the young. Luna, once discovered everything, despairs and runs away. Then, in revenge, he grants the father of Michel, her choreographer. Eventually, though, Michel manages to win her back.
Perry moved to Miami to study in medical school, where his uncle is a teacher. He decides to rent a room from a friend of his mother, who owns the house. There he begins to dream about a beautiful girl Sheila, daughter of the owner of the house. They soon became very good friends, but Perry did not know that Sheila secretly serves as a model in adult magazines. The director of Sapore di donna, Mario Gariazzo has also directed another movie, called Amazonia: The Catherine Miles Story, made in 1985.
Renato Aloisi
The young scion of a rich lineage should get married and give an heir to the family. But no one wants to touch his girlfriend before marriage and instead consoled with the beautiful waitress. But things get complicated and suddenly strange deaths begin to hit the family members.
Явившись в офис в неурочный час, чтобы похитить важную информацию, Анна случайно включает монитор камеры наблюдения и видит, как три негодяя жестоко насилуют молодую женщину. Поняв, что преступники обращают внимание на работающую камеру, девушка в панике пытается скрыться, но вскоре за ее машиной пристраивается красный джип с тонированными стеклами. Все попытки оторваться от странного автомобиля не приводят к успеху. Более того, чем активнее Анна пытается уйти от преследователя, тем агрессивнее ведет себя таинственный водитель джипа. Бурлящий в крови девушки от этой погони адреналин ищет выхода… И находит его в неожиданных для самой Анны сексуальных эскападах в те мгновения, когда ей кажется, что преследователь исчезает с горизонта. Но стоит только эротической паузе закончиться, как зловещая тень красного джипа снова встает на пути скромного фиата Анны…
Valentine Demy stars as Eva, the gorgeous queen of the town brothel, which she left after inheriting a villa from a wealthy client. Now alone and bored, she picks up three handsome young men (including David D'Ingeo) and, one after the other installs them in her villa where she lovingly cares for each of them. The boys are more than happy to share exuberant Eva's brazen sensuality, without any jealousy, whilst Eva entertains them with arousing tales from her brothel days. However, the idyll ends when Eva falls for an older businessman, upsetting her young lovers who then plot to kill her. But they soon realise instead how Eva has changed their lives for the better, and they happily set off for more adventures leaving Eva the chance to begin a new life.
Beautiful Arabella is an insatiable nymphomaniac with a crippled writer husband, Francesco, who is unable to pleasure her. Instead, Arabella searches for lovers in elicit dens of debauchery, bedding an endless array of men. However, when her husband discovers her having sex with a stranger in their shed, Arabella panics and kills the man, only to discover that her sudden act of violence arouses creative inspiration in Francesco. Covering up the crime, Francesco asks his wife to further explore her sexual fantasies and report back on her experiences. Unfortunately, Arabella's lovers are subsequently visited by someone else... a vengeful murderer who violently castrates them...
Mr. Rorret is the owner of a cinema called "The Peeping Tom" which shows a constant stream of horror films. Rorret dates women from the audience and then kills them, taking sadistic pleasure from their expressions of terror. This film is apparently a well-filmed homage to "Peeping Tom", with nods to "Psycho" and "Strangers on a Train".