Chicho Ibáñez Serrador

Chicho Ibáñez Serrador

Рождение : 1935-07-04, Montevideo, Uruguay

Смерть : 2019-06-07


Narciso Ibáñez Serrador, known as Chicho Ibáñez Serrador or Luis Peñafiel (pseudonym with which he signed his scripts), was a Spanish film and television director, theater director, actor and screenwriter. Throughout his life he stood out for his contribution to fantasy and horror films, as well as for the numerous programs he directed for Televisión Española.


Chicho Ibáñez Serrador


La alarma
The alarm tells the strange experiences faced by a group of characters in a near and dystopian future. No one knows exactly why, but it is impossible to go outside. A couple is forced to live with an unknown family while the world beyond the windows of their house seems to disintegrate forever. But the biggest threat of all might be inside, in the exact center of the dining room table. Or at the bottom of the nightstand drawer. Or in the past.
La pesadilla
The nightmare tells how in 1880 in a village in mountainous Galicia a series of mysterious deaths devastate the region. All the victims are young women, and murdered under mysterious circumstances. And the townspeople begin to suspect that the person responsible is Naim, a strange neighbor who lives apart, never leaving during the day. But Lúa, a young woman from the village who sees through her prejudices, will do everything possible to protect her most hidden secrets.
El trasplante
El Transplante focuses on the story of "a mature couple" who "sees the need to renew their bodies to avoid being fired from their jobs", but who only have enough money for one of them. That limiting circumstance will force them to make decisions.
El televisor
El Televisor narrates how Marcos, the only neighbor without an alarm, finally ends up installing a protection system in his chalet. Far from feeling safer, he soon becomes obsessed with the idea that someone is stalking him, and he connects the signal from the surveillance cameras to the TV in the living room. Progressively, the images of the closed circuit supplant the programs and the movies, until becoming the only thing that is reproduced on the screen. His wife and his children helplessly witness the man's madness... but maybe "something" out there is really threatening the family. Something visible only between the pixels of the TV.
El doble
Original Concept
Year 2045. In an attempt to save his relationship with Eva, Dani acquires a double to cover his absence when she needs him.
La broma
Elena and her lover Javier set in motion a plan to assassinate her husband Alberto, a successful businessman.
La broma
Original Concept
Elena and her lover Javier set in motion a plan to assassinate her husband Alberto, a successful businessman.
El asfalto
Original Concept
Between astonishment and despair, Baldo, a courier, sees how, slowly and inexorably, he sinks into the asphalt.
Original Concept
Madrid, Spain, 1982. TV director Chicho Ibáñez Serrador asks André, a lousy actor playing a ventriloquist, to work with Charlie, a disturbing dummy.
Tono is continuously harassed by her mother, who is uncannily cruel and authoritarian. His obsession with a woman's voice recorded on cassette and his favorite doll will help him fight out of his mother's control.
El pionero. El cine parapsicológico de Sebastià D'Arbó
Cult of Terror
Self - Filmmaker
A journey of years through many countries and film festivals; a nostalgic, adrenaline-fueled and rock-spirited immersion into the universe of cinephilia, in search of genre specialists, fans and filmmakers who speak of their shared passion for fantastic cinema; a whole international spiritual community united under the cathartic shadow of horror.
Narciso Ibáñez Serrador: historias para recordar
How the Uruguayan-Spanish actor, writer, producer and director Narciso 'Chicho' Ibáñez Serrador changed forever the way of producing programs for Spanish television.
Horror Europa with Mark Gatiss
Actor and writer Mark Gatiss embarks on a chilling journey through European horror cinema, from the silent nightmares of German Expressionism in the 1920s to the Belgian lesbian vampires in the 1970s, from the black-gloved killers of Italian bloody giallo cinema to the ghosts of the Spanish Civil War, and finally reveals how Europe's turbulent 20th century forged its ground-breaking horror tradition.
Nadie inquietó más
Self - Filmmaker
A peculiar, meticulous, vocationally archeological account of the professional life of the actor, Spanish by birth, Argentinean by adoption, Narciso Ibañez Menta (1912-2004), spiritual disciple of Lon Chaney, the new man of a thousand faces, master of horror, star of Argentinean theater, cinema and television for decades.
Детская комната
Editorial Coordinator
Супружеская пара с маленьким ребенком переезжает в старый дом. Жизнь идет спокойно и размеренно, но со временем молодым родителям начинает казаться, что кто-то следит за ними и их домом с намерением похитить малыша. Эта мысль доводит их до стресса. Под угрозой их работа и семейное благополучие, и если не предпринять решительных мер, то может случиться непоправимое.
A Real Friend
Executive Producer
Estrella, an intelligent teen student, spends most of her time alone at school or home, enjoying horror books and movies, while her widow mother Angela works as a nurse in a hospital. Her favorite author is Stephen King and her only friends are Leatherface and a vampire.
Executive Producer
After the sudden death of his wife, Tomás, a successful elderly writer who has been out of Spain during the last forty years, unexpectedly receives an old tarot card which seems to have for him a disturbing meaning, so he decides to return to the small village where he grew up.
Executive Producer
When nurse Gloria has financial difficulties, her friend Dr. Ana Torres invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria will assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons.
When nurse Gloria has financial difficulties, her friend Dr. Ana Torres invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria will assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons.
When nurse Gloria has financial difficulties, her friend Dr. Ana Torres invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria will assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons.
Адский дом
Editorial Coordinator
Марио и Клара ждут ребенка и решают подыскать себе жилье попросторней. По совету агента-риэлтора они едут смотреть очередной вариант. На улице стоит собачья погода — весь день льет проливной дождь. Дом оказывается мрачным, заброшенным строением, стоящим на отшибе. Пересилив смутное чувство страха, молодая пара входит внутрь… Лучше бы они этого не делали! Дом оказывается ловушкой, из которой нет пути назад, а его хозяйка — дьявольской бестией!
A Christmas Tale
Editorial Coordinator
Cubelles, Tarragona, Spain, Christmas 1985. Five friends make an unexpected discovery in the forest: a woman disguised as Santa Claus trapped in a deep hole dug in the middle of nowhere.
Doble venganza
The Man Who Returned From Death
A gold digger kills her rich old husband and then is driven to the brink of madness when her late hubby starts haunting her. Is he really dead or a vengeful ghost?
Кто может убить ребенка?
Man Next to the Bus (uncredited)
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Кто может убить ребенка?
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Кто может убить ребенка?
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
País S. A.
Actores invitados
A useless kidnapper tries to kdnap a rich industrialist.
Los bulbos
Gianfranco, a peddler, and Lina, his young assistant, arrive in Montepulciano, a small Italian village, where they lure the local children by performing fascinating conjuring tricks.
Los bulbos
Gianfranco, a peddler, and Lina, his young assistant, arrive in Montepulciano, a small Italian village, where they lure the local children by performing fascinating conjuring tricks.
Los bulbos
Gianfranco, a peddler, and Lina, his young assistant, arrive in Montepulciano, a small Italian village, where they lure the local children by performing fascinating conjuring tricks.
El televisor
Enrique buys a color television just to satisfy a personal pleasure long time deferred but, from that moment on, he becomes obsessed with it in such way that eventually he is incapable to differ reality from fiction.
El televisor
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Enrique buys a color television just to satisfy a personal pleasure long time deferred but, from that moment on, he becomes obsessed with it in such way that eventually he is incapable to differ reality from fiction.
El televisor
Enrique buys a color television just to satisfy a personal pleasure long time deferred but, from that moment on, he becomes obsessed with it in such way that eventually he is incapable to differ reality from fiction.
Legend of Horror
Legend Of Horror was cobbled together from an Argentinian Edgar Allan Poe adaptation called Obras Maestras del Terror (the flashback sequence transforms into “The Tell-Tale Heart”) and some American wrap-around footage from 1966.
Legend of Horror
The Young Man (uncredited)
Legend Of Horror was cobbled together from an Argentinian Edgar Allan Poe adaptation called Obras Maestras del Terror (the flashback sequence transforms into “The Tell-Tale Heart”) and some American wrap-around footage from 1966.
El guión
A lonely writer one day meets a prostitute to whom he offers his money in exchange for her time and friendship. However, she begins to tire of him when his economy declines, so he must get money at all costs. Pilot episode of a series that was not broadcast at the time by TVE.
El guión
A lonely writer one day meets a prostitute to whom he offers his money in exchange for her time and friendship. However, she begins to tire of him when his economy declines, so he must get money at all costs. Pilot episode of a series that was not broadcast at the time by TVE.
El guión
A lonely writer one day meets a prostitute to whom he offers his money in exchange for her time and friendship. However, she begins to tire of him when his economy declines, so he must get money at all costs. Pilot episode of a series that was not broadcast at the time by TVE.
Дом, который кричит
Мадам Фурно владеет школой для трудновоспитуемых девушек во Франции. В школе царит строгая дисциплина, порядок, которые вызваны суровыми наказаниями, издевательствами и пытками учениц. У мадам Фурно есть юный сын Луис, которого она старается держать подальше от девушек. Тем временем в школе начинают происходить странные исчезновения учениц...
Дом, который кричит
Мадам Фурно владеет школой для трудновоспитуемых девушек во Франции. В школе царит строгая дисциплина, порядок, которые вызваны суровыми наказаниями, издевательствами и пытками учениц. У мадам Фурно есть юный сын Луис, которого она старается держать подальше от девушек. Тем временем в школе начинают происходить странные исчезновения учениц...
Carola de día, Carola de noche
Hombre con prismáticos en Chez Nous
Carola is a princess in a land far far away that had to run away after revolution in her country. She goes to Spain and has to disguise herself to save her life, because the revolution wants her to die. But Carola doesn't like to be imprisoned and secretly goes out by night to find out how spaniards live. What she didn't expect, was that she would fall in love with a man she meets in a restaurant, a man who works in a cabaret where she decides to start working as a singer because money is running out.
Historia de la frivolidad
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
Historia de la frivolidad
The Lecturer, leader of the Feminine League Against Frivolity, tells the history of eroticism and censorship from the beginning of time until the late 1960s.
La alarma
The press announces the arrival of an alien invasion. At the same time, a professor investigates a series of phenomena related to radioactivity and a woman.
La alarma
The press announces the arrival of an alien invasion. At the same time, a professor investigates a series of phenomena related to radioactivity and a woman.
Master of Horror
An anthology horror film based off two stories by Edgar Allan Poe.
El último reloj
In 1829, a young man goes to London in search of his uncle, an irate watchmaker, in order to provide him with a home and a job.
El último reloj
In 1829, a young man goes to London in search of his uncle, an irate watchmaker, in order to provide him with a home and a job.
Masterworks of Terror
Three extraordinary tales written by Edgar Allan Poe, the Master of the Grotesque: a man who is dead but is not; a cask of liquor and a meditated revenge; a heart that refuses to stop beating.
Masterworks of Terror
Three extraordinary tales written by Edgar Allan Poe, the Master of the Grotesque: a man who is dead but is not; a cask of liquor and a meditated revenge; a heart that refuses to stop beating.
Todo el año es Navidad
Film composed of different short stories, in which an envoy of God to the Earth (Raul Rossi) must help solving some small conflicts referring to human attitudes and relationships, such as solidarity, love and companionship.
Edgar Allan Poe's short story adapted as a TV-Movie in Argentina
Edgar Allan Poe's short story adapted as a TV-Movie in Argentina
Edgar Allan Poe's short story adapted as a TV-Movie in Argentina.