Miguel Ángel Rebollo


The Water
Production Designer
It is summer in a small village in south-eastern Spain. A storm threatens to cause the river that runs through it to overflow again. A popular old belief claims that some women are predestined to disappear with each new flood, because they have the “water inside”. A band of young people is trying to overcome the weariness of a summer in the village that smells of death by smoking, dancing, and lusting after each other. In this electric atmosphere that precedes the storm, Ana and José live a love affair until the storm bursts.
Август в Мадриде
Art Direction
Еве 33 года, она решает остаться в Мадриде тогда, когда все оттуда уезжают из-за жары. Она была актрисой, но теперь снова ищет себя. Она временно живет в квартире у знакомого, гуляет по городу, встречается с друзьями, знакомится с новыми. Этот август станет для неё новой точкой отсчёта.
Art Direction
Испанский политик ведет высококлассный образ жизни. Деньги на это он получает благодаря гнусному и нелегальному бизнесу. А когда его дела предстают на всеобщее обозрение, он угрожает развалить и потянуть за собой всю партию. Но короли приходят и уходят, а королевство остается.
Прости нас, господи
Production Design
Лето 2011 года, Мадрид. На фоне экономического кризиса и уличных протестов (движение 15-М) полтора миллиона паломников ожидают приезда Папы Римского. Напряжение растёт, полиция работает в усиленном режиме. И на фоне всего этого начинают происходить убийства. Два детектива подозревают, что в городе объявился серийный убийца.
Art Direction
Jesús, a middle-aged man, finds out that he suffers from a venereal disease. Feeling guilty, he abandons his pregnant wife and flees to the countryside. In Pozoamargo, a small village lost in the middle of nowhere, he works as a grape harvester, living a simple existence, until he meets Gloria, a peculiar young woman.
Art Direction
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
The Wishful Thinkers
Production Design
What some filmmakers do when they are not making movies: they waste time; they eat and get drunk; they take a walk after watching a movie; they fall in love; they are alone or with friends, building future memories for a future movie.
The Dead Man and Being Happy
Production Design
A Spaniard in Argentina becomes aware of his approaching death while staying at a hospital, so he decides to run away from Buenos Aires and start a trip up North, heading nowhere in particular.
En camas separadas
Art Direction
People taking the last subways in working days always wear crumpled clothes. Sitting in a nearly empty car, they look at each other, they get a glimpse of each other. After another day with lost chances, they only expect to arrive home. Tomorrow will be another day.