Alexandre Lochakoff


Production Design
Пиковая дама
Production Design
Russia, 1835. Lieutenant Hermann, a compulsive gambler, is fascinated by an infallible martingale held by Countess Tomski, nicknamed The Queen of Spades. The day Hermann wants to wring the secret from her, the countess dies of fear. Following this tragic scene, Hermann sinks into dementia. Luckily, Lisa, his frail lover, brings him back to life and happiness.
Production Design
Действие происходит в 1904 году, в разгар Русско-японской войны, в русском городе Порт-Артуре. Юки — наполовину русская и наполовину японка, что ставит её в довольно затруднительное положение.
Fra Diavolo
Art Direction
Italian-language version of the Germany-made DER TEUFELSBRUDER (FRA DIAVOLO), with different supporting cast and some scenes. Based on the Auber opera, but with generally original music by Dr. Giuseppe Becce.
Белый дьявол
Art Direction
Хаджи-Мурат, знаменитый наиб, впадает в немилость к предводителю горцев имаму Шамилю, и, преследуемый им, вынужден перейти на сторону русских. Тем временем, желая заполучить голову строптивца, Шамиль берет в заложники его мать и сына…
Art Direction
Более пяти часов биографии Наполеона, немой исторический блокбастер с гигантскими баталиями, штормами, спецэффектами, блестящими актерами и новаторскими монтажными приемами, от которых захватывает дух.
Le prince charmant
Production Design
Unkwown to the vast majority, Count Patrice is the crown prince of Simenia. One day he sails for the East on his yacht "Bengal" in the company of Christiane, a beautiful princess, in love with him. Chance has it that Patrice sets Anar, an Oriental beauty, free from the harem where she is held captive. Love is born between the two young people, which infuriates Christiane. Mad with jealousy, the vexed woman sets about preventing Patrice and Anar from marrying... by all means fair or foul!
The Lion of the Moguls
Set Decoration
In the kingdom of the Moguls, Prince Roudghito-Sing, a young officer of the palace, falls in love with Zemgali, a captive princess held prisoner and coveted by the Grand Khan. Fleeing the country, he takes refuge in Paris and his presentability allows him to be hired as an actor by a French film company. The trouble is that Anna, the star of the movie, is attracted to him. Which displeases banker Morel, the producer and Anna's lover... Written by Guy Bellinger
Heart of an Actress
Art Direction
Desire brings out the worst in an actress' suitors-- One a well-to-do patron of London's theatre set, the other a lovestruck loner on the verge of penning a play dedicated to her.
Les Ombres Qui Passent
Set Decoration
Directed by Alexandre Volkoff, 1924
Morin the Pig
Art Direction
Production Design
By 1820, Edmund Kean is the most admired Shakespearan actor. But if his art is peerless, his free lifestyle is ill thought of, particularly by the high society. Kean has fallen passionately in love with Countess Elena de Koefeld, the wife of the ambassador of Denmark. Elena loves him too but hesitates to give up her rank in society and follow Kean. On the other hand, Anna, a rich heiress who refuses to marry Lord Mewill, the husband chosen by her parents, confesses her love for Kean and decides to become an actress like him... The aristocrats, outraged by Edmund's profligate ways, decide to boycott his performances and his career is broken. Kean does not recover from such a blow and, on a stormy night, dies in Elena's arms.
The Burning Crucible
Production Design
A woman, named simply "Elle" and her husband, a wealthy industrialist, are not on the best of terms. While she enjoys the way he caters to her every whim, she wonders whether he really loves her. He, on the other hand, torments himself by imagining rivals. One morning she awakens from a nightmare in which she has been pursued by a man in various guises, who turns out to be the famous Detective Z, whose memoirs she has been reading. When she and her husband quarrel over leaving Paris permanently for a country estate, he goes to the "Trouve Tout" Agency and hires, of all people, Detective Z, to win back her affection.
Член парламента
Art Direction
The House of Mystery
Production Design
Film composed of 10 episodes: 1.- L'Ami felon. 2.- Le secret de L'etang. 3.- L'Ambition au service de la haine. 4.- L'Implacable verdict. 5.- Le Pont vivant. 6.- La Voix du sang. 7.- Les Caprices du destin. 8.- En Champ clos. 9.- Les Angoisses de Corradin. 10.- Le Triomphe de L'amour.
The Tales of the Thousand and One Nights
Production Design
Tells the story of the adventures of the resourceful Scheherazade. Newly married to Shahryar, a deranged monarch who murders his brides after the wedding night, Scheherazade manages to keep her head by entertaining her husband with exciting stories and always trailing off at the most infuriating cliffhangers.
Отец Сергий
Art Direction
Фильм по одноименной повести Л.Н.Толстого, классика немого кино. Князь Касатский был богат и честолюбив. Он мечтал о военной карьере и о любви светской красавицы. Судьба улыбалась ему. Но накануне свадьбы он узнал, что его невеста - любовница императора. В отчаянии князь отрекся от мира и ушел в монастырь...