Craig J McIntyre


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Special Effects Makeup Artist
Группа пожилых ветеранов зарубежных войн собирается выпить в баре по поводу дня рождения одного из них — хоть именинник и против празднования, всё равно рад видеть старых друзей. Вдруг в заведение забегает девушка, а за ней и двое агрессивных громил. Встав на защиту незнакомки, дедули убивают преследователей, чем обращают на себя гнев местного барыги, у которого девушка стащила партию наркотиков. Теперь ошалевшие наркоманы начинают осаждать бар, а ветераны не прочь тряхнуть стариной и без боя сдаваться не собираются.
Swamp Women Kissing Booth
Swamp Guy #3
When a group of hillbilly swamp girls all fall in love with the same handsome alligator hunter, they each attempt to win him over with magical makeovers and a kissing booth...with disastrous and infectious results.
The Los Angeles Ripper
Kristy White moves to Los Angeles to stay with her dysfunctional aunt Peggy and her cousin Angel White to pursue her singing career and become a star. Meanwhile, a brutal serial killer is on the loose in the City of Angels. Kristy sets out to explore Los Angeles and to see what this beautiful city has in store for her. She meets and parties with Angel's cool friends and soon realizes they are up to some risky party behavior! When she meets Angel's drug dealing friend Graham things start to get pretty weird and scary for Kristy White. The city of dreams may just become a nightmare for her!
A Few Screws Loose
A lonely man, Stuart, enters a world of junkies, porn stars, and serial killers. Every scumbag in LA is out for his head. Will he survive?
A Few Screws Loose
A lonely man, Stuart, enters a world of junkies, porn stars, and serial killers. Every scumbag in LA is out for his head. Will he survive?
In 2323, space colonies are at war with each other for resources. A scavenger arrives on one of the abandoned planets. There he meets a stranded armed unit. While exploring they encounter an unstoppable creature.