Michael G. Larkin

Michael G. Larkin

Рождение : , Brooklyn, NY


Vice President of Movies for VH1 from 1998-2002.


Michael G. Larkin


Making Spirits Bright
Executive Producer
Grace and Tony are from two separate families who are in the business of decorating homes for Christmas. Unfortunately they have also been in feud for as long as anyone can remember. But this holiday season they must try to find a way to get everyone to work together in order to win a town competition that could save their livelihoods.
Бруклинская рождественская ёлка
Дочь мэра маленького городка в Колорадо отвечает за обеспечение идеальной рождественской ёлки для церемонии зажжения. У пожарного Кевина как раз растет во дворе подходящая ель, но он не хочет с ней расставаться. За этим следует конфликт, романтика и, конечно же, веселье.
Бруклинская рождественская ёлка
Executive Producer
Дочь мэра маленького городка в Колорадо отвечает за обеспечение идеальной рождественской ёлки для церемонии зажжения. У пожарного Кевина как раз растет во дворе подходящая ель, но он не хочет с ней расставаться. За этим следует конфликт, романтика и, конечно же, веселье.
A Homecoming for the Holidays
Executive Producer
Country singer Charlotte is home for the holidays and brother Ryan's fellow ex-soldier Matt is in town. Writing her new album, Charlotte works with Matt to build a house for a friend in town.
A Homecoming for the Holidays
Country singer Charlotte is home for the holidays and brother Ryan's fellow ex-soldier Matt is in town. Writing her new album, Charlotte works with Matt to build a house for a friend in town.
Love, Take Two
Lily produces a wedding reality show, but her success driven world is flipped when her ex, Scott, is cast as groom-to-be. Lily must revisit her past if she's to find her own happily ever after.
A Midnight Kiss
With only one week to prepare, Lisa Patterson and her family of party planners are given the biggest job in their company’s history: a New Year’s Eve party for tech entrepreneur Megan Clark. But when her brother breaks his leg and her parents head off on a planned vacation, Lisa must reluctantly enlist the help of her brother’s visiting college buddy, David Campos, to help her pull off the event which just so happens to fall on her favorite day of the year. But what Lisa didn’t plan on was falling in love in the process.
Влюбиться в Вермонт
Executive Producer
После аварии, в которой она теряет память, успешный автор бестселлеров для подростков случайно попадает в небольшой городок в штате Вермонт и учится жить размеренной жизнью в семье местного врача.
Влюбиться в Вермонт
После аварии, в которой она теряет память, успешный автор бестселлеров для подростков случайно попадает в небольшой городок в штате Вермонт и учится жить размеренной жизнью в семье местного врача.
A Nutcracker Christmas
Executive Producer
When her niece is cast in The Philadelphia Ballet’s production of the Nutcracker, a jaded ex-ballerina is forced to come to terms with the life and love she left behind.
Война тыквенных пирогов
Executive Producer
Десять лет назад Фэй и Лидия открыли свои пекарни в Эмервилле, штат Огайо, после личной и профессиональной стычки во время местного конкурса тыквенных пирогов. Теперь их дети — и коллеги — Кейси и Сэм должны продолжить вражду, выступая друг против друга на том же конкурсе. У этой парочки, которая должна ненавидеть друг друга, есть лишь одна проблема: они влюбились.
Date with Love
Executive Producer
When a boy’s video to a female star goes viral, it scores him a date with his celebrity crush to the prom. Complications arise when the famous starlet falls for the boy’s small-town teacher.
Love by Chance
Executive Producer
Claire, an ambitious pastry chef, is busy running her new restaurant, but her meddling mom is preoccupied with her lack of love life. Without her knowledge, Claire’s mother finds her the perfect man, but when Claire finds out it wasn’t fate that brought them together, it could ruin the relationship.
Angel of Christmas
Executive Producer
Susan is a newspaper staffer who decides to generate some Christmas spirit by writing an article about her family’s storied 100-year-old, hand-carved, heirloom Christmas angel. This leads her to accidentally meet Brady, a cute, upbeat artist who insists that he and Susan become fast friends (at least). It turns out that this angel also has the spiritual power to bring people together – as it seems to be doing with Susan and Brady. What’s behind this enchanted ornament? As time moves on, more about this captivating artifact is revealed.
The Unauthorized Melrose Place Story
Executive Producer
The true story of the wildly popular television show created by Aaron Spelling and Darren Star during the 1990's.
Мой лучший роман
Executive Producer
Молодой и успешный писатель приезжает инкогнито в маленький городок, чтобы отдохнуть и преодолеть творческий кризис. Там он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой и у них начинается роман. Проблема в том, что он не может рассказать ей, кто он. Ведь она — известный критик и пишет разгромные рецензии на его произведения.
Стена с секретами
Executive Producer
Мать-одиночка Рэйчел наконец нашла возможность приобрести больше по площади жилье. Теперь теснота квартиры больше не будет проблемой. Конечно за большую дешевую площадь пришлось чем-то поплатиться. Денег хватило на старенький дом в пригороде. И с наступлением ночи оказался еще один негативный фактор - в доме кроме новоселов есть кто, или что-то .. Неизвестное существо скребет за стенами. Слышать шаги в коридорах, а в подвале вообще можно встретить силуэт мертвой женщины. Да и назло дочь Рейчел ведет себя неестественно. У нее явно вселился полтергейст.
During a visit to a tropical island, a man mysteriously disappears and his wife must lead her own investigation in order to find him.
Red Water
Executive Producer
In the quiet waters of the Mississippi, body parts are being discovered. No one knows what is behind it all, until a huge man eating bull shark turns up. This bull shark is different, as it can breath in fresh water, making a deadly encounter between anyone who comes before it. John Sanders must now try and reach the surface, with his ex-wife and whilst being held hostage.
The Way She Moves
Executive In Charge Of Production
In Houston, the aspirant to photographer Amie receives a complete Salsa and Mambo dancing course from her close colleagues and friends as her wedding gift. Her wedding with the wealthy and arrogant Jason is close and she intends to dance...
Истерия: История Def Leppard
Executive In Charge Of Production
События, которые Вы увидите в этом фильме реальны, но использованы вымышленные персонажи. Пятерым паренькам из провинциального Шэффилда, создавшим свой ансамбль в конце семидесятых, удалось сделать свою мечту реальностью. Теперь их имена знает каждый поклонник рок-музыки: Джо Эллиот, Рик «Сэв» Сэвведж, Стив Кларк, Рик Аллен и Фил Коллен. Но за славу, как известно, нужно платить. «Деф Леппард» заплатили за свое место в истории самую высокую цену, которую можно себе представить. Вам предстоит увидеть настоящую историю настоящей рок-группы. Историю группы, в которой играет самый знаменитый в мире однорукий барабанщик. Историю группы, которую постигло такое количество несчастий, которое не выпадало на долю ни одного коллектива в рок-истории. Историю группы, которая смогла выстоять и стать легендой...
Daydream Believers: The Monkees Story
Executive In Charge Of Production
In 2000, VH-1 produced the television biopic Daydream Believers: The Monkees' Story. In 2002, the movie was released on DVD, and featured both commentaries and interviews with Dolenz, Jones and Tork. The aired version did differ from the DVD release as the TV version had an extended scene with all four Monkees but with a shortened Cleveland concert segment. It was also available on VHS.
Executive In Charge Of Production
In 1969, the band Sweetwater led by lead vocalist Nansi Nevins opened Woodstock and subsequently got considerable media attention, appearing on a number of TV shows. But just as they appeared to be getting a really break big, they just disappeared. Thirty years later, a cable TV reporter for MIX TV, a musical station, is removed from her show because of being stoned on air. Her station gives her a choice of being dismissed or investigating what happened to Sweetwater. A blending of modern day fiction and past fact is then blended in this biographical story.
Ricky Nelson: Original Teen Idol
Executive In Charge Of Production
Biographical story of rock idol and TV star, Ricky Nelson is recalled from the view of Ricky in a discussion with a fan just hours before his death in a plane crash in 1985 -
My Son Is Innocent
After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her suburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter. When the victim identifies Sutter as her attacker, the legal system closes in on the boy as friends, neighbors and the media turn against him. Only through the dogged determination of his mother, and her loyal boyfriend does Eric and the victim have a chance for justice to be served.
Seduced and Betrayed
A beautiful but equally dangerous widow won't take "no" for an answer as she draws a dedicated family man into a world of passion, deceit and betrayal, threatening to destroy him in the process.
Love in the Sand
Jillian returns to Texas to help her mother's hotel and enters the town's international Sand Castle competition in the hopes of winning the much needed prize money. But competitor Eric Lucas does not plan on giving up the title.
Trouble in Paradise
A young executive travels to a tropical island in order to secure a site for a new spa resort. Unfortunately a local surfer living on the property is standing in the way of her closing the deal.