Mária Sýkorová

Рождение : 1888-04-22,

Смерть : 1967-08-31


The Sweet Time of Kalimagdora
A man changes his behavior according to the term of the year.
Three Daughters
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the 1950s. After having been expropriated, the former landowner Majda seeks refuge with his three daughters whom he had sent to a convent a long time ago. But only the youngest one is able to forgive him and she is willing to take care of him despite the threat of expulsion from the order.
A Pact with the Devil
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to defend themselves, but when they find out that nobody believes them - neither the school principal nor even their own parents - they decide to accomplish what they have been falsely accused of. And although their clumsy attempts are mostly comic, at one point they almost cause a big tragedy.
The Prime of Life
Juraj, a Slovak artist living in Prague, takes stock in his life, realizing that his days pass without purpose. He lives a carefree life. But now he has to choose between two women, between the city and the country, and between creative work and craftsmanship. He has a passion for art but he also has to make a living. Through his relationships with close people, he grows aware of his position and this knowledge helps him to live a more fulfilling and better life.
Odhalenie Alžbety Báthoryčky
Trip on the Danube
Malý Bobeš ve městě
Králíci ve vysoké trávě
Little Bobesh
Bobšova babička
A story of a young boy called Bobesh and his funny adventures.
Great Solitude
In southern Moravia, in the native village of Velka Samota, a ministry official returns from Prague to lift the declining JZD he helped establish.
Tenkrát o vánocích
Provisional Liberty
Jean-Paul is a Frenchman who yearns to live in communist Czechoslovakia. His wish is granted when, mistaken as a masseur of a French boating team, he manages to elude the democratic authorities long enough to scamper over the Czech border.
Пятое колесо в телеге
Молодая супружеская пара, переложив все заботы о своих детях на бабушку, без конца попрекает ее, что она всюду "сует свой нос", а детей воспитывает плохо. И только вмешательство посторонних, опубликованная в журнале статья и, главное, уход бабушки из дома заставляют супругов понять свою вину и оценить помощь старушки.
Nie je Adam ako Adam
The Proud Princess
It's very human and nice story about lofty princess (her father is amiable but incapable - unforgettable performance of S. Neumann) and good, nice, kind and well-principled young king (prince) who tries to make tender her calm heart to get married with her. After being refused (she's very capricious), he conclude to make her better. He start to work as a gardener at her castle (in secret) and successively bring she to her senses...The story continues when already reformed princess and the young king (she learn about his real identity later) have to take refuge from troops, that princess father (old king) has sent (of course he took a bad and mean counsellors advice). They have to take shelter by several ordinary and poor families, which are always very friendly and give them a help... Of course the tale has happy end.
Лазы пробуждаются
Фильм рассказывает о жизни на бедных словацких холмах, лазах, где сельское хозяйство находится на примитивном уровне и где поля дают скудный урожай. Социалистическая индустриализация тех дней, о которых рассказывается в киноленте достигла поразительного роста. Поэтому необходимо было решить проблему мелких фермеров на бедных фермах и нехватки рабочей силы на постоянно растущих промышленных предприятиях. Фильм о судьбе Матея Рендека, который возвращается в Словакию после 18 лет, проведённых в Америке, и о судьбе его семьи, годами трудившейся на бедных полях, показывает, как должна решаться эта проблема: на склонах создается кооператив, который с помощью машин может лучше справляться с сельскохозяйственными работами и при значительно меньшем количестве рабочих.
Kozie mlieko
Vy neznáte Alberta
Matkina spoveď
Milan Rastislav Štefánik